How do we cluster separate curves in a set of data?

The name of the pictureThe name of the pictureThe name of the pictureClash Royale CLAN TAG#URR8PPP

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Below, I have included some data. (It is long, but I don't like to host data elsewhere and provide links that might some day be broken.)

Plotting this set of data, we have:


enter image description here

There are clearly some curves in this data that "naturally" belong together, as shown below (the two curves labeled by arrows should be associated with each other, but I suspect I'll have to link those two by hand).

enter image description here

However, the data are scrambled, so I can't easily separate the data set into chunks that correspond to these separate curves. For this reason, I need to find a way to cluster this data set to separate the curves.

While I'm not sure that FindClusters is the right tool for the job, the best I've been able to manage using this function is the following:

ListPlot[FindClusters[data, 7, Method -> "Agglomerate", "Linkage" -> "Complete"]]

resulting in

enter image description here

We can see that the two clusters that almost cross are clustered together, and also split apart in a strange way. Alternatively, I tried

ListPlot[FindClusters[data, 7, Method -> "Agglomerate"]]

resulting in

enter image description here

which is better in that it's not obviously splitting up pieces of a curve that should be together, but it's worse in that it's clustering two clearly separated curves.

  • Is FindClusters the right tool for the job, and if so, how do we use it to separate the curves?

  • If it's not the right tool for the job, what is? Is there a built-in Mathematica function that will do this job for us, or is there some clustering algorithm specifically designed to find curves like this?

  • Note that there are other data sets as well, similar to this one, that I'll need to cluster. The different curves are not always separated vertically as they are here, and there's always one outer curve that subsumes some number of the smaller curves inside it.

  • I understand that this will require some amount of manual tinkering at the end, but I'd like to get most of the way there using some automated procedure.

data = 0.00001, 1.19442, 0.00001, 1.90161, 0.00001, 2.14588, 
0.00001, 2.14588, 0.00001, 2.97948, 0.00001, 3.80987,
0.00001, 4.85379, 0.00001, 5.71745, 0.00001, 6.74646,
0.00001, 7.62493, 0.00001, 8.6456, 0.00001, 9.53239,
0.06001, 0.0880935, 0.06001, 0.0880935, 0.06001, 0.285726,
0.06001, 1.13484, 0.06001, 1.9261, 0.06001, 2.97527,
0.06001, 3.82167, 0.06001, 4.85268, 0.06001, 5.72497,
0.06001, 6.74611, 0.06001, 7.63031, 0.06001, 8.64556,
0.06001, 9.53648, 0.12001, 0.601368, 0.12001, 1.0439,
0.12001, 1.94366, 0.12001, 2.97182, 0.12001, 3.82973,
0.12001, 4.85236, 0.12001, 5.72981, 0.12001, 6.74655,
0.12001, 7.63353, 0.12001, 8.64632, 0.12001, 9.53873,
0.18001, 1.95572, 0.18001, 2.96907, 0.18001, 3.83448,
0.18001, 4.85289, 0.18001, 5.73217, 0.18001, 6.74786,
0.18001, 7.63471, 0.18001, 8.64794, 0.18001, 9.53919,
0.24001, 1.96422, 0.24001, 2.96694, 0.24001, 3.83652,
0.24001, 4.85433, 0.24001, 5.73238, 0.24001, 6.75011,
0.24001, 7.63403, 0.24001, 8.65051, 0.24001, 9.53798,
0.30001, 0.00258367, 0.30001, 0.00258367, 0.30001, 0.00258367,
0.30001, 1.97092, 0.30001, 2.9654, 0.30001, 3.83636,
0.30001, 4.85679, 0.30001, 5.73068, 0.30001, 6.75344,
0.30001, 7.63163, 0.30001, 8.65417, 0.30001, 9.53518,
0.36001, 1.97727, 0.36001, 2.96438, 0.36001, 3.83435,
0.36001, 4.86039, 0.36001, 5.72718, 0.36001, 6.758,
0.36001, 7.62754, 0.36001, 8.65908, 0.36001, 9.53077,
0.42001, 0.00726357, 0.42001, 0.00726357, 0.42001, 0.00726357,
0.42001, 1.98438, 0.42001, 2.96386, 0.42001, 3.83069,
0.42001, 4.86531, 0.42001, 5.7219, 0.42001, 6.76402,
0.42001, 7.62169, 0.42001, 8.66548, 0.42001, 9.52465,
0.48001, 1.99315, 0.48001, 2.96376, 0.48001, 3.82547,
0.48001, 4.87176, 0.48001, 5.71471, 0.48001, 6.77175,
0.48001, 7.61391, 0.48001, 8.67365, 0.48001, 9.51659,
0.54001, 0.0139354, 0.54001, 2.00429, 0.54001, 2.96404,
0.54001, 3.81869, 0.54001, 4.88002, 0.54001, 5.70541,
0.54001, 6.78153, 0.54001, 7.6039, 0.54001, 8.68393,
0.54001, 9.50629, 0.60001, 0.017363, 0.60001, 2.01834,
0.60001, 2.96463, 0.60001, 3.81027, 0.60001, 4.89045,
0.60001, 5.69365, 0.60001, 6.79381, 0.60001, 7.59126,
0.60001, 8.69681, 0.60001, 9.49331, 0.66001, 0.0203981,
0.66001, 2.03573, 0.66001, 2.96545, 0.66001, 3.80007,
0.66001, 4.90352, 0.66001, 5.67898, 0.66001, 6.80918,
0.66001, 7.57543, 0.66001, 8.71291, 0.66001, 9.47705,
0.72001, 2.05681, 0.72001, 2.96643, 0.72001, 3.7879,
0.72001, 4.91988, 0.72001, 5.66073, 0.72001, 6.82843,
0.72001, 7.5556, 0.72001, 8.73308, 0.72001, 9.45666,
0.78001, 2.08187, 0.78001, 2.96745, 0.78001, 3.7735,
0.78001, 4.94042, 0.78001, 5.638, 0.78001, 6.85271,
0.78001, 7.53065, 0.78001, 8.75855, 0.78001, 9.43091,
0.84001, 2.11123, 0.84001, 2.96839, 0.84001, 3.75656,
0.84001, 4.96648, 0.84001, 5.60943, 0.84001, 6.88378,
0.84001, 7.49879, 0.84001, 8.79126, 0.84001, 9.39788,
0.90001, 2.14523, 0.90001, 2.96907, 0.90001, 3.73667,
0.90001, 5.00024, 0.90001, 5.00024, 0.90001, 5.00024,
0.90001, 5.57278, 0.90001, 6.92475, 0.90001, 7.45692,
0.90001, 8.83466, 0.90001, 9.35412, 0.96001, 2.18434,
0.96001, 2.96929, 0.96001, 3.71336, 0.96001, 5.0459,
0.96001, 5.52388, 0.96001, 6.98234, 0.96001, 7.39833,
0.96001, 8.89666, 0.96001, 9.29171, 1.02001, 2.22921,
1.02001, 2.96872, 1.02001, 3.686, 1.02001, 5.11431,
1.02001, 5.45183, 1.02001, 7.08229, 1.02001, 7.08229,
1.02001, 7.08229, 1.02001, 7.29726, 1.02001, 9.01467,
1.02001, 9.17323, 1.08001, 2.28081, 1.08001, 2.96687,
1.08001, 3.65384, 1.14001, 0.0440134, 1.14001, 2.34068,
1.14001, 2.96295, 1.14001, 3.61585, 1.20001, 0.0524166,
1.20001, 2.41148, 1.20001, 2.95537, 1.20001, 3.57069,
1.26001, 0.0618122, 1.26001, 2.49856, 1.26001, 2.94044,
1.26001, 3.51641, 1.32001, 0.0722359, 1.32001, 2.61739,
1.32001, 2.90528, 1.32001, 3.45017, 1.38001, 0.0837295,
1.38001, 3.36789, 1.38001, 3.36789, 1.38001, 3.36789,
1.44001, 0.0963406, 1.44001, 3.26654, 1.44001, 3.26654,
1.44001, 3.26654, 1.44001, 3.26654, 1.50001, 0.110122,
1.50001, 3.1645, 1.50001, 3.1645, 1.50001, 3.1645,
1.50001, 3.1645, 1.50001, 3.1645, 1.50001, 3.1645,
1.50001, 3.1645, 1.56001, 0.125131, 1.56001, 3.10205,
1.56001, 3.10205, 1.56001, 3.10205, 1.56001, 3.10205,
1.56001, 3.10205, 1.62001, 0.141433, 1.62001, 3.06998,
1.62001, 3.06998, 1.62001, 3.06998, 1.62001, 3.06998,
1.62001, 3.06998, 1.68001, 0.159097, 1.68001, 3.0501,
1.68001, 3.0501, 1.68001, 3.0501, 1.68001, 3.0501,
1.68001, 3.0501, 1.74001, 0.178202, 1.74001, 3.0349,
1.74001, 3.0349, 1.74001, 3.0349, 1.74001, 3.0349,
1.74001, 3.0349, 1.74001, 3.0349, 1.74001, 3.0349,
1.80001, 0.198834, 1.80001, 3.02131, 1.80001, 3.02131,
1.80001, 3.02131, 1.80001, 3.02131, 1.80001, 3.02131,
1.80001, 3.02131, 1.80001, 3.02131, 1.86001, 0.221089,
1.86001, 3.00786, 1.86001, 3.00786, 1.86001, 3.00786,
1.86001, 3.00786, 1.86001, 3.00786, 1.86001, 3.00786,
1.86001, 3.00786, 1.92001, 0.245072, 1.92001, 2.99369,
1.92001, 2.99369, 1.92001, 2.99369, 1.92001, 2.99369,
1.92001, 2.99369, 1.98001, 0.270904, 1.98001, 2.97826,
1.98001, 2.97826, 1.98001, 2.97826, 1.98001, 2.97826,
1.98001, 2.97826, 2.04001, 0.298719, 2.04001, 2.96116,
2.04001, 2.96116, 2.04001, 2.96116, 2.04001, 2.96116,
2.04001, 2.96116, 2.10001, 0.328668, 2.10001, 2.94206,
2.10001, 2.94206, 2.10001, 2.94206, 2.10001, 2.94206,
2.10001, 2.94206, 2.16001, 0.360928, 2.16001, 0.360928,
2.16001, 0.360928, 2.16001, 2.92066, 2.16001, 2.92066,
2.16001, 2.92066, 2.16001, 2.92066, 2.16001, 2.92066,
2.22001, 0.3957, 2.22001, 2.89665, 2.22001, 2.89665,
2.22001, 2.89665, 2.22001, 2.89665, 2.22001, 2.89665,
2.28001, 0.433221, 2.28001, 2.86974, 2.28001, 2.86974,
2.28001, 2.86974, 2.28001, 2.86974, 2.28001, 2.86974,
2.28001, 2.86974, 2.34001, 0.473772, 2.34001, 2.8396,
2.34001, 2.8396, 2.34001, 2.8396, 2.34001, 2.8396,
2.34001, 2.8396, 2.34001, 2.8396, 2.34001, 2.8396,
2.34001, 2.8396, 2.34001, 2.8396, 2.40001, 0.517693,
2.40001, 2.80585, 2.40001, 2.80585, 2.40001, 2.80585,
2.40001, 2.80585, 2.40001, 2.80585, 2.46001, 0.5654,
2.46001, 2.76805, 2.46001, 2.76805, 2.46001, 2.76805,
2.46001, 2.76805, 2.46001, 2.76805, 2.52001, 0.617417,
2.52001, 0.617417, 2.52001, 0.617417, 2.52001, 2.72566,
2.52001, 2.72566, 2.52001, 2.72566, 2.58001, 0.674419,
2.58001, 2.678, 2.58001, 2.678, 2.58001, 2.678,
2.58001, 2.678, 2.64001, 0.737304, 2.64001, 2.62416,
2.64001, 2.62416, 2.64001, 2.62416, 2.64001, 2.62416,
2.70001, 2.56289, 2.70001, 2.56289, 2.76001, 0.886298,
2.88001, 1.08495, 2.88001, 1.08495, 2.94001, 1.22081,
2.94001, 2.18143, 2.94001, 1.22081;

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    Below, I have included some data. (It is long, but I don't like to host data elsewhere and provide links that might some day be broken.)

    Plotting this set of data, we have:


    enter image description here

    There are clearly some curves in this data that "naturally" belong together, as shown below (the two curves labeled by arrows should be associated with each other, but I suspect I'll have to link those two by hand).

    enter image description here

    However, the data are scrambled, so I can't easily separate the data set into chunks that correspond to these separate curves. For this reason, I need to find a way to cluster this data set to separate the curves.

    While I'm not sure that FindClusters is the right tool for the job, the best I've been able to manage using this function is the following:

    ListPlot[FindClusters[data, 7, Method -> "Agglomerate", "Linkage" -> "Complete"]]

    resulting in

    enter image description here

    We can see that the two clusters that almost cross are clustered together, and also split apart in a strange way. Alternatively, I tried

    ListPlot[FindClusters[data, 7, Method -> "Agglomerate"]]

    resulting in

    enter image description here

    which is better in that it's not obviously splitting up pieces of a curve that should be together, but it's worse in that it's clustering two clearly separated curves.

    • Is FindClusters the right tool for the job, and if so, how do we use it to separate the curves?

    • If it's not the right tool for the job, what is? Is there a built-in Mathematica function that will do this job for us, or is there some clustering algorithm specifically designed to find curves like this?

    • Note that there are other data sets as well, similar to this one, that I'll need to cluster. The different curves are not always separated vertically as they are here, and there's always one outer curve that subsumes some number of the smaller curves inside it.

    • I understand that this will require some amount of manual tinkering at the end, but I'd like to get most of the way there using some automated procedure.

    data = 0.00001, 1.19442, 0.00001, 1.90161, 0.00001, 2.14588, 
    0.00001, 2.14588, 0.00001, 2.97948, 0.00001, 3.80987,
    0.00001, 4.85379, 0.00001, 5.71745, 0.00001, 6.74646,
    0.00001, 7.62493, 0.00001, 8.6456, 0.00001, 9.53239,
    0.06001, 0.0880935, 0.06001, 0.0880935, 0.06001, 0.285726,
    0.06001, 1.13484, 0.06001, 1.9261, 0.06001, 2.97527,
    0.06001, 3.82167, 0.06001, 4.85268, 0.06001, 5.72497,
    0.06001, 6.74611, 0.06001, 7.63031, 0.06001, 8.64556,
    0.06001, 9.53648, 0.12001, 0.601368, 0.12001, 1.0439,
    0.12001, 1.94366, 0.12001, 2.97182, 0.12001, 3.82973,
    0.12001, 4.85236, 0.12001, 5.72981, 0.12001, 6.74655,
    0.12001, 7.63353, 0.12001, 8.64632, 0.12001, 9.53873,
    0.18001, 1.95572, 0.18001, 2.96907, 0.18001, 3.83448,
    0.18001, 4.85289, 0.18001, 5.73217, 0.18001, 6.74786,
    0.18001, 7.63471, 0.18001, 8.64794, 0.18001, 9.53919,
    0.24001, 1.96422, 0.24001, 2.96694, 0.24001, 3.83652,
    0.24001, 4.85433, 0.24001, 5.73238, 0.24001, 6.75011,
    0.24001, 7.63403, 0.24001, 8.65051, 0.24001, 9.53798,
    0.30001, 0.00258367, 0.30001, 0.00258367, 0.30001, 0.00258367,
    0.30001, 1.97092, 0.30001, 2.9654, 0.30001, 3.83636,
    0.30001, 4.85679, 0.30001, 5.73068, 0.30001, 6.75344,
    0.30001, 7.63163, 0.30001, 8.65417, 0.30001, 9.53518,
    0.36001, 1.97727, 0.36001, 2.96438, 0.36001, 3.83435,
    0.36001, 4.86039, 0.36001, 5.72718, 0.36001, 6.758,
    0.36001, 7.62754, 0.36001, 8.65908, 0.36001, 9.53077,
    0.42001, 0.00726357, 0.42001, 0.00726357, 0.42001, 0.00726357,
    0.42001, 1.98438, 0.42001, 2.96386, 0.42001, 3.83069,
    0.42001, 4.86531, 0.42001, 5.7219, 0.42001, 6.76402,
    0.42001, 7.62169, 0.42001, 8.66548, 0.42001, 9.52465,
    0.48001, 1.99315, 0.48001, 2.96376, 0.48001, 3.82547,
    0.48001, 4.87176, 0.48001, 5.71471, 0.48001, 6.77175,
    0.48001, 7.61391, 0.48001, 8.67365, 0.48001, 9.51659,
    0.54001, 0.0139354, 0.54001, 2.00429, 0.54001, 2.96404,
    0.54001, 3.81869, 0.54001, 4.88002, 0.54001, 5.70541,
    0.54001, 6.78153, 0.54001, 7.6039, 0.54001, 8.68393,
    0.54001, 9.50629, 0.60001, 0.017363, 0.60001, 2.01834,
    0.60001, 2.96463, 0.60001, 3.81027, 0.60001, 4.89045,
    0.60001, 5.69365, 0.60001, 6.79381, 0.60001, 7.59126,
    0.60001, 8.69681, 0.60001, 9.49331, 0.66001, 0.0203981,
    0.66001, 2.03573, 0.66001, 2.96545, 0.66001, 3.80007,
    0.66001, 4.90352, 0.66001, 5.67898, 0.66001, 6.80918,
    0.66001, 7.57543, 0.66001, 8.71291, 0.66001, 9.47705,
    0.72001, 2.05681, 0.72001, 2.96643, 0.72001, 3.7879,
    0.72001, 4.91988, 0.72001, 5.66073, 0.72001, 6.82843,
    0.72001, 7.5556, 0.72001, 8.73308, 0.72001, 9.45666,
    0.78001, 2.08187, 0.78001, 2.96745, 0.78001, 3.7735,
    0.78001, 4.94042, 0.78001, 5.638, 0.78001, 6.85271,
    0.78001, 7.53065, 0.78001, 8.75855, 0.78001, 9.43091,
    0.84001, 2.11123, 0.84001, 2.96839, 0.84001, 3.75656,
    0.84001, 4.96648, 0.84001, 5.60943, 0.84001, 6.88378,
    0.84001, 7.49879, 0.84001, 8.79126, 0.84001, 9.39788,
    0.90001, 2.14523, 0.90001, 2.96907, 0.90001, 3.73667,
    0.90001, 5.00024, 0.90001, 5.00024, 0.90001, 5.00024,
    0.90001, 5.57278, 0.90001, 6.92475, 0.90001, 7.45692,
    0.90001, 8.83466, 0.90001, 9.35412, 0.96001, 2.18434,
    0.96001, 2.96929, 0.96001, 3.71336, 0.96001, 5.0459,
    0.96001, 5.52388, 0.96001, 6.98234, 0.96001, 7.39833,
    0.96001, 8.89666, 0.96001, 9.29171, 1.02001, 2.22921,
    1.02001, 2.96872, 1.02001, 3.686, 1.02001, 5.11431,
    1.02001, 5.45183, 1.02001, 7.08229, 1.02001, 7.08229,
    1.02001, 7.08229, 1.02001, 7.29726, 1.02001, 9.01467,
    1.02001, 9.17323, 1.08001, 2.28081, 1.08001, 2.96687,
    1.08001, 3.65384, 1.14001, 0.0440134, 1.14001, 2.34068,
    1.14001, 2.96295, 1.14001, 3.61585, 1.20001, 0.0524166,
    1.20001, 2.41148, 1.20001, 2.95537, 1.20001, 3.57069,
    1.26001, 0.0618122, 1.26001, 2.49856, 1.26001, 2.94044,
    1.26001, 3.51641, 1.32001, 0.0722359, 1.32001, 2.61739,
    1.32001, 2.90528, 1.32001, 3.45017, 1.38001, 0.0837295,
    1.38001, 3.36789, 1.38001, 3.36789, 1.38001, 3.36789,
    1.44001, 0.0963406, 1.44001, 3.26654, 1.44001, 3.26654,
    1.44001, 3.26654, 1.44001, 3.26654, 1.50001, 0.110122,
    1.50001, 3.1645, 1.50001, 3.1645, 1.50001, 3.1645,
    1.50001, 3.1645, 1.50001, 3.1645, 1.50001, 3.1645,
    1.50001, 3.1645, 1.56001, 0.125131, 1.56001, 3.10205,
    1.56001, 3.10205, 1.56001, 3.10205, 1.56001, 3.10205,
    1.56001, 3.10205, 1.62001, 0.141433, 1.62001, 3.06998,
    1.62001, 3.06998, 1.62001, 3.06998, 1.62001, 3.06998,
    1.62001, 3.06998, 1.68001, 0.159097, 1.68001, 3.0501,
    1.68001, 3.0501, 1.68001, 3.0501, 1.68001, 3.0501,
    1.68001, 3.0501, 1.74001, 0.178202, 1.74001, 3.0349,
    1.74001, 3.0349, 1.74001, 3.0349, 1.74001, 3.0349,
    1.74001, 3.0349, 1.74001, 3.0349, 1.74001, 3.0349,
    1.80001, 0.198834, 1.80001, 3.02131, 1.80001, 3.02131,
    1.80001, 3.02131, 1.80001, 3.02131, 1.80001, 3.02131,
    1.80001, 3.02131, 1.80001, 3.02131, 1.86001, 0.221089,
    1.86001, 3.00786, 1.86001, 3.00786, 1.86001, 3.00786,
    1.86001, 3.00786, 1.86001, 3.00786, 1.86001, 3.00786,
    1.86001, 3.00786, 1.92001, 0.245072, 1.92001, 2.99369,
    1.92001, 2.99369, 1.92001, 2.99369, 1.92001, 2.99369,
    1.92001, 2.99369, 1.98001, 0.270904, 1.98001, 2.97826,
    1.98001, 2.97826, 1.98001, 2.97826, 1.98001, 2.97826,
    1.98001, 2.97826, 2.04001, 0.298719, 2.04001, 2.96116,
    2.04001, 2.96116, 2.04001, 2.96116, 2.04001, 2.96116,
    2.04001, 2.96116, 2.10001, 0.328668, 2.10001, 2.94206,
    2.10001, 2.94206, 2.10001, 2.94206, 2.10001, 2.94206,
    2.10001, 2.94206, 2.16001, 0.360928, 2.16001, 0.360928,
    2.16001, 0.360928, 2.16001, 2.92066, 2.16001, 2.92066,
    2.16001, 2.92066, 2.16001, 2.92066, 2.16001, 2.92066,
    2.22001, 0.3957, 2.22001, 2.89665, 2.22001, 2.89665,
    2.22001, 2.89665, 2.22001, 2.89665, 2.22001, 2.89665,
    2.28001, 0.433221, 2.28001, 2.86974, 2.28001, 2.86974,
    2.28001, 2.86974, 2.28001, 2.86974, 2.28001, 2.86974,
    2.28001, 2.86974, 2.34001, 0.473772, 2.34001, 2.8396,
    2.34001, 2.8396, 2.34001, 2.8396, 2.34001, 2.8396,
    2.34001, 2.8396, 2.34001, 2.8396, 2.34001, 2.8396,
    2.34001, 2.8396, 2.34001, 2.8396, 2.40001, 0.517693,
    2.40001, 2.80585, 2.40001, 2.80585, 2.40001, 2.80585,
    2.40001, 2.80585, 2.40001, 2.80585, 2.46001, 0.5654,
    2.46001, 2.76805, 2.46001, 2.76805, 2.46001, 2.76805,
    2.46001, 2.76805, 2.46001, 2.76805, 2.52001, 0.617417,
    2.52001, 0.617417, 2.52001, 0.617417, 2.52001, 2.72566,
    2.52001, 2.72566, 2.52001, 2.72566, 2.58001, 0.674419,
    2.58001, 2.678, 2.58001, 2.678, 2.58001, 2.678,
    2.58001, 2.678, 2.64001, 0.737304, 2.64001, 2.62416,
    2.64001, 2.62416, 2.64001, 2.62416, 2.64001, 2.62416,
    2.70001, 2.56289, 2.70001, 2.56289, 2.76001, 0.886298,
    2.88001, 1.08495, 2.88001, 1.08495, 2.94001, 1.22081,
    2.94001, 2.18143, 2.94001, 1.22081;

    share|improve this question

      up vote
      down vote


      up vote
      down vote


      Below, I have included some data. (It is long, but I don't like to host data elsewhere and provide links that might some day be broken.)

      Plotting this set of data, we have:


      enter image description here

      There are clearly some curves in this data that "naturally" belong together, as shown below (the two curves labeled by arrows should be associated with each other, but I suspect I'll have to link those two by hand).

      enter image description here

      However, the data are scrambled, so I can't easily separate the data set into chunks that correspond to these separate curves. For this reason, I need to find a way to cluster this data set to separate the curves.

      While I'm not sure that FindClusters is the right tool for the job, the best I've been able to manage using this function is the following:

      ListPlot[FindClusters[data, 7, Method -> "Agglomerate", "Linkage" -> "Complete"]]

      resulting in

      enter image description here

      We can see that the two clusters that almost cross are clustered together, and also split apart in a strange way. Alternatively, I tried

      ListPlot[FindClusters[data, 7, Method -> "Agglomerate"]]

      resulting in

      enter image description here

      which is better in that it's not obviously splitting up pieces of a curve that should be together, but it's worse in that it's clustering two clearly separated curves.

      • Is FindClusters the right tool for the job, and if so, how do we use it to separate the curves?

      • If it's not the right tool for the job, what is? Is there a built-in Mathematica function that will do this job for us, or is there some clustering algorithm specifically designed to find curves like this?

      • Note that there are other data sets as well, similar to this one, that I'll need to cluster. The different curves are not always separated vertically as they are here, and there's always one outer curve that subsumes some number of the smaller curves inside it.

      • I understand that this will require some amount of manual tinkering at the end, but I'd like to get most of the way there using some automated procedure.

      data = 0.00001, 1.19442, 0.00001, 1.90161, 0.00001, 2.14588, 
      0.00001, 2.14588, 0.00001, 2.97948, 0.00001, 3.80987,
      0.00001, 4.85379, 0.00001, 5.71745, 0.00001, 6.74646,
      0.00001, 7.62493, 0.00001, 8.6456, 0.00001, 9.53239,
      0.06001, 0.0880935, 0.06001, 0.0880935, 0.06001, 0.285726,
      0.06001, 1.13484, 0.06001, 1.9261, 0.06001, 2.97527,
      0.06001, 3.82167, 0.06001, 4.85268, 0.06001, 5.72497,
      0.06001, 6.74611, 0.06001, 7.63031, 0.06001, 8.64556,
      0.06001, 9.53648, 0.12001, 0.601368, 0.12001, 1.0439,
      0.12001, 1.94366, 0.12001, 2.97182, 0.12001, 3.82973,
      0.12001, 4.85236, 0.12001, 5.72981, 0.12001, 6.74655,
      0.12001, 7.63353, 0.12001, 8.64632, 0.12001, 9.53873,
      0.18001, 1.95572, 0.18001, 2.96907, 0.18001, 3.83448,
      0.18001, 4.85289, 0.18001, 5.73217, 0.18001, 6.74786,
      0.18001, 7.63471, 0.18001, 8.64794, 0.18001, 9.53919,
      0.24001, 1.96422, 0.24001, 2.96694, 0.24001, 3.83652,
      0.24001, 4.85433, 0.24001, 5.73238, 0.24001, 6.75011,
      0.24001, 7.63403, 0.24001, 8.65051, 0.24001, 9.53798,
      0.30001, 0.00258367, 0.30001, 0.00258367, 0.30001, 0.00258367,
      0.30001, 1.97092, 0.30001, 2.9654, 0.30001, 3.83636,
      0.30001, 4.85679, 0.30001, 5.73068, 0.30001, 6.75344,
      0.30001, 7.63163, 0.30001, 8.65417, 0.30001, 9.53518,
      0.36001, 1.97727, 0.36001, 2.96438, 0.36001, 3.83435,
      0.36001, 4.86039, 0.36001, 5.72718, 0.36001, 6.758,
      0.36001, 7.62754, 0.36001, 8.65908, 0.36001, 9.53077,
      0.42001, 0.00726357, 0.42001, 0.00726357, 0.42001, 0.00726357,
      0.42001, 1.98438, 0.42001, 2.96386, 0.42001, 3.83069,
      0.42001, 4.86531, 0.42001, 5.7219, 0.42001, 6.76402,
      0.42001, 7.62169, 0.42001, 8.66548, 0.42001, 9.52465,
      0.48001, 1.99315, 0.48001, 2.96376, 0.48001, 3.82547,
      0.48001, 4.87176, 0.48001, 5.71471, 0.48001, 6.77175,
      0.48001, 7.61391, 0.48001, 8.67365, 0.48001, 9.51659,
      0.54001, 0.0139354, 0.54001, 2.00429, 0.54001, 2.96404,
      0.54001, 3.81869, 0.54001, 4.88002, 0.54001, 5.70541,
      0.54001, 6.78153, 0.54001, 7.6039, 0.54001, 8.68393,
      0.54001, 9.50629, 0.60001, 0.017363, 0.60001, 2.01834,
      0.60001, 2.96463, 0.60001, 3.81027, 0.60001, 4.89045,
      0.60001, 5.69365, 0.60001, 6.79381, 0.60001, 7.59126,
      0.60001, 8.69681, 0.60001, 9.49331, 0.66001, 0.0203981,
      0.66001, 2.03573, 0.66001, 2.96545, 0.66001, 3.80007,
      0.66001, 4.90352, 0.66001, 5.67898, 0.66001, 6.80918,
      0.66001, 7.57543, 0.66001, 8.71291, 0.66001, 9.47705,
      0.72001, 2.05681, 0.72001, 2.96643, 0.72001, 3.7879,
      0.72001, 4.91988, 0.72001, 5.66073, 0.72001, 6.82843,
      0.72001, 7.5556, 0.72001, 8.73308, 0.72001, 9.45666,
      0.78001, 2.08187, 0.78001, 2.96745, 0.78001, 3.7735,
      0.78001, 4.94042, 0.78001, 5.638, 0.78001, 6.85271,
      0.78001, 7.53065, 0.78001, 8.75855, 0.78001, 9.43091,
      0.84001, 2.11123, 0.84001, 2.96839, 0.84001, 3.75656,
      0.84001, 4.96648, 0.84001, 5.60943, 0.84001, 6.88378,
      0.84001, 7.49879, 0.84001, 8.79126, 0.84001, 9.39788,
      0.90001, 2.14523, 0.90001, 2.96907, 0.90001, 3.73667,
      0.90001, 5.00024, 0.90001, 5.00024, 0.90001, 5.00024,
      0.90001, 5.57278, 0.90001, 6.92475, 0.90001, 7.45692,
      0.90001, 8.83466, 0.90001, 9.35412, 0.96001, 2.18434,
      0.96001, 2.96929, 0.96001, 3.71336, 0.96001, 5.0459,
      0.96001, 5.52388, 0.96001, 6.98234, 0.96001, 7.39833,
      0.96001, 8.89666, 0.96001, 9.29171, 1.02001, 2.22921,
      1.02001, 2.96872, 1.02001, 3.686, 1.02001, 5.11431,
      1.02001, 5.45183, 1.02001, 7.08229, 1.02001, 7.08229,
      1.02001, 7.08229, 1.02001, 7.29726, 1.02001, 9.01467,
      1.02001, 9.17323, 1.08001, 2.28081, 1.08001, 2.96687,
      1.08001, 3.65384, 1.14001, 0.0440134, 1.14001, 2.34068,
      1.14001, 2.96295, 1.14001, 3.61585, 1.20001, 0.0524166,
      1.20001, 2.41148, 1.20001, 2.95537, 1.20001, 3.57069,
      1.26001, 0.0618122, 1.26001, 2.49856, 1.26001, 2.94044,
      1.26001, 3.51641, 1.32001, 0.0722359, 1.32001, 2.61739,
      1.32001, 2.90528, 1.32001, 3.45017, 1.38001, 0.0837295,
      1.38001, 3.36789, 1.38001, 3.36789, 1.38001, 3.36789,
      1.44001, 0.0963406, 1.44001, 3.26654, 1.44001, 3.26654,
      1.44001, 3.26654, 1.44001, 3.26654, 1.50001, 0.110122,
      1.50001, 3.1645, 1.50001, 3.1645, 1.50001, 3.1645,
      1.50001, 3.1645, 1.50001, 3.1645, 1.50001, 3.1645,
      1.50001, 3.1645, 1.56001, 0.125131, 1.56001, 3.10205,
      1.56001, 3.10205, 1.56001, 3.10205, 1.56001, 3.10205,
      1.56001, 3.10205, 1.62001, 0.141433, 1.62001, 3.06998,
      1.62001, 3.06998, 1.62001, 3.06998, 1.62001, 3.06998,
      1.62001, 3.06998, 1.68001, 0.159097, 1.68001, 3.0501,
      1.68001, 3.0501, 1.68001, 3.0501, 1.68001, 3.0501,
      1.68001, 3.0501, 1.74001, 0.178202, 1.74001, 3.0349,
      1.74001, 3.0349, 1.74001, 3.0349, 1.74001, 3.0349,
      1.74001, 3.0349, 1.74001, 3.0349, 1.74001, 3.0349,
      1.80001, 0.198834, 1.80001, 3.02131, 1.80001, 3.02131,
      1.80001, 3.02131, 1.80001, 3.02131, 1.80001, 3.02131,
      1.80001, 3.02131, 1.80001, 3.02131, 1.86001, 0.221089,
      1.86001, 3.00786, 1.86001, 3.00786, 1.86001, 3.00786,
      1.86001, 3.00786, 1.86001, 3.00786, 1.86001, 3.00786,
      1.86001, 3.00786, 1.92001, 0.245072, 1.92001, 2.99369,
      1.92001, 2.99369, 1.92001, 2.99369, 1.92001, 2.99369,
      1.92001, 2.99369, 1.98001, 0.270904, 1.98001, 2.97826,
      1.98001, 2.97826, 1.98001, 2.97826, 1.98001, 2.97826,
      1.98001, 2.97826, 2.04001, 0.298719, 2.04001, 2.96116,
      2.04001, 2.96116, 2.04001, 2.96116, 2.04001, 2.96116,
      2.04001, 2.96116, 2.10001, 0.328668, 2.10001, 2.94206,
      2.10001, 2.94206, 2.10001, 2.94206, 2.10001, 2.94206,
      2.10001, 2.94206, 2.16001, 0.360928, 2.16001, 0.360928,
      2.16001, 0.360928, 2.16001, 2.92066, 2.16001, 2.92066,
      2.16001, 2.92066, 2.16001, 2.92066, 2.16001, 2.92066,
      2.22001, 0.3957, 2.22001, 2.89665, 2.22001, 2.89665,
      2.22001, 2.89665, 2.22001, 2.89665, 2.22001, 2.89665,
      2.28001, 0.433221, 2.28001, 2.86974, 2.28001, 2.86974,
      2.28001, 2.86974, 2.28001, 2.86974, 2.28001, 2.86974,
      2.28001, 2.86974, 2.34001, 0.473772, 2.34001, 2.8396,
      2.34001, 2.8396, 2.34001, 2.8396, 2.34001, 2.8396,
      2.34001, 2.8396, 2.34001, 2.8396, 2.34001, 2.8396,
      2.34001, 2.8396, 2.34001, 2.8396, 2.40001, 0.517693,
      2.40001, 2.80585, 2.40001, 2.80585, 2.40001, 2.80585,
      2.40001, 2.80585, 2.40001, 2.80585, 2.46001, 0.5654,
      2.46001, 2.76805, 2.46001, 2.76805, 2.46001, 2.76805,
      2.46001, 2.76805, 2.46001, 2.76805, 2.52001, 0.617417,
      2.52001, 0.617417, 2.52001, 0.617417, 2.52001, 2.72566,
      2.52001, 2.72566, 2.52001, 2.72566, 2.58001, 0.674419,
      2.58001, 2.678, 2.58001, 2.678, 2.58001, 2.678,
      2.58001, 2.678, 2.64001, 0.737304, 2.64001, 2.62416,
      2.64001, 2.62416, 2.64001, 2.62416, 2.64001, 2.62416,
      2.70001, 2.56289, 2.70001, 2.56289, 2.76001, 0.886298,
      2.88001, 1.08495, 2.88001, 1.08495, 2.94001, 1.22081,
      2.94001, 2.18143, 2.94001, 1.22081;

      share|improve this question

      Below, I have included some data. (It is long, but I don't like to host data elsewhere and provide links that might some day be broken.)

      Plotting this set of data, we have:


      enter image description here

      There are clearly some curves in this data that "naturally" belong together, as shown below (the two curves labeled by arrows should be associated with each other, but I suspect I'll have to link those two by hand).

      enter image description here

      However, the data are scrambled, so I can't easily separate the data set into chunks that correspond to these separate curves. For this reason, I need to find a way to cluster this data set to separate the curves.

      While I'm not sure that FindClusters is the right tool for the job, the best I've been able to manage using this function is the following:

      ListPlot[FindClusters[data, 7, Method -> "Agglomerate", "Linkage" -> "Complete"]]

      resulting in

      enter image description here

      We can see that the two clusters that almost cross are clustered together, and also split apart in a strange way. Alternatively, I tried

      ListPlot[FindClusters[data, 7, Method -> "Agglomerate"]]

      resulting in

      enter image description here

      which is better in that it's not obviously splitting up pieces of a curve that should be together, but it's worse in that it's clustering two clearly separated curves.

      • Is FindClusters the right tool for the job, and if so, how do we use it to separate the curves?

      • If it's not the right tool for the job, what is? Is there a built-in Mathematica function that will do this job for us, or is there some clustering algorithm specifically designed to find curves like this?

      • Note that there are other data sets as well, similar to this one, that I'll need to cluster. The different curves are not always separated vertically as they are here, and there's always one outer curve that subsumes some number of the smaller curves inside it.

      • I understand that this will require some amount of manual tinkering at the end, but I'd like to get most of the way there using some automated procedure.

      data = 0.00001, 1.19442, 0.00001, 1.90161, 0.00001, 2.14588, 
      0.00001, 2.14588, 0.00001, 2.97948, 0.00001, 3.80987,
      0.00001, 4.85379, 0.00001, 5.71745, 0.00001, 6.74646,
      0.00001, 7.62493, 0.00001, 8.6456, 0.00001, 9.53239,
      0.06001, 0.0880935, 0.06001, 0.0880935, 0.06001, 0.285726,
      0.06001, 1.13484, 0.06001, 1.9261, 0.06001, 2.97527,
      0.06001, 3.82167, 0.06001, 4.85268, 0.06001, 5.72497,
      0.06001, 6.74611, 0.06001, 7.63031, 0.06001, 8.64556,
      0.06001, 9.53648, 0.12001, 0.601368, 0.12001, 1.0439,
      0.12001, 1.94366, 0.12001, 2.97182, 0.12001, 3.82973,
      0.12001, 4.85236, 0.12001, 5.72981, 0.12001, 6.74655,
      0.12001, 7.63353, 0.12001, 8.64632, 0.12001, 9.53873,
      0.18001, 1.95572, 0.18001, 2.96907, 0.18001, 3.83448,
      0.18001, 4.85289, 0.18001, 5.73217, 0.18001, 6.74786,
      0.18001, 7.63471, 0.18001, 8.64794, 0.18001, 9.53919,
      0.24001, 1.96422, 0.24001, 2.96694, 0.24001, 3.83652,
      0.24001, 4.85433, 0.24001, 5.73238, 0.24001, 6.75011,
      0.24001, 7.63403, 0.24001, 8.65051, 0.24001, 9.53798,
      0.30001, 0.00258367, 0.30001, 0.00258367, 0.30001, 0.00258367,
      0.30001, 1.97092, 0.30001, 2.9654, 0.30001, 3.83636,
      0.30001, 4.85679, 0.30001, 5.73068, 0.30001, 6.75344,
      0.30001, 7.63163, 0.30001, 8.65417, 0.30001, 9.53518,
      0.36001, 1.97727, 0.36001, 2.96438, 0.36001, 3.83435,
      0.36001, 4.86039, 0.36001, 5.72718, 0.36001, 6.758,
      0.36001, 7.62754, 0.36001, 8.65908, 0.36001, 9.53077,
      0.42001, 0.00726357, 0.42001, 0.00726357, 0.42001, 0.00726357,
      0.42001, 1.98438, 0.42001, 2.96386, 0.42001, 3.83069,
      0.42001, 4.86531, 0.42001, 5.7219, 0.42001, 6.76402,
      0.42001, 7.62169, 0.42001, 8.66548, 0.42001, 9.52465,
      0.48001, 1.99315, 0.48001, 2.96376, 0.48001, 3.82547,
      0.48001, 4.87176, 0.48001, 5.71471, 0.48001, 6.77175,
      0.48001, 7.61391, 0.48001, 8.67365, 0.48001, 9.51659,
      0.54001, 0.0139354, 0.54001, 2.00429, 0.54001, 2.96404,
      0.54001, 3.81869, 0.54001, 4.88002, 0.54001, 5.70541,
      0.54001, 6.78153, 0.54001, 7.6039, 0.54001, 8.68393,
      0.54001, 9.50629, 0.60001, 0.017363, 0.60001, 2.01834,
      0.60001, 2.96463, 0.60001, 3.81027, 0.60001, 4.89045,
      0.60001, 5.69365, 0.60001, 6.79381, 0.60001, 7.59126,
      0.60001, 8.69681, 0.60001, 9.49331, 0.66001, 0.0203981,
      0.66001, 2.03573, 0.66001, 2.96545, 0.66001, 3.80007,
      0.66001, 4.90352, 0.66001, 5.67898, 0.66001, 6.80918,
      0.66001, 7.57543, 0.66001, 8.71291, 0.66001, 9.47705,
      0.72001, 2.05681, 0.72001, 2.96643, 0.72001, 3.7879,
      0.72001, 4.91988, 0.72001, 5.66073, 0.72001, 6.82843,
      0.72001, 7.5556, 0.72001, 8.73308, 0.72001, 9.45666,
      0.78001, 2.08187, 0.78001, 2.96745, 0.78001, 3.7735,
      0.78001, 4.94042, 0.78001, 5.638, 0.78001, 6.85271,
      0.78001, 7.53065, 0.78001, 8.75855, 0.78001, 9.43091,
      0.84001, 2.11123, 0.84001, 2.96839, 0.84001, 3.75656,
      0.84001, 4.96648, 0.84001, 5.60943, 0.84001, 6.88378,
      0.84001, 7.49879, 0.84001, 8.79126, 0.84001, 9.39788,
      0.90001, 2.14523, 0.90001, 2.96907, 0.90001, 3.73667,
      0.90001, 5.00024, 0.90001, 5.00024, 0.90001, 5.00024,
      0.90001, 5.57278, 0.90001, 6.92475, 0.90001, 7.45692,
      0.90001, 8.83466, 0.90001, 9.35412, 0.96001, 2.18434,
      0.96001, 2.96929, 0.96001, 3.71336, 0.96001, 5.0459,
      0.96001, 5.52388, 0.96001, 6.98234, 0.96001, 7.39833,
      0.96001, 8.89666, 0.96001, 9.29171, 1.02001, 2.22921,
      1.02001, 2.96872, 1.02001, 3.686, 1.02001, 5.11431,
      1.02001, 5.45183, 1.02001, 7.08229, 1.02001, 7.08229,
      1.02001, 7.08229, 1.02001, 7.29726, 1.02001, 9.01467,
      1.02001, 9.17323, 1.08001, 2.28081, 1.08001, 2.96687,
      1.08001, 3.65384, 1.14001, 0.0440134, 1.14001, 2.34068,
      1.14001, 2.96295, 1.14001, 3.61585, 1.20001, 0.0524166,
      1.20001, 2.41148, 1.20001, 2.95537, 1.20001, 3.57069,
      1.26001, 0.0618122, 1.26001, 2.49856, 1.26001, 2.94044,
      1.26001, 3.51641, 1.32001, 0.0722359, 1.32001, 2.61739,
      1.32001, 2.90528, 1.32001, 3.45017, 1.38001, 0.0837295,
      1.38001, 3.36789, 1.38001, 3.36789, 1.38001, 3.36789,
      1.44001, 0.0963406, 1.44001, 3.26654, 1.44001, 3.26654,
      1.44001, 3.26654, 1.44001, 3.26654, 1.50001, 0.110122,
      1.50001, 3.1645, 1.50001, 3.1645, 1.50001, 3.1645,
      1.50001, 3.1645, 1.50001, 3.1645, 1.50001, 3.1645,
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      2.94001, 2.18143, 2.94001, 1.22081;

      list-manipulation cluster-analysis

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      asked 3 hours ago




          1 Answer




          up vote
          down vote

          EDIT: Added missing definition

          This uses a little manual intervention

          segments = Reverse[data[[#]] & /@ FindCurvePath[data]];

          segments =
          segments, -1 ->
          ss = Select[segments[[-1]], 1.5 < #[[2]] < 3 && #[[1]] < 1.4 &],
          Complement[segments[[-1]], ss]]];

          ListPlot[segments, PlotLegends -> Automatic]

          enter image description here

          share|improve this answer

          • I can't seem to get your code to run (because segments isn't defined before you use it inside ReplacePart), but I get the general gist: essentially, we need to manually select the curve that's "inside" the other one, but the rest will work fine. It doesn't look like FindCurvePath has any customization at all, so there's no way to tell it to fiddle with it the way we can fiddle with FindClusters, which is too bad. Nonetheless, this is a hopeful approach, since it does most of the work.
            – march
            1 hour ago

          Your Answer

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          1 Answer




          1 Answer










          up vote
          down vote

          EDIT: Added missing definition

          This uses a little manual intervention

          segments = Reverse[data[[#]] & /@ FindCurvePath[data]];

          segments =
          segments, -1 ->
          ss = Select[segments[[-1]], 1.5 < #[[2]] < 3 && #[[1]] < 1.4 &],
          Complement[segments[[-1]], ss]]];

          ListPlot[segments, PlotLegends -> Automatic]

          enter image description here

          share|improve this answer

          • I can't seem to get your code to run (because segments isn't defined before you use it inside ReplacePart), but I get the general gist: essentially, we need to manually select the curve that's "inside" the other one, but the rest will work fine. It doesn't look like FindCurvePath has any customization at all, so there's no way to tell it to fiddle with it the way we can fiddle with FindClusters, which is too bad. Nonetheless, this is a hopeful approach, since it does most of the work.
            – march
            1 hour ago

          up vote
          down vote

          EDIT: Added missing definition

          This uses a little manual intervention

          segments = Reverse[data[[#]] & /@ FindCurvePath[data]];

          segments =
          segments, -1 ->
          ss = Select[segments[[-1]], 1.5 < #[[2]] < 3 && #[[1]] < 1.4 &],
          Complement[segments[[-1]], ss]]];

          ListPlot[segments, PlotLegends -> Automatic]

          enter image description here

          share|improve this answer

          • I can't seem to get your code to run (because segments isn't defined before you use it inside ReplacePart), but I get the general gist: essentially, we need to manually select the curve that's "inside" the other one, but the rest will work fine. It doesn't look like FindCurvePath has any customization at all, so there's no way to tell it to fiddle with it the way we can fiddle with FindClusters, which is too bad. Nonetheless, this is a hopeful approach, since it does most of the work.
            – march
            1 hour ago

          up vote
          down vote

          up vote
          down vote

          EDIT: Added missing definition

          This uses a little manual intervention

          segments = Reverse[data[[#]] & /@ FindCurvePath[data]];

          segments =
          segments, -1 ->
          ss = Select[segments[[-1]], 1.5 < #[[2]] < 3 && #[[1]] < 1.4 &],
          Complement[segments[[-1]], ss]]];

          ListPlot[segments, PlotLegends -> Automatic]

          enter image description here

          share|improve this answer

          EDIT: Added missing definition

          This uses a little manual intervention

          segments = Reverse[data[[#]] & /@ FindCurvePath[data]];

          segments =
          segments, -1 ->
          ss = Select[segments[[-1]], 1.5 < #[[2]] < 3 && #[[1]] < 1.4 &],
          Complement[segments[[-1]], ss]]];

          ListPlot[segments, PlotLegends -> Automatic]

          enter image description here

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          edited 1 hour ago

          answered 1 hour ago

          Bob Hanlon



          • I can't seem to get your code to run (because segments isn't defined before you use it inside ReplacePart), but I get the general gist: essentially, we need to manually select the curve that's "inside" the other one, but the rest will work fine. It doesn't look like FindCurvePath has any customization at all, so there's no way to tell it to fiddle with it the way we can fiddle with FindClusters, which is too bad. Nonetheless, this is a hopeful approach, since it does most of the work.
            – march
            1 hour ago

          • I can't seem to get your code to run (because segments isn't defined before you use it inside ReplacePart), but I get the general gist: essentially, we need to manually select the curve that's "inside" the other one, but the rest will work fine. It doesn't look like FindCurvePath has any customization at all, so there's no way to tell it to fiddle with it the way we can fiddle with FindClusters, which is too bad. Nonetheless, this is a hopeful approach, since it does most of the work.
            – march
            1 hour ago

          I can't seem to get your code to run (because segments isn't defined before you use it inside ReplacePart), but I get the general gist: essentially, we need to manually select the curve that's "inside" the other one, but the rest will work fine. It doesn't look like FindCurvePath has any customization at all, so there's no way to tell it to fiddle with it the way we can fiddle with FindClusters, which is too bad. Nonetheless, this is a hopeful approach, since it does most of the work.
          – march
          1 hour ago

          I can't seem to get your code to run (because segments isn't defined before you use it inside ReplacePart), but I get the general gist: essentially, we need to manually select the curve that's "inside" the other one, but the rest will work fine. It doesn't look like FindCurvePath has any customization at all, so there's no way to tell it to fiddle with it the way we can fiddle with FindClusters, which is too bad. Nonetheless, this is a hopeful approach, since it does most of the work.
          – march
          1 hour ago


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          function ()
          StackExchange.openid.initPostLogin('.new-post-login', '', 'question_page');


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