Simplifying repetitive drawings and node placing

The name of the pictureThe name of the pictureThe name of the pictureClash Royale CLAN TAG#URR8PPP

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I use the following code to draw repetitive lines and place nodes in specific locations for later on drawing circles and connecting them with lines.

Is there a simpler way to do this job, as using foreach command or any other possible simpler method.

hspace -1cm
begintikzpicture[scale=.7, transform shape,linecolor/.style=ultra thick, green!40!black,dotline/.style=thin, black, loosely dotted]

draw [thick,-latex](-.3,0) -- (0,0) -- (5,0);
draw [thick,-latex](0,-.3) -- (0,0) -- (0,8);
draw [thick,-latex](6.,0) -- (7,0) -- (14.4,0);
draw [thick,-latex](8,-.2) -- (8,0) -- (8,8);
draw [linecolor] (0,incrmnt*1) node (yal) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 1/12([shift=(0:8)] node (ya) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 1/12;
draw [dotline] (0,incrmnt*1) -- +(0:14cm);

draw [linecolor] (0,incrmnt*2) node (ybl) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 2/12([shift=(0:8)] node (yb) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 2/12;
draw [dotline] (0,incrmnt*2) -- +(0:14cm);

draw [linecolor] (0,incrmnt*3) node (ycl) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 3/12([shift=(0:8)] node (yc) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 3/12;
draw [dotline] (0,incrmnt*3) -- +(0:14cm);

draw [linecolor] (0,incrmnt*4) node (ydl) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 4/12([shift=(0:8)] node (yd) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 4/12;
draw [dotline] (0,incrmnt*4) -- +(0:14cm);

draw [linecolor] (0,incrmnt*5) node (yel) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 5/12([shift=(0:8)] node (ye) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 5/12;
draw [dotline] (0,incrmnt*5) -- +(0:14cm);

draw [linecolor] (0,incrmnt*6) node (yfl) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 6/12([shift=(0:8)] node (yf) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 6/12;
draw [dotline] (0,incrmnt*6) -- +(0:14cm);

draw [linecolor] (0,incrmnt*7) node (ygl) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 7/12([shift=(0:8)] node (yg) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 7/12;
draw [dotline] (0,incrmnt*7) -- +(0:14cm);

draw [linecolor] (0,incrmnt*8) node (yhl) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 8/12([shift=(0:8)] node (yh) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 8/12;
draw [dotline] (0,incrmnt*8) -- +(0:14cm);

draw [linecolor] (0,incrmnt*9) node (yhl) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 9/12([shift=(0:8)] node (yh) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 9/12;
draw [dotline] (0,incrmnt*9) -- +(0:14cm);

draw [linecolor] (0,incrmnt*10) node (yhl) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 10/12([shift=(0:8)] node (yh) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 10/12;
draw [dotline] (0,incrmnt*10) -- +(0:14cm);

draw [linecolor] (0,incrmnt*11) node (yhl) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 11/12([shift=(0:8)] node (yh) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 11/12;
draw [dotline] (0,incrmnt*11) -- +(0:14cm);

draw [linecolor] (0,incrmnt*12) node (yhl) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 12/12([shift=(0:8)] node (yh) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 12/12;
draw [dotline] (0,incrmnt*12) -- +(0:14cm);

draw [linecolor] (incrmnt*1,0) node (al) +(90:incrmnt*1) node [circle, draw, solid, red, fill=red, scale=0.4] -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 1 ([shift=(0:8)] node (a) +(90:.25cm) -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 1 ([shift=(90:incrmnt*1)] node (au) ([shift=(90:incrmnt*1)] node (auu);

draw [linecolor] (incrmnt*2,0) node (bl) +(90:incrmnt*2) node [circle, draw, solid, red, fill=red, scale=0.4] -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 2 ([shift=(0:8)] node (b) +(90:.25cm) -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 2 ([shift=(90:incrmnt*1)] node (bu) ([shift=(90:incrmnt*2)] node (buu);

draw [linecolor] (incrmnt*3,0) node (cl) +(90:incrmnt*2) node [circle, draw, solid, red, fill=red, scale=0.4] -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 3 ([shift=(0:8)] node (c) +(90:.25cm) -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 3 ([shift=(90:incrmnt*3)] node (cu) ([shift=(90:incrmnt*2)] node (cuu);

draw [linecolor] (incrmnt*4,0) node (dl) +(90:incrmnt*2) node [circle, draw, solid, red, fill=red, scale=0.4] -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 4 ([shift=(0:8)] node (d) +(90:.25cm) -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 4 ([shift=(90:incrmnt*5)] node (du) ([shift=(90:incrmnt*2)] node (duu);

draw [linecolor] (incrmnt*5,0) node (el) +(90:incrmnt*2) node [circle, draw, solid, red, fill=red, scale=0.4] -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 5 ([shift=(0:8)] node (e) +(90:.25cm) -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 5 ([shift=(90:incrmnt*7)] node (eu) ([shift=(90:incrmnt*2)] node (euu);

draw [linecolor] (incrmnt*6,0) node (fl) +(90:incrmnt*2) node [circle, draw, solid, red, fill=red, scale=0.4] -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 6 ([shift=(0:8)] node (f) +(90:.25cm) -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 6 ([shift=(90:incrmnt*9)] node (fu) ([shift=(90:incrmnt*2)] node (fuu);

draw [linecolor] (incrmnt*7,0) node (gl) +(90:incrmnt*1) node [circle, draw, solid, red, fill=red, scale=0.4] -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 7 ([shift=(0:8)] node (g) +(90:.25cm) -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 7([shift=(90:incrmnt*11)] node (gu) ([shift=(90:incrmnt*1)] node (guu);

enter image description here

This is the rest of the code to produce the following drawing

 draw [ultra thick, blue] ( -- ( ( -- ( ( -- ( ( -- ( ( -- ( ( -- ( ( --+(0:incrmnt*2) node (inf);
draw [thick, black] ( +(90:incrmnt*1) --(|-0,0) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] $infty$;

draw [thick, red, fill=red] ( circle (.1) ( circle (.1) ( circle (.1) ( circle (.1) ( circle (.1) ( circle (.1) ( circle (.1);

draw [thick, red, fill=white] ( circle (.14) ( circle (.14) ( circle (.14) ( circle (.14) ( circle (.14) ( circle (.14) ( circle (.14);

enter image description here

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    I use the following code to draw repetitive lines and place nodes in specific locations for later on drawing circles and connecting them with lines.

    Is there a simpler way to do this job, as using foreach command or any other possible simpler method.

    hspace -1cm
    begintikzpicture[scale=.7, transform shape,linecolor/.style=ultra thick, green!40!black,dotline/.style=thin, black, loosely dotted]

    draw [thick,-latex](-.3,0) -- (0,0) -- (5,0);
    draw [thick,-latex](0,-.3) -- (0,0) -- (0,8);
    draw [thick,-latex](6.,0) -- (7,0) -- (14.4,0);
    draw [thick,-latex](8,-.2) -- (8,0) -- (8,8);
    draw [linecolor] (0,incrmnt*1) node (yal) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 1/12([shift=(0:8)] node (ya) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 1/12;
    draw [dotline] (0,incrmnt*1) -- +(0:14cm);

    draw [linecolor] (0,incrmnt*2) node (ybl) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 2/12([shift=(0:8)] node (yb) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 2/12;
    draw [dotline] (0,incrmnt*2) -- +(0:14cm);

    draw [linecolor] (0,incrmnt*3) node (ycl) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 3/12([shift=(0:8)] node (yc) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 3/12;
    draw [dotline] (0,incrmnt*3) -- +(0:14cm);

    draw [linecolor] (0,incrmnt*4) node (ydl) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 4/12([shift=(0:8)] node (yd) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 4/12;
    draw [dotline] (0,incrmnt*4) -- +(0:14cm);

    draw [linecolor] (0,incrmnt*5) node (yel) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 5/12([shift=(0:8)] node (ye) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 5/12;
    draw [dotline] (0,incrmnt*5) -- +(0:14cm);

    draw [linecolor] (0,incrmnt*6) node (yfl) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 6/12([shift=(0:8)] node (yf) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 6/12;
    draw [dotline] (0,incrmnt*6) -- +(0:14cm);

    draw [linecolor] (0,incrmnt*7) node (ygl) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 7/12([shift=(0:8)] node (yg) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 7/12;
    draw [dotline] (0,incrmnt*7) -- +(0:14cm);

    draw [linecolor] (0,incrmnt*8) node (yhl) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 8/12([shift=(0:8)] node (yh) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 8/12;
    draw [dotline] (0,incrmnt*8) -- +(0:14cm);

    draw [linecolor] (0,incrmnt*9) node (yhl) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 9/12([shift=(0:8)] node (yh) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 9/12;
    draw [dotline] (0,incrmnt*9) -- +(0:14cm);

    draw [linecolor] (0,incrmnt*10) node (yhl) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 10/12([shift=(0:8)] node (yh) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 10/12;
    draw [dotline] (0,incrmnt*10) -- +(0:14cm);

    draw [linecolor] (0,incrmnt*11) node (yhl) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 11/12([shift=(0:8)] node (yh) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 11/12;
    draw [dotline] (0,incrmnt*11) -- +(0:14cm);

    draw [linecolor] (0,incrmnt*12) node (yhl) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 12/12([shift=(0:8)] node (yh) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 12/12;
    draw [dotline] (0,incrmnt*12) -- +(0:14cm);

    draw [linecolor] (incrmnt*1,0) node (al) +(90:incrmnt*1) node [circle, draw, solid, red, fill=red, scale=0.4] -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 1 ([shift=(0:8)] node (a) +(90:.25cm) -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 1 ([shift=(90:incrmnt*1)] node (au) ([shift=(90:incrmnt*1)] node (auu);

    draw [linecolor] (incrmnt*2,0) node (bl) +(90:incrmnt*2) node [circle, draw, solid, red, fill=red, scale=0.4] -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 2 ([shift=(0:8)] node (b) +(90:.25cm) -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 2 ([shift=(90:incrmnt*1)] node (bu) ([shift=(90:incrmnt*2)] node (buu);

    draw [linecolor] (incrmnt*3,0) node (cl) +(90:incrmnt*2) node [circle, draw, solid, red, fill=red, scale=0.4] -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 3 ([shift=(0:8)] node (c) +(90:.25cm) -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 3 ([shift=(90:incrmnt*3)] node (cu) ([shift=(90:incrmnt*2)] node (cuu);

    draw [linecolor] (incrmnt*4,0) node (dl) +(90:incrmnt*2) node [circle, draw, solid, red, fill=red, scale=0.4] -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 4 ([shift=(0:8)] node (d) +(90:.25cm) -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 4 ([shift=(90:incrmnt*5)] node (du) ([shift=(90:incrmnt*2)] node (duu);

    draw [linecolor] (incrmnt*5,0) node (el) +(90:incrmnt*2) node [circle, draw, solid, red, fill=red, scale=0.4] -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 5 ([shift=(0:8)] node (e) +(90:.25cm) -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 5 ([shift=(90:incrmnt*7)] node (eu) ([shift=(90:incrmnt*2)] node (euu);

    draw [linecolor] (incrmnt*6,0) node (fl) +(90:incrmnt*2) node [circle, draw, solid, red, fill=red, scale=0.4] -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 6 ([shift=(0:8)] node (f) +(90:.25cm) -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 6 ([shift=(90:incrmnt*9)] node (fu) ([shift=(90:incrmnt*2)] node (fuu);

    draw [linecolor] (incrmnt*7,0) node (gl) +(90:incrmnt*1) node [circle, draw, solid, red, fill=red, scale=0.4] -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 7 ([shift=(0:8)] node (g) +(90:.25cm) -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 7([shift=(90:incrmnt*11)] node (gu) ([shift=(90:incrmnt*1)] node (guu);

    enter image description here

    This is the rest of the code to produce the following drawing

     draw [ultra thick, blue] ( -- ( ( -- ( ( -- ( ( -- ( ( -- ( ( -- ( ( --+(0:incrmnt*2) node (inf);
    draw [thick, black] ( +(90:incrmnt*1) --(|-0,0) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] $infty$;

    draw [thick, red, fill=red] ( circle (.1) ( circle (.1) ( circle (.1) ( circle (.1) ( circle (.1) ( circle (.1) ( circle (.1);

    draw [thick, red, fill=white] ( circle (.14) ( circle (.14) ( circle (.14) ( circle (.14) ( circle (.14) ( circle (.14) ( circle (.14);

    enter image description here

    share|improve this question

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      up vote
      down vote


      I use the following code to draw repetitive lines and place nodes in specific locations for later on drawing circles and connecting them with lines.

      Is there a simpler way to do this job, as using foreach command or any other possible simpler method.

      hspace -1cm
      begintikzpicture[scale=.7, transform shape,linecolor/.style=ultra thick, green!40!black,dotline/.style=thin, black, loosely dotted]

      draw [thick,-latex](-.3,0) -- (0,0) -- (5,0);
      draw [thick,-latex](0,-.3) -- (0,0) -- (0,8);
      draw [thick,-latex](6.,0) -- (7,0) -- (14.4,0);
      draw [thick,-latex](8,-.2) -- (8,0) -- (8,8);
      draw [linecolor] (0,incrmnt*1) node (yal) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 1/12([shift=(0:8)] node (ya) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 1/12;
      draw [dotline] (0,incrmnt*1) -- +(0:14cm);

      draw [linecolor] (0,incrmnt*2) node (ybl) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 2/12([shift=(0:8)] node (yb) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 2/12;
      draw [dotline] (0,incrmnt*2) -- +(0:14cm);

      draw [linecolor] (0,incrmnt*3) node (ycl) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 3/12([shift=(0:8)] node (yc) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 3/12;
      draw [dotline] (0,incrmnt*3) -- +(0:14cm);

      draw [linecolor] (0,incrmnt*4) node (ydl) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 4/12([shift=(0:8)] node (yd) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 4/12;
      draw [dotline] (0,incrmnt*4) -- +(0:14cm);

      draw [linecolor] (0,incrmnt*5) node (yel) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 5/12([shift=(0:8)] node (ye) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 5/12;
      draw [dotline] (0,incrmnt*5) -- +(0:14cm);

      draw [linecolor] (0,incrmnt*6) node (yfl) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 6/12([shift=(0:8)] node (yf) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 6/12;
      draw [dotline] (0,incrmnt*6) -- +(0:14cm);

      draw [linecolor] (0,incrmnt*7) node (ygl) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 7/12([shift=(0:8)] node (yg) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 7/12;
      draw [dotline] (0,incrmnt*7) -- +(0:14cm);

      draw [linecolor] (0,incrmnt*8) node (yhl) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 8/12([shift=(0:8)] node (yh) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 8/12;
      draw [dotline] (0,incrmnt*8) -- +(0:14cm);

      draw [linecolor] (0,incrmnt*9) node (yhl) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 9/12([shift=(0:8)] node (yh) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 9/12;
      draw [dotline] (0,incrmnt*9) -- +(0:14cm);

      draw [linecolor] (0,incrmnt*10) node (yhl) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 10/12([shift=(0:8)] node (yh) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 10/12;
      draw [dotline] (0,incrmnt*10) -- +(0:14cm);

      draw [linecolor] (0,incrmnt*11) node (yhl) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 11/12([shift=(0:8)] node (yh) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 11/12;
      draw [dotline] (0,incrmnt*11) -- +(0:14cm);

      draw [linecolor] (0,incrmnt*12) node (yhl) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 12/12([shift=(0:8)] node (yh) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 12/12;
      draw [dotline] (0,incrmnt*12) -- +(0:14cm);

      draw [linecolor] (incrmnt*1,0) node (al) +(90:incrmnt*1) node [circle, draw, solid, red, fill=red, scale=0.4] -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 1 ([shift=(0:8)] node (a) +(90:.25cm) -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 1 ([shift=(90:incrmnt*1)] node (au) ([shift=(90:incrmnt*1)] node (auu);

      draw [linecolor] (incrmnt*2,0) node (bl) +(90:incrmnt*2) node [circle, draw, solid, red, fill=red, scale=0.4] -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 2 ([shift=(0:8)] node (b) +(90:.25cm) -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 2 ([shift=(90:incrmnt*1)] node (bu) ([shift=(90:incrmnt*2)] node (buu);

      draw [linecolor] (incrmnt*3,0) node (cl) +(90:incrmnt*2) node [circle, draw, solid, red, fill=red, scale=0.4] -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 3 ([shift=(0:8)] node (c) +(90:.25cm) -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 3 ([shift=(90:incrmnt*3)] node (cu) ([shift=(90:incrmnt*2)] node (cuu);

      draw [linecolor] (incrmnt*4,0) node (dl) +(90:incrmnt*2) node [circle, draw, solid, red, fill=red, scale=0.4] -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 4 ([shift=(0:8)] node (d) +(90:.25cm) -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 4 ([shift=(90:incrmnt*5)] node (du) ([shift=(90:incrmnt*2)] node (duu);

      draw [linecolor] (incrmnt*5,0) node (el) +(90:incrmnt*2) node [circle, draw, solid, red, fill=red, scale=0.4] -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 5 ([shift=(0:8)] node (e) +(90:.25cm) -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 5 ([shift=(90:incrmnt*7)] node (eu) ([shift=(90:incrmnt*2)] node (euu);

      draw [linecolor] (incrmnt*6,0) node (fl) +(90:incrmnt*2) node [circle, draw, solid, red, fill=red, scale=0.4] -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 6 ([shift=(0:8)] node (f) +(90:.25cm) -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 6 ([shift=(90:incrmnt*9)] node (fu) ([shift=(90:incrmnt*2)] node (fuu);

      draw [linecolor] (incrmnt*7,0) node (gl) +(90:incrmnt*1) node [circle, draw, solid, red, fill=red, scale=0.4] -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 7 ([shift=(0:8)] node (g) +(90:.25cm) -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 7([shift=(90:incrmnt*11)] node (gu) ([shift=(90:incrmnt*1)] node (guu);

      enter image description here

      This is the rest of the code to produce the following drawing

       draw [ultra thick, blue] ( -- ( ( -- ( ( -- ( ( -- ( ( -- ( ( -- ( ( --+(0:incrmnt*2) node (inf);
      draw [thick, black] ( +(90:incrmnt*1) --(|-0,0) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] $infty$;

      draw [thick, red, fill=red] ( circle (.1) ( circle (.1) ( circle (.1) ( circle (.1) ( circle (.1) ( circle (.1) ( circle (.1);

      draw [thick, red, fill=white] ( circle (.14) ( circle (.14) ( circle (.14) ( circle (.14) ( circle (.14) ( circle (.14) ( circle (.14);

      enter image description here

      share|improve this question

      I use the following code to draw repetitive lines and place nodes in specific locations for later on drawing circles and connecting them with lines.

      Is there a simpler way to do this job, as using foreach command or any other possible simpler method.

      hspace -1cm
      begintikzpicture[scale=.7, transform shape,linecolor/.style=ultra thick, green!40!black,dotline/.style=thin, black, loosely dotted]

      draw [thick,-latex](-.3,0) -- (0,0) -- (5,0);
      draw [thick,-latex](0,-.3) -- (0,0) -- (0,8);
      draw [thick,-latex](6.,0) -- (7,0) -- (14.4,0);
      draw [thick,-latex](8,-.2) -- (8,0) -- (8,8);
      draw [linecolor] (0,incrmnt*1) node (yal) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 1/12([shift=(0:8)] node (ya) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 1/12;
      draw [dotline] (0,incrmnt*1) -- +(0:14cm);

      draw [linecolor] (0,incrmnt*2) node (ybl) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 2/12([shift=(0:8)] node (yb) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 2/12;
      draw [dotline] (0,incrmnt*2) -- +(0:14cm);

      draw [linecolor] (0,incrmnt*3) node (ycl) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 3/12([shift=(0:8)] node (yc) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 3/12;
      draw [dotline] (0,incrmnt*3) -- +(0:14cm);

      draw [linecolor] (0,incrmnt*4) node (ydl) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 4/12([shift=(0:8)] node (yd) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 4/12;
      draw [dotline] (0,incrmnt*4) -- +(0:14cm);

      draw [linecolor] (0,incrmnt*5) node (yel) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 5/12([shift=(0:8)] node (ye) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 5/12;
      draw [dotline] (0,incrmnt*5) -- +(0:14cm);

      draw [linecolor] (0,incrmnt*6) node (yfl) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 6/12([shift=(0:8)] node (yf) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 6/12;
      draw [dotline] (0,incrmnt*6) -- +(0:14cm);

      draw [linecolor] (0,incrmnt*7) node (ygl) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 7/12([shift=(0:8)] node (yg) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 7/12;
      draw [dotline] (0,incrmnt*7) -- +(0:14cm);

      draw [linecolor] (0,incrmnt*8) node (yhl) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 8/12([shift=(0:8)] node (yh) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 8/12;
      draw [dotline] (0,incrmnt*8) -- +(0:14cm);

      draw [linecolor] (0,incrmnt*9) node (yhl) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 9/12([shift=(0:8)] node (yh) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 9/12;
      draw [dotline] (0,incrmnt*9) -- +(0:14cm);

      draw [linecolor] (0,incrmnt*10) node (yhl) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 10/12([shift=(0:8)] node (yh) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 10/12;
      draw [dotline] (0,incrmnt*10) -- +(0:14cm);

      draw [linecolor] (0,incrmnt*11) node (yhl) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 11/12([shift=(0:8)] node (yh) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 11/12;
      draw [dotline] (0,incrmnt*11) -- +(0:14cm);

      draw [linecolor] (0,incrmnt*12) node (yhl) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 12/12([shift=(0:8)] node (yh) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] 12/12;
      draw [dotline] (0,incrmnt*12) -- +(0:14cm);

      draw [linecolor] (incrmnt*1,0) node (al) +(90:incrmnt*1) node [circle, draw, solid, red, fill=red, scale=0.4] -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 1 ([shift=(0:8)] node (a) +(90:.25cm) -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 1 ([shift=(90:incrmnt*1)] node (au) ([shift=(90:incrmnt*1)] node (auu);

      draw [linecolor] (incrmnt*2,0) node (bl) +(90:incrmnt*2) node [circle, draw, solid, red, fill=red, scale=0.4] -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 2 ([shift=(0:8)] node (b) +(90:.25cm) -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 2 ([shift=(90:incrmnt*1)] node (bu) ([shift=(90:incrmnt*2)] node (buu);

      draw [linecolor] (incrmnt*3,0) node (cl) +(90:incrmnt*2) node [circle, draw, solid, red, fill=red, scale=0.4] -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 3 ([shift=(0:8)] node (c) +(90:.25cm) -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 3 ([shift=(90:incrmnt*3)] node (cu) ([shift=(90:incrmnt*2)] node (cuu);

      draw [linecolor] (incrmnt*4,0) node (dl) +(90:incrmnt*2) node [circle, draw, solid, red, fill=red, scale=0.4] -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 4 ([shift=(0:8)] node (d) +(90:.25cm) -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 4 ([shift=(90:incrmnt*5)] node (du) ([shift=(90:incrmnt*2)] node (duu);

      draw [linecolor] (incrmnt*5,0) node (el) +(90:incrmnt*2) node [circle, draw, solid, red, fill=red, scale=0.4] -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 5 ([shift=(0:8)] node (e) +(90:.25cm) -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 5 ([shift=(90:incrmnt*7)] node (eu) ([shift=(90:incrmnt*2)] node (euu);

      draw [linecolor] (incrmnt*6,0) node (fl) +(90:incrmnt*2) node [circle, draw, solid, red, fill=red, scale=0.4] -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 6 ([shift=(0:8)] node (f) +(90:.25cm) -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 6 ([shift=(90:incrmnt*9)] node (fu) ([shift=(90:incrmnt*2)] node (fuu);

      draw [linecolor] (incrmnt*7,0) node (gl) +(90:incrmnt*1) node [circle, draw, solid, red, fill=red, scale=0.4] -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 7 ([shift=(0:8)] node (g) +(90:.25cm) -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 7([shift=(90:incrmnt*11)] node (gu) ([shift=(90:incrmnt*1)] node (guu);

      enter image description here

      This is the rest of the code to produce the following drawing

       draw [ultra thick, blue] ( -- ( ( -- ( ( -- ( ( -- ( ( -- ( ( -- ( ( --+(0:incrmnt*2) node (inf);
      draw [thick, black] ( +(90:incrmnt*1) --(|-0,0) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] $infty$;

      draw [thick, red, fill=red] ( circle (.1) ( circle (.1) ( circle (.1) ( circle (.1) ( circle (.1) ( circle (.1) ( circle (.1);

      draw [thick, red, fill=white] ( circle (.14) ( circle (.14) ( circle (.14) ( circle (.14) ( circle (.14) ( circle (.14) ( circle (.14);

      enter image description here

      tikz-pgf foreach

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      edited 13 mins ago

      asked 1 hour ago




          2 Answers




          up vote
          down vote

          To use a foreach loop, it is enough to identify the numbers that are modified in parallel in each line. In your code, the first lines can easily be factorized by a loop.

          The following ones are more difficult to factor because there is no regularity that can be easily used.

          Edit: correction of an omission of factorization

          hspace -1cm
          begintikzpicture[scale=.7, transform shape,linecolor/.style=ultra thick, green!40!black,dotline/.style=thin, black, loosely dotted]

          draw [thick,-latex](-.3,0) -- (0,0) -- (5,0);
          draw [thick,-latex](0,-.3) -- (0,0) -- (0,8);
          draw [thick,-latex](6.,0) -- (7,0) -- (14.4,0);
          draw [thick,-latex](8,-.2) -- (8,0) -- (8,8);

          % Factoring the first 12 operations `draw`:
          foreach y in 1,...,12
          draw [linecolor] (0,incrmnt*y) node (yhl) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] y/12([shift=(0:8)] node (yh) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] y/12;
          draw [dotline] (0,incrmnt*y) -- +(0:14cm);

          draw [linecolor] (incrmnt*1,0) node (al) +(90:incrmnt*1) node [circle, draw, solid, red, fill=red, scale=0.4] -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 1 ([shift=(0:8)] node (a) +(90:.25cm) -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 1 ([shift=(90:incrmnt*1)] node (au) ([shift=(90:incrmnt*1)] node (auu);

          draw [linecolor] (incrmnt*2,0) node (bl) +(90:incrmnt*2) node [circle, draw, solid, red, fill=red, scale=0.4] -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 2 ([shift=(0:8)] node (b) +(90:.25cm) -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 2 ([shift=(90:incrmnt*1)] node (bu) ([shift=(90:incrmnt*2)] node (buu);

          draw [linecolor] (incrmnt*3,0) node (cl) +(90:incrmnt*2) node [circle, draw, solid, red, fill=red, scale=0.4] -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 3 ([shift=(0:8)] node (c) +(90:.25cm) -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 3 ([shift=(90:incrmnt*3)] node (cu) ([shift=(90:incrmnt*2)] node (cuu);

          draw [linecolor] (incrmnt*4,0) node (dl) +(90:incrmnt*2) node [circle, draw, solid, red, fill=red, scale=0.4] -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 4 ([shift=(0:8)] node (d) +(90:.25cm) -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 4 ([shift=(90:incrmnt*5)] node (du) ([shift=(90:incrmnt*2)] node (duu);

          draw [linecolor] (incrmnt*5,0) node (el) +(90:incrmnt*2) node [circle, draw, solid, red, fill=red, scale=0.4] -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 5 ([shift=(0:8)] node (e) +(90:.25cm) -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 5 ([shift=(90:incrmnt*7)] node (eu) ([shift=(90:incrmnt*2)] node (euu);

          draw [linecolor] (incrmnt*6,0) node (fl) +(90:incrmnt*2) node [circle, draw, solid, red, fill=red, scale=0.4] -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 6 ([shift=(0:8)] node (f) +(90:.25cm) -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 6 ([shift=(90:incrmnt*9)] node (fu) ([shift=(90:incrmnt*2)] node (fuu);

          draw [linecolor] (incrmnt*7,0) node (gl) +(90:incrmnt*1) node [circle, draw, solid, red, fill=red, scale=0.4] -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 7 ([shift=(0:8)] node (g) +(90:.25cm) -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 7([shift=(90:incrmnt*11)] node (gu) ([shift=(90:incrmnt*1)] node (guu);



          share|improve this answer

          • Thank you very much. If you ignore the different lengths and circles of the left drawing and make them equal (without circles) as in the right drawing; then draw the different length lines later on; could this simplify using foreach command to automate the repetition?
            – Hany
            30 mins ago

          • 1

            @Hany Yes, of course, and marmot just did the work!
            – AndréC
            14 mins ago

          • Thank you very much for your answer and time. I will follow with marmot the rest of my code.
            – Hany
            10 mins ago

          up vote
          down vote

          In this answer I focus on reproducing your output with foreach loops. I do not reproduce your named nodes, which are not used anywhere in your code. One can, of course, produce automatically named nodes, which I can add if they happen to be used.

          hspace -1cm
          begintikzpicture[scale=.7, transform shape,
          linecolor/.style=ultra thick, green!40!black,
          dotline/.style=thin, black, loosely dotted]

          draw [thick,-latex](-.3,0) -- (5,0);
          draw [thick,-latex](0,-.3) -- (0,8);
          draw [thick,-latex](6.,0) -- (14.4,0);
          draw [thick,-latex](8,-.2) -- (8,8);
          foreach X in 1,...,12

          draw [dotline] (0,X*7cm/12) -- ++ (14,0);
          draw [linecolor] (-incrmnt/2,X*7cm/12)node[left]X/12 -- ++ (incrmnt,0)
          (8-incrmnt/2,X*7cm/12)node[left]X/12-- ++ (incrmnt,0);

          foreach X in 1,...,7

          draw[linecolor] (3*X/5,-incrmnt/2) node[below]X -- ++ (0,incrmnt)
          (8+3*X/5,-incrmnt/2) node[below]X -- ++ (0,incrmnt);
          draw[linecolor] (3*X/5,0) -- ++ (0,7/12)
          node[fill,red,circle,inner sep=2pt];
          draw[linecolor] (3*X/5,0) -- ++ (0,14/12)
          node[fill,red,circle,inner sep=2pt];


          enter image description here

          share|improve this answer

          • Thank you very much. But I need the named nodes, because I use them to complete my drawing by placing lines and circles on the right drawing; which I did not mention to simplify the foreach command.
            – Hany
            20 mins ago

          • @hany Do you need nodes or coordinates? What are the naming conventions? You can name them automatically, even if your naming convention is a,...,f using alphX, but I'd need to know what the conventions are.
            – marmot
            15 mins ago

          • Please refer to my edited question for the rest of my code. Thank you.
            – Hany
            12 mins ago

          Your Answer

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          2 Answers




          2 Answers










          up vote
          down vote

          To use a foreach loop, it is enough to identify the numbers that are modified in parallel in each line. In your code, the first lines can easily be factorized by a loop.

          The following ones are more difficult to factor because there is no regularity that can be easily used.

          Edit: correction of an omission of factorization

          hspace -1cm
          begintikzpicture[scale=.7, transform shape,linecolor/.style=ultra thick, green!40!black,dotline/.style=thin, black, loosely dotted]

          draw [thick,-latex](-.3,0) -- (0,0) -- (5,0);
          draw [thick,-latex](0,-.3) -- (0,0) -- (0,8);
          draw [thick,-latex](6.,0) -- (7,0) -- (14.4,0);
          draw [thick,-latex](8,-.2) -- (8,0) -- (8,8);

          % Factoring the first 12 operations `draw`:
          foreach y in 1,...,12
          draw [linecolor] (0,incrmnt*y) node (yhl) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] y/12([shift=(0:8)] node (yh) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] y/12;
          draw [dotline] (0,incrmnt*y) -- +(0:14cm);

          draw [linecolor] (incrmnt*1,0) node (al) +(90:incrmnt*1) node [circle, draw, solid, red, fill=red, scale=0.4] -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 1 ([shift=(0:8)] node (a) +(90:.25cm) -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 1 ([shift=(90:incrmnt*1)] node (au) ([shift=(90:incrmnt*1)] node (auu);

          draw [linecolor] (incrmnt*2,0) node (bl) +(90:incrmnt*2) node [circle, draw, solid, red, fill=red, scale=0.4] -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 2 ([shift=(0:8)] node (b) +(90:.25cm) -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 2 ([shift=(90:incrmnt*1)] node (bu) ([shift=(90:incrmnt*2)] node (buu);

          draw [linecolor] (incrmnt*3,0) node (cl) +(90:incrmnt*2) node [circle, draw, solid, red, fill=red, scale=0.4] -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 3 ([shift=(0:8)] node (c) +(90:.25cm) -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 3 ([shift=(90:incrmnt*3)] node (cu) ([shift=(90:incrmnt*2)] node (cuu);

          draw [linecolor] (incrmnt*4,0) node (dl) +(90:incrmnt*2) node [circle, draw, solid, red, fill=red, scale=0.4] -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 4 ([shift=(0:8)] node (d) +(90:.25cm) -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 4 ([shift=(90:incrmnt*5)] node (du) ([shift=(90:incrmnt*2)] node (duu);

          draw [linecolor] (incrmnt*5,0) node (el) +(90:incrmnt*2) node [circle, draw, solid, red, fill=red, scale=0.4] -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 5 ([shift=(0:8)] node (e) +(90:.25cm) -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 5 ([shift=(90:incrmnt*7)] node (eu) ([shift=(90:incrmnt*2)] node (euu);

          draw [linecolor] (incrmnt*6,0) node (fl) +(90:incrmnt*2) node [circle, draw, solid, red, fill=red, scale=0.4] -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 6 ([shift=(0:8)] node (f) +(90:.25cm) -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 6 ([shift=(90:incrmnt*9)] node (fu) ([shift=(90:incrmnt*2)] node (fuu);

          draw [linecolor] (incrmnt*7,0) node (gl) +(90:incrmnt*1) node [circle, draw, solid, red, fill=red, scale=0.4] -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 7 ([shift=(0:8)] node (g) +(90:.25cm) -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 7([shift=(90:incrmnt*11)] node (gu) ([shift=(90:incrmnt*1)] node (guu);



          share|improve this answer

          • Thank you very much. If you ignore the different lengths and circles of the left drawing and make them equal (without circles) as in the right drawing; then draw the different length lines later on; could this simplify using foreach command to automate the repetition?
            – Hany
            30 mins ago

          • 1

            @Hany Yes, of course, and marmot just did the work!
            – AndréC
            14 mins ago

          • Thank you very much for your answer and time. I will follow with marmot the rest of my code.
            – Hany
            10 mins ago

          up vote
          down vote

          To use a foreach loop, it is enough to identify the numbers that are modified in parallel in each line. In your code, the first lines can easily be factorized by a loop.

          The following ones are more difficult to factor because there is no regularity that can be easily used.

          Edit: correction of an omission of factorization

          hspace -1cm
          begintikzpicture[scale=.7, transform shape,linecolor/.style=ultra thick, green!40!black,dotline/.style=thin, black, loosely dotted]

          draw [thick,-latex](-.3,0) -- (0,0) -- (5,0);
          draw [thick,-latex](0,-.3) -- (0,0) -- (0,8);
          draw [thick,-latex](6.,0) -- (7,0) -- (14.4,0);
          draw [thick,-latex](8,-.2) -- (8,0) -- (8,8);

          % Factoring the first 12 operations `draw`:
          foreach y in 1,...,12
          draw [linecolor] (0,incrmnt*y) node (yhl) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] y/12([shift=(0:8)] node (yh) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] y/12;
          draw [dotline] (0,incrmnt*y) -- +(0:14cm);

          draw [linecolor] (incrmnt*1,0) node (al) +(90:incrmnt*1) node [circle, draw, solid, red, fill=red, scale=0.4] -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 1 ([shift=(0:8)] node (a) +(90:.25cm) -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 1 ([shift=(90:incrmnt*1)] node (au) ([shift=(90:incrmnt*1)] node (auu);

          draw [linecolor] (incrmnt*2,0) node (bl) +(90:incrmnt*2) node [circle, draw, solid, red, fill=red, scale=0.4] -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 2 ([shift=(0:8)] node (b) +(90:.25cm) -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 2 ([shift=(90:incrmnt*1)] node (bu) ([shift=(90:incrmnt*2)] node (buu);

          draw [linecolor] (incrmnt*3,0) node (cl) +(90:incrmnt*2) node [circle, draw, solid, red, fill=red, scale=0.4] -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 3 ([shift=(0:8)] node (c) +(90:.25cm) -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 3 ([shift=(90:incrmnt*3)] node (cu) ([shift=(90:incrmnt*2)] node (cuu);

          draw [linecolor] (incrmnt*4,0) node (dl) +(90:incrmnt*2) node [circle, draw, solid, red, fill=red, scale=0.4] -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 4 ([shift=(0:8)] node (d) +(90:.25cm) -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 4 ([shift=(90:incrmnt*5)] node (du) ([shift=(90:incrmnt*2)] node (duu);

          draw [linecolor] (incrmnt*5,0) node (el) +(90:incrmnt*2) node [circle, draw, solid, red, fill=red, scale=0.4] -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 5 ([shift=(0:8)] node (e) +(90:.25cm) -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 5 ([shift=(90:incrmnt*7)] node (eu) ([shift=(90:incrmnt*2)] node (euu);

          draw [linecolor] (incrmnt*6,0) node (fl) +(90:incrmnt*2) node [circle, draw, solid, red, fill=red, scale=0.4] -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 6 ([shift=(0:8)] node (f) +(90:.25cm) -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 6 ([shift=(90:incrmnt*9)] node (fu) ([shift=(90:incrmnt*2)] node (fuu);

          draw [linecolor] (incrmnt*7,0) node (gl) +(90:incrmnt*1) node [circle, draw, solid, red, fill=red, scale=0.4] -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 7 ([shift=(0:8)] node (g) +(90:.25cm) -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 7([shift=(90:incrmnt*11)] node (gu) ([shift=(90:incrmnt*1)] node (guu);



          share|improve this answer

          • Thank you very much. If you ignore the different lengths and circles of the left drawing and make them equal (without circles) as in the right drawing; then draw the different length lines later on; could this simplify using foreach command to automate the repetition?
            – Hany
            30 mins ago

          • 1

            @Hany Yes, of course, and marmot just did the work!
            – AndréC
            14 mins ago

          • Thank you very much for your answer and time. I will follow with marmot the rest of my code.
            – Hany
            10 mins ago

          up vote
          down vote

          up vote
          down vote

          To use a foreach loop, it is enough to identify the numbers that are modified in parallel in each line. In your code, the first lines can easily be factorized by a loop.

          The following ones are more difficult to factor because there is no regularity that can be easily used.

          Edit: correction of an omission of factorization

          hspace -1cm
          begintikzpicture[scale=.7, transform shape,linecolor/.style=ultra thick, green!40!black,dotline/.style=thin, black, loosely dotted]

          draw [thick,-latex](-.3,0) -- (0,0) -- (5,0);
          draw [thick,-latex](0,-.3) -- (0,0) -- (0,8);
          draw [thick,-latex](6.,0) -- (7,0) -- (14.4,0);
          draw [thick,-latex](8,-.2) -- (8,0) -- (8,8);

          % Factoring the first 12 operations `draw`:
          foreach y in 1,...,12
          draw [linecolor] (0,incrmnt*y) node (yhl) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] y/12([shift=(0:8)] node (yh) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] y/12;
          draw [dotline] (0,incrmnt*y) -- +(0:14cm);

          draw [linecolor] (incrmnt*1,0) node (al) +(90:incrmnt*1) node [circle, draw, solid, red, fill=red, scale=0.4] -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 1 ([shift=(0:8)] node (a) +(90:.25cm) -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 1 ([shift=(90:incrmnt*1)] node (au) ([shift=(90:incrmnt*1)] node (auu);

          draw [linecolor] (incrmnt*2,0) node (bl) +(90:incrmnt*2) node [circle, draw, solid, red, fill=red, scale=0.4] -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 2 ([shift=(0:8)] node (b) +(90:.25cm) -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 2 ([shift=(90:incrmnt*1)] node (bu) ([shift=(90:incrmnt*2)] node (buu);

          draw [linecolor] (incrmnt*3,0) node (cl) +(90:incrmnt*2) node [circle, draw, solid, red, fill=red, scale=0.4] -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 3 ([shift=(0:8)] node (c) +(90:.25cm) -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 3 ([shift=(90:incrmnt*3)] node (cu) ([shift=(90:incrmnt*2)] node (cuu);

          draw [linecolor] (incrmnt*4,0) node (dl) +(90:incrmnt*2) node [circle, draw, solid, red, fill=red, scale=0.4] -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 4 ([shift=(0:8)] node (d) +(90:.25cm) -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 4 ([shift=(90:incrmnt*5)] node (du) ([shift=(90:incrmnt*2)] node (duu);

          draw [linecolor] (incrmnt*5,0) node (el) +(90:incrmnt*2) node [circle, draw, solid, red, fill=red, scale=0.4] -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 5 ([shift=(0:8)] node (e) +(90:.25cm) -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 5 ([shift=(90:incrmnt*7)] node (eu) ([shift=(90:incrmnt*2)] node (euu);

          draw [linecolor] (incrmnt*6,0) node (fl) +(90:incrmnt*2) node [circle, draw, solid, red, fill=red, scale=0.4] -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 6 ([shift=(0:8)] node (f) +(90:.25cm) -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 6 ([shift=(90:incrmnt*9)] node (fu) ([shift=(90:incrmnt*2)] node (fuu);

          draw [linecolor] (incrmnt*7,0) node (gl) +(90:incrmnt*1) node [circle, draw, solid, red, fill=red, scale=0.4] -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 7 ([shift=(0:8)] node (g) +(90:.25cm) -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 7([shift=(90:incrmnt*11)] node (gu) ([shift=(90:incrmnt*1)] node (guu);



          share|improve this answer

          To use a foreach loop, it is enough to identify the numbers that are modified in parallel in each line. In your code, the first lines can easily be factorized by a loop.

          The following ones are more difficult to factor because there is no regularity that can be easily used.

          Edit: correction of an omission of factorization

          hspace -1cm
          begintikzpicture[scale=.7, transform shape,linecolor/.style=ultra thick, green!40!black,dotline/.style=thin, black, loosely dotted]

          draw [thick,-latex](-.3,0) -- (0,0) -- (5,0);
          draw [thick,-latex](0,-.3) -- (0,0) -- (0,8);
          draw [thick,-latex](6.,0) -- (7,0) -- (14.4,0);
          draw [thick,-latex](8,-.2) -- (8,0) -- (8,8);

          % Factoring the first 12 operations `draw`:
          foreach y in 1,...,12
          draw [linecolor] (0,incrmnt*y) node (yhl) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] y/12([shift=(0:8)] node (yh) +(180:.15cm) -- +(0:.15cm) node [xshift=-.8cm, yshift=0cm] y/12;
          draw [dotline] (0,incrmnt*y) -- +(0:14cm);

          draw [linecolor] (incrmnt*1,0) node (al) +(90:incrmnt*1) node [circle, draw, solid, red, fill=red, scale=0.4] -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 1 ([shift=(0:8)] node (a) +(90:.25cm) -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 1 ([shift=(90:incrmnt*1)] node (au) ([shift=(90:incrmnt*1)] node (auu);

          draw [linecolor] (incrmnt*2,0) node (bl) +(90:incrmnt*2) node [circle, draw, solid, red, fill=red, scale=0.4] -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 2 ([shift=(0:8)] node (b) +(90:.25cm) -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 2 ([shift=(90:incrmnt*1)] node (bu) ([shift=(90:incrmnt*2)] node (buu);

          draw [linecolor] (incrmnt*3,0) node (cl) +(90:incrmnt*2) node [circle, draw, solid, red, fill=red, scale=0.4] -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 3 ([shift=(0:8)] node (c) +(90:.25cm) -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 3 ([shift=(90:incrmnt*3)] node (cu) ([shift=(90:incrmnt*2)] node (cuu);

          draw [linecolor] (incrmnt*4,0) node (dl) +(90:incrmnt*2) node [circle, draw, solid, red, fill=red, scale=0.4] -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 4 ([shift=(0:8)] node (d) +(90:.25cm) -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 4 ([shift=(90:incrmnt*5)] node (du) ([shift=(90:incrmnt*2)] node (duu);

          draw [linecolor] (incrmnt*5,0) node (el) +(90:incrmnt*2) node [circle, draw, solid, red, fill=red, scale=0.4] -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 5 ([shift=(0:8)] node (e) +(90:.25cm) -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 5 ([shift=(90:incrmnt*7)] node (eu) ([shift=(90:incrmnt*2)] node (euu);

          draw [linecolor] (incrmnt*6,0) node (fl) +(90:incrmnt*2) node [circle, draw, solid, red, fill=red, scale=0.4] -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 6 ([shift=(0:8)] node (f) +(90:.25cm) -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 6 ([shift=(90:incrmnt*9)] node (fu) ([shift=(90:incrmnt*2)] node (fuu);

          draw [linecolor] (incrmnt*7,0) node (gl) +(90:incrmnt*1) node [circle, draw, solid, red, fill=red, scale=0.4] -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 7 ([shift=(0:8)] node (g) +(90:.25cm) -- +(-90:.25cm) node [xshift=0cm, yshift=-.35cm] 7([shift=(90:incrmnt*11)] node (gu) ([shift=(90:incrmnt*1)] node (guu);



          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          edited 35 mins ago

          answered 43 mins ago




          • Thank you very much. If you ignore the different lengths and circles of the left drawing and make them equal (without circles) as in the right drawing; then draw the different length lines later on; could this simplify using foreach command to automate the repetition?
            – Hany
            30 mins ago

          • 1

            @Hany Yes, of course, and marmot just did the work!
            – AndréC
            14 mins ago

          • Thank you very much for your answer and time. I will follow with marmot the rest of my code.
            – Hany
            10 mins ago

          • Thank you very much. If you ignore the different lengths and circles of the left drawing and make them equal (without circles) as in the right drawing; then draw the different length lines later on; could this simplify using foreach command to automate the repetition?
            – Hany
            30 mins ago

          • 1

            @Hany Yes, of course, and marmot just did the work!
            – AndréC
            14 mins ago

          • Thank you very much for your answer and time. I will follow with marmot the rest of my code.
            – Hany
            10 mins ago

          Thank you very much. If you ignore the different lengths and circles of the left drawing and make them equal (without circles) as in the right drawing; then draw the different length lines later on; could this simplify using foreach command to automate the repetition?
          – Hany
          30 mins ago

          Thank you very much. If you ignore the different lengths and circles of the left drawing and make them equal (without circles) as in the right drawing; then draw the different length lines later on; could this simplify using foreach command to automate the repetition?
          – Hany
          30 mins ago



          @Hany Yes, of course, and marmot just did the work!
          – AndréC
          14 mins ago

          @Hany Yes, of course, and marmot just did the work!
          – AndréC
          14 mins ago

          Thank you very much for your answer and time. I will follow with marmot the rest of my code.
          – Hany
          10 mins ago

          Thank you very much for your answer and time. I will follow with marmot the rest of my code.
          – Hany
          10 mins ago

          up vote
          down vote

          In this answer I focus on reproducing your output with foreach loops. I do not reproduce your named nodes, which are not used anywhere in your code. One can, of course, produce automatically named nodes, which I can add if they happen to be used.

          hspace -1cm
          begintikzpicture[scale=.7, transform shape,
          linecolor/.style=ultra thick, green!40!black,
          dotline/.style=thin, black, loosely dotted]

          draw [thick,-latex](-.3,0) -- (5,0);
          draw [thick,-latex](0,-.3) -- (0,8);
          draw [thick,-latex](6.,0) -- (14.4,0);
          draw [thick,-latex](8,-.2) -- (8,8);
          foreach X in 1,...,12

          draw [dotline] (0,X*7cm/12) -- ++ (14,0);
          draw [linecolor] (-incrmnt/2,X*7cm/12)node[left]X/12 -- ++ (incrmnt,0)
          (8-incrmnt/2,X*7cm/12)node[left]X/12-- ++ (incrmnt,0);

          foreach X in 1,...,7

          draw[linecolor] (3*X/5,-incrmnt/2) node[below]X -- ++ (0,incrmnt)
          (8+3*X/5,-incrmnt/2) node[below]X -- ++ (0,incrmnt);
          draw[linecolor] (3*X/5,0) -- ++ (0,7/12)
          node[fill,red,circle,inner sep=2pt];
          draw[linecolor] (3*X/5,0) -- ++ (0,14/12)
          node[fill,red,circle,inner sep=2pt];


          enter image description here

          share|improve this answer

          • Thank you very much. But I need the named nodes, because I use them to complete my drawing by placing lines and circles on the right drawing; which I did not mention to simplify the foreach command.
            – Hany
            20 mins ago

          • @hany Do you need nodes or coordinates? What are the naming conventions? You can name them automatically, even if your naming convention is a,...,f using alphX, but I'd need to know what the conventions are.
            – marmot
            15 mins ago

          • Please refer to my edited question for the rest of my code. Thank you.
            – Hany
            12 mins ago

          up vote
          down vote

          In this answer I focus on reproducing your output with foreach loops. I do not reproduce your named nodes, which are not used anywhere in your code. One can, of course, produce automatically named nodes, which I can add if they happen to be used.

          hspace -1cm
          begintikzpicture[scale=.7, transform shape,
          linecolor/.style=ultra thick, green!40!black,
          dotline/.style=thin, black, loosely dotted]

          draw [thick,-latex](-.3,0) -- (5,0);
          draw [thick,-latex](0,-.3) -- (0,8);
          draw [thick,-latex](6.,0) -- (14.4,0);
          draw [thick,-latex](8,-.2) -- (8,8);
          foreach X in 1,...,12

          draw [dotline] (0,X*7cm/12) -- ++ (14,0);
          draw [linecolor] (-incrmnt/2,X*7cm/12)node[left]X/12 -- ++ (incrmnt,0)
          (8-incrmnt/2,X*7cm/12)node[left]X/12-- ++ (incrmnt,0);

          foreach X in 1,...,7

          draw[linecolor] (3*X/5,-incrmnt/2) node[below]X -- ++ (0,incrmnt)
          (8+3*X/5,-incrmnt/2) node[below]X -- ++ (0,incrmnt);
          draw[linecolor] (3*X/5,0) -- ++ (0,7/12)
          node[fill,red,circle,inner sep=2pt];
          draw[linecolor] (3*X/5,0) -- ++ (0,14/12)
          node[fill,red,circle,inner sep=2pt];


          enter image description here

          share|improve this answer

          • Thank you very much. But I need the named nodes, because I use them to complete my drawing by placing lines and circles on the right drawing; which I did not mention to simplify the foreach command.
            – Hany
            20 mins ago

          • @hany Do you need nodes or coordinates? What are the naming conventions? You can name them automatically, even if your naming convention is a,...,f using alphX, but I'd need to know what the conventions are.
            – marmot
            15 mins ago

          • Please refer to my edited question for the rest of my code. Thank you.
            – Hany
            12 mins ago

          up vote
          down vote

          up vote
          down vote

          In this answer I focus on reproducing your output with foreach loops. I do not reproduce your named nodes, which are not used anywhere in your code. One can, of course, produce automatically named nodes, which I can add if they happen to be used.

          hspace -1cm
          begintikzpicture[scale=.7, transform shape,
          linecolor/.style=ultra thick, green!40!black,
          dotline/.style=thin, black, loosely dotted]

          draw [thick,-latex](-.3,0) -- (5,0);
          draw [thick,-latex](0,-.3) -- (0,8);
          draw [thick,-latex](6.,0) -- (14.4,0);
          draw [thick,-latex](8,-.2) -- (8,8);
          foreach X in 1,...,12

          draw [dotline] (0,X*7cm/12) -- ++ (14,0);
          draw [linecolor] (-incrmnt/2,X*7cm/12)node[left]X/12 -- ++ (incrmnt,0)
          (8-incrmnt/2,X*7cm/12)node[left]X/12-- ++ (incrmnt,0);

          foreach X in 1,...,7

          draw[linecolor] (3*X/5,-incrmnt/2) node[below]X -- ++ (0,incrmnt)
          (8+3*X/5,-incrmnt/2) node[below]X -- ++ (0,incrmnt);
          draw[linecolor] (3*X/5,0) -- ++ (0,7/12)
          node[fill,red,circle,inner sep=2pt];
          draw[linecolor] (3*X/5,0) -- ++ (0,14/12)
          node[fill,red,circle,inner sep=2pt];


          enter image description here

          share|improve this answer

          In this answer I focus on reproducing your output with foreach loops. I do not reproduce your named nodes, which are not used anywhere in your code. One can, of course, produce automatically named nodes, which I can add if they happen to be used.

          hspace -1cm
          begintikzpicture[scale=.7, transform shape,
          linecolor/.style=ultra thick, green!40!black,
          dotline/.style=thin, black, loosely dotted]

          draw [thick,-latex](-.3,0) -- (5,0);
          draw [thick,-latex](0,-.3) -- (0,8);
          draw [thick,-latex](6.,0) -- (14.4,0);
          draw [thick,-latex](8,-.2) -- (8,8);
          foreach X in 1,...,12

          draw [dotline] (0,X*7cm/12) -- ++ (14,0);
          draw [linecolor] (-incrmnt/2,X*7cm/12)node[left]X/12 -- ++ (incrmnt,0)
          (8-incrmnt/2,X*7cm/12)node[left]X/12-- ++ (incrmnt,0);

          foreach X in 1,...,7

          draw[linecolor] (3*X/5,-incrmnt/2) node[below]X -- ++ (0,incrmnt)
          (8+3*X/5,-incrmnt/2) node[below]X -- ++ (0,incrmnt);
          draw[linecolor] (3*X/5,0) -- ++ (0,7/12)
          node[fill,red,circle,inner sep=2pt];
          draw[linecolor] (3*X/5,0) -- ++ (0,14/12)
          node[fill,red,circle,inner sep=2pt];


          enter image description here

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          answered 27 mins ago




          • Thank you very much. But I need the named nodes, because I use them to complete my drawing by placing lines and circles on the right drawing; which I did not mention to simplify the foreach command.
            – Hany
            20 mins ago

          • @hany Do you need nodes or coordinates? What are the naming conventions? You can name them automatically, even if your naming convention is a,...,f using alphX, but I'd need to know what the conventions are.
            – marmot
            15 mins ago

          • Please refer to my edited question for the rest of my code. Thank you.
            – Hany
            12 mins ago

          • Thank you very much. But I need the named nodes, because I use them to complete my drawing by placing lines and circles on the right drawing; which I did not mention to simplify the foreach command.
            – Hany
            20 mins ago

          • @hany Do you need nodes or coordinates? What are the naming conventions? You can name them automatically, even if your naming convention is a,...,f using alphX, but I'd need to know what the conventions are.
            – marmot
            15 mins ago

          • Please refer to my edited question for the rest of my code. Thank you.
            – Hany
            12 mins ago

          Thank you very much. But I need the named nodes, because I use them to complete my drawing by placing lines and circles on the right drawing; which I did not mention to simplify the foreach command.
          – Hany
          20 mins ago

          Thank you very much. But I need the named nodes, because I use them to complete my drawing by placing lines and circles on the right drawing; which I did not mention to simplify the foreach command.
          – Hany
          20 mins ago

          @hany Do you need nodes or coordinates? What are the naming conventions? You can name them automatically, even if your naming convention is a,...,f using alphX, but I'd need to know what the conventions are.
          – marmot
          15 mins ago

          @hany Do you need nodes or coordinates? What are the naming conventions? You can name them automatically, even if your naming convention is a,...,f using alphX, but I'd need to know what the conventions are.
          – marmot
          15 mins ago

          Please refer to my edited question for the rest of my code. Thank you.
          – Hany
          12 mins ago

          Please refer to my edited question for the rest of my code. Thank you.
          – Hany
          12 mins ago


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          StackExchange.openid.initPostLogin('.new-post-login', '', 'question_page');


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