Alpine: How to forcibly remove a package even if it would break dependencies?
Clash Royale CLAN TAG #URR8PPP up vote 0 down vote favorite I'm somewhat new to Alpine Linux but am very familiar with Linux overall. I've used many different distros, and most every one I've used has a command to force delete files from a package even if a dependency would break. I'm trying to build a super-minimal Linux with Alpine. I don't need linux-firmware as it installs firmware for everything, using up 300+MB of space. This is a stock installation. However I can't uninstall any of the linux-firmware packages: dev-alpine:~# apk del --force --force-broken-world linux-firmware World updated, but the following packages are not removed due to: linux-firmware: linux-vanilla OK: 504 MiB in 122 packages More than half the stock install is the firmware! Short of just deleting the files themselves (which will come back on an update!), how can I force Alpine to remove all the firmware files I don't need? (Given that the firmware files already see