
Showing posts from February 18, 2019

Does a Gateway of a Subnet need to be a “real” Computer?

Clash Royale CLAN TAG #URR8PPP 13 1 Is a Gateway always a real computer or just a "logic" entity, which can be on any address, except the broadcast IP? subnet gateway share | improve this question asked Jan 29 at 7:32 Semo Semo 176 1 9 9 The modern and arguably more correct term for a gateway is router . Routers can exist purely in software, conventional computers such as PC's, laptops and server systems can be used as routers but generally dedicated hardware devices are used – HBruijn Jan 29 at 8:11 2 What do you mean by "logic entity"? – Barmar Jan 29 at 17:50 2 @HBruijn, in most cases a gateway is a router. The general term is that a gateway is the host on the network to which other hosts send traffic that it destined for a different network. That doesn't mean that is must be a router. It could be a proxy, ALG, etc. Also, there may be a corner case where any traffic de