
Showing posts from September 19, 2018

Matching opening and closing if statements in shell script (if…fi) using PHPStorm, vscode

Clash Royale CLAN TAG #URR8PPP up vote 0 down vote favorite I hava bunch of these nested 's if [ "$var" = "NA" ] then if [ "$var" != "SAM" -a "$fileFormat" != "XED" -a "$Format" != "TED" -a "$Format" != "ESTA" ] then echo "ERROR: Input file format not recognised" echo "use --help for more information" exit 1 fi #convert esta to ted - start if [ $fileFormat = "ESTA" ] then if [ $ENO != "NA" ] then ENO=$(greadlink -e $ENO ) fi if [ -z "$output" ] then echo "WARNING" echo "No output directory specified. Using current working directory, " $(pwd)/OUTPUT output=$(pwd)/OUTPUT fi InputTed=$(greadlink -e $Inputted) #greadlink - to canonicanize/normalize to standard format mkdir -p $output cd $output output=$(greadlink -e $(pwd) ) DIRECTORY=$(pwd) In a more than 2000 line sh

text vs scalebox

Clash Royale CLAN TAG #URR8PPP up vote 17 down vote favorite The author of a manuscript I'm editing is using the medcup macro in the MWE below. We've noticed the scaling it totally off if used inside the text command. Can anyone explain why? documentclass[a4paper]memoir usepackageamsmath%,scalerel} usepackagegraphicx defmedcup% operatornamewithlimits% mathchoicevcenterhboxscalebox1.2$bigcup$ vcenterhbox$bigcup$% bigcup% bigcup% % begindocument [ textInside cstext: $ medcup_n = 1^infty $ ] [ textNot inside cstext: medcup_n = 1^infty ] enddocument graphics amsmath share | improve this question asked Aug 17 at 11:56 daleif 31.3k 2 47 108 Interesting, I have never noticed it: also deffoomathchoiceDTSSS and then [foo text$foo$] yields D in both cases. – campa Aug 17 at 12:10 @campa I think this is a specifically designed feature, it is nice that textxxx $int_1^2 f dx$ does get the same size as outside te