Limited line style for differentiating curves in the plot

The name of the pictureThe name of the pictureThe name of the pictureClash Royale CLAN TAG#URR8PPP



Question 1
I have a plot which consists of six curves, and I wanted to differentiate these line without using any color. I the only option that I left with is to use different line style. After looking at the documentation I only come up with these three, but I have six curves? how to do this?

Question 2
Out of these six plots, bottom three curves I have to name as mode shapes, the upper three curves as non-dimensional frequency. And there is a no horizontal line crossing at y=0; how to fix this?

s1 = 4.76592, 4.80264, 4.84021, 4.87866, 4.91803, 4.95834, 4.99961,
5.04189, 5.08519, 5.12956, 5.17503, 5.22163, 5.26941, 5.31839,
5.36862, 5.42013, 5.47298, 5.52719, 5.58282, 5.63992, 5.69852,
5.75867, 5.82042, 5.88383, 5.94893, 6.01577, 6.08441, 6.15488,
6.22724, 6.30151, 6.37773, 6.45593, 6.53613, 6.61831, 6.70246,
6.78854, 6.87645, 6.96606, 7.05715, 7.14942, 7.24241, 7.33546,
7.42764, 7.51761, 7.60347, 7.6826, 7.7515, 7.80584, 7.84099,
7.8532, 7.84099, 7.80584, 7.7515, 7.6826, 7.60347, 7.51761,
7.42764, 7.33546, 7.24241, 7.14942, 7.05715, 6.96606, 6.87645,
6.78854, 6.70246, 6.61831, 6.53613, 6.45593, 6.37773, 6.30151,
6.22724, 6.15488, 6.08441, 6.01577, 5.94893, 5.88383, 5.82042,
5.75867, 5.69852, 5.63992, 5.58282, 5.52719, 5.47298, 5.42013,
5.36862, 5.31839, 5.26941, 5.22163, 5.17503, 5.12956, 5.08519,
5.04189, 4.99961, 4.95834, 4.91803, 4.87866, 4.84021, 4.80264,

s2 = 7.91294, 7.97447, 8.03787, 8.10242, 8.17017, 8.23608, 8.30852,
8.38107, 8.45563, 8.53225, 8.61098, 8.69187, 8.77496, 8.8603,
8.94792, 9.03787, 9.13018, 9.22488, 9.32199, 9.42152, 9.52347,
9.62782, 9.7345, 9.84343, 9.95447, 10.0674, 10.1818, 10.2973,
10.4131, 10.528, 10.6403, 10.7472, 10.8444, 10.9251, 10.9794,
10.995, 10.9619, 10.8794, 10.7575, 10.6107, 10.4515, 10.2891,
10.1298, 9.97812, 9.83806, 9.71347, 9.60863, 9.52835, 9.47753,
9.46008, 9.47753, 9.52835, 9.60863, 9.71347, 9.83806, 9.97812,
10.1298, 10.2891, 10.4515, 10.6107, 10.7575, 10.8794, 10.9619,
10.995, 10.9794, 10.9251, 10.8444, 10.7472, 10.6403, 10.528,
10.4131, 10.2973, 10.1818, 10.0674, 9.95447, 9.84343, 9.7345,
9.62782, 9.52347, 9.42152, 9.32199, 9.22488, 9.13018, 9.03787,
8.94792, 8.8603, 8.77496, 8.69187, 8.61098, 8.53225, 8.45563,
8.38107, 8.30852, 8.23794, 8.17017, 8.10242, 8.03741, 7.97447,

s3 = 11.0794, 11.1662, 11.2555, 11.3489, 11.4432, 11.5415, 11.6428,
11.7471, 11.8545, 11.965, 12.0786, 12.1953, 12.3151, 12.4381,
12.5641, 12.6931, 12.825, 12.9595, 13.0965, 13.2354, 13.3757,
13.5164, 13.6558, 13.7914, 13.9186, 14.0295, 14.11, 14.1365,
14.0811, 13.9338, 13.7184, 13.4721, 13.2245, 12.9965, 12.8054,
12.6674, 12.5945, 12.5884, 12.6394, 12.7332, 12.8573, 13.0026,
13.1625, 13.3323, 13.5074, 13.6822, 13.8488, 13.9943, 14.0984,
14.1372, 14.0984, 13.9943, 13.8488, 13.6822, 13.5074, 13.3323,
13.1625, 13.0026, 12.8573, 12.7332, 12.6394, 12.5884, 12.5945,
12.6674, 12.8054, 12.9965, 13.2245, 13.4721, 13.7184, 13.9338,
14.0811, 14.1365, 14.11, 14.0295, 13.9186, 13.7914, 13.6558,
13.5164, 13.3757, 13.2354, 13.0965, 12.9595, 12.825, 12.6931,
12.5641, 12.4381, 12.3151, 12.1953, 12.0786, 11.965, 11.8545,
11.7471, 11.6428, 11.5415, 11.4432, 11.348, 11.2555, 11.1667,

z1 = Table[i, i, 0.01, 0.99, 0.01];
data1 = Transpose[z1, s1];
data2 = Transpose[z1, s2];
data3 = Transpose[z1, s3];
peaks1 = FindPeaks[s1];
peaks2 = FindPeaks[s2];
peaks3 = FindPeaks[s3];
mark1 = 0.50, 7.8532;
mark2 = 0.36, 10.995, 0.64, 10.995;
mark3 = 0.28, 14.1365, 0.50, 14.1372, 0.72, 14.1365;

mark4 = 0.50, 0;
mark5 = 0.36, 0, 0.64, 0;
mark6 = 0.28, 0, 0.50, 0, 0.72, 0;
p1 = ListPlot[data1, Joined -> True,
PlotStyle -> Black, Thickness[0.004], Dashing[Tiny],
AxesStyle -> Black, PlotRange -> All];
p2 = ListPlot[data2, Joined -> True,
PlotStyle -> Black, Thickness[0.004], Dashing[Large],
AxesStyle -> Black, PlotRange -> All];
p3 = ListPlot[data3, Joined -> True,
PlotStyle -> Black, Thickness[0.004], AxesStyle -> Black,
PlotRange -> All];

p4 = Graphics[Text[Style["[EmptyUpTriangle]", 25], #] & /@ mark1];
p5 = Graphics[Text[Style["[EmptyCircle]", 25], #] & /@ mark2];
p6 = Graphics[Text[Style["[EmptySquare]", 25], #] & /@ mark3];
p7 = Graphics[Text[Style["[EmptyUpTriangle]", 25], #] & /@ mark4];
p8 = Graphics[Text[Style["[EmptyCircle]", 25], #] & /@ mark5];
p9 = Graphics[Text[Style["[EmptySquare]", 25], #] & /@ mark6];

L = 1;
beta1 = 4.7300, 7.8532, 10.9956, 14.1372;
modefunction = ((Cos[b*x2] -
Cosh[b*x2]) - (((Cos[b*L] - Cosh[b*L])/(Sin[b*L] -
Sinh[b*L]))*(Sin[b*x2] - Sinh[b*x2])));
m3 = modefunction /. b -> beta1[[2]];
m4 = modefunction /. b -> beta1[[3]];
m5 = modefunction /. b -> beta1[[4]];
p10 = Plot[m3, x2, 0, L,
PlotStyle -> Black, Thickness[0.004], Dashing[Tiny],
AxesStyle -> Black, PlotRange -> All];
p11 = Plot[m4, x2, 0, L,
PlotStyle -> Black, Thickness[0.004], Dashing[Large],
AxesStyle -> Black, PlotRange -> All];
p12 = Plot[m5, x2, 0, L, PlotStyle -> Black, Thickness[0.004],
AxesStyle -> Black, PlotRange -> All];
fig = Show[p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9, p10, p11, p12,
PlotRange -> All, AxesStyle -> Black,
Frame -> True, True, True, False,
FrameLabel -> "Beam Length", "Non-dimensional [Beta]", ,
"Mode Shapes", PlotLabel -> None,
LabelStyle -> FontFamily -> "Arial", 40, GrayLevel[0]];
fig = Style[fig, GraphicsBoxOptions -> ImageSize -> 1000]

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    Question 1
    I have a plot which consists of six curves, and I wanted to differentiate these line without using any color. I the only option that I left with is to use different line style. After looking at the documentation I only come up with these three, but I have six curves? how to do this?

    Question 2
    Out of these six plots, bottom three curves I have to name as mode shapes, the upper three curves as non-dimensional frequency. And there is a no horizontal line crossing at y=0; how to fix this?

    s1 = 4.76592, 4.80264, 4.84021, 4.87866, 4.91803, 4.95834, 4.99961,
    5.04189, 5.08519, 5.12956, 5.17503, 5.22163, 5.26941, 5.31839,
    5.36862, 5.42013, 5.47298, 5.52719, 5.58282, 5.63992, 5.69852,
    5.75867, 5.82042, 5.88383, 5.94893, 6.01577, 6.08441, 6.15488,
    6.22724, 6.30151, 6.37773, 6.45593, 6.53613, 6.61831, 6.70246,
    6.78854, 6.87645, 6.96606, 7.05715, 7.14942, 7.24241, 7.33546,
    7.42764, 7.51761, 7.60347, 7.6826, 7.7515, 7.80584, 7.84099,
    7.8532, 7.84099, 7.80584, 7.7515, 7.6826, 7.60347, 7.51761,
    7.42764, 7.33546, 7.24241, 7.14942, 7.05715, 6.96606, 6.87645,
    6.78854, 6.70246, 6.61831, 6.53613, 6.45593, 6.37773, 6.30151,
    6.22724, 6.15488, 6.08441, 6.01577, 5.94893, 5.88383, 5.82042,
    5.75867, 5.69852, 5.63992, 5.58282, 5.52719, 5.47298, 5.42013,
    5.36862, 5.31839, 5.26941, 5.22163, 5.17503, 5.12956, 5.08519,
    5.04189, 4.99961, 4.95834, 4.91803, 4.87866, 4.84021, 4.80264,

    s2 = 7.91294, 7.97447, 8.03787, 8.10242, 8.17017, 8.23608, 8.30852,
    8.38107, 8.45563, 8.53225, 8.61098, 8.69187, 8.77496, 8.8603,
    8.94792, 9.03787, 9.13018, 9.22488, 9.32199, 9.42152, 9.52347,
    9.62782, 9.7345, 9.84343, 9.95447, 10.0674, 10.1818, 10.2973,
    10.4131, 10.528, 10.6403, 10.7472, 10.8444, 10.9251, 10.9794,
    10.995, 10.9619, 10.8794, 10.7575, 10.6107, 10.4515, 10.2891,
    10.1298, 9.97812, 9.83806, 9.71347, 9.60863, 9.52835, 9.47753,
    9.46008, 9.47753, 9.52835, 9.60863, 9.71347, 9.83806, 9.97812,
    10.1298, 10.2891, 10.4515, 10.6107, 10.7575, 10.8794, 10.9619,
    10.995, 10.9794, 10.9251, 10.8444, 10.7472, 10.6403, 10.528,
    10.4131, 10.2973, 10.1818, 10.0674, 9.95447, 9.84343, 9.7345,
    9.62782, 9.52347, 9.42152, 9.32199, 9.22488, 9.13018, 9.03787,
    8.94792, 8.8603, 8.77496, 8.69187, 8.61098, 8.53225, 8.45563,
    8.38107, 8.30852, 8.23794, 8.17017, 8.10242, 8.03741, 7.97447,

    s3 = 11.0794, 11.1662, 11.2555, 11.3489, 11.4432, 11.5415, 11.6428,
    11.7471, 11.8545, 11.965, 12.0786, 12.1953, 12.3151, 12.4381,
    12.5641, 12.6931, 12.825, 12.9595, 13.0965, 13.2354, 13.3757,
    13.5164, 13.6558, 13.7914, 13.9186, 14.0295, 14.11, 14.1365,
    14.0811, 13.9338, 13.7184, 13.4721, 13.2245, 12.9965, 12.8054,
    12.6674, 12.5945, 12.5884, 12.6394, 12.7332, 12.8573, 13.0026,
    13.1625, 13.3323, 13.5074, 13.6822, 13.8488, 13.9943, 14.0984,
    14.1372, 14.0984, 13.9943, 13.8488, 13.6822, 13.5074, 13.3323,
    13.1625, 13.0026, 12.8573, 12.7332, 12.6394, 12.5884, 12.5945,
    12.6674, 12.8054, 12.9965, 13.2245, 13.4721, 13.7184, 13.9338,
    14.0811, 14.1365, 14.11, 14.0295, 13.9186, 13.7914, 13.6558,
    13.5164, 13.3757, 13.2354, 13.0965, 12.9595, 12.825, 12.6931,
    12.5641, 12.4381, 12.3151, 12.1953, 12.0786, 11.965, 11.8545,
    11.7471, 11.6428, 11.5415, 11.4432, 11.348, 11.2555, 11.1667,

    z1 = Table[i, i, 0.01, 0.99, 0.01];
    data1 = Transpose[z1, s1];
    data2 = Transpose[z1, s2];
    data3 = Transpose[z1, s3];
    peaks1 = FindPeaks[s1];
    peaks2 = FindPeaks[s2];
    peaks3 = FindPeaks[s3];
    mark1 = 0.50, 7.8532;
    mark2 = 0.36, 10.995, 0.64, 10.995;
    mark3 = 0.28, 14.1365, 0.50, 14.1372, 0.72, 14.1365;

    mark4 = 0.50, 0;
    mark5 = 0.36, 0, 0.64, 0;
    mark6 = 0.28, 0, 0.50, 0, 0.72, 0;
    p1 = ListPlot[data1, Joined -> True,
    PlotStyle -> Black, Thickness[0.004], Dashing[Tiny],
    AxesStyle -> Black, PlotRange -> All];
    p2 = ListPlot[data2, Joined -> True,
    PlotStyle -> Black, Thickness[0.004], Dashing[Large],
    AxesStyle -> Black, PlotRange -> All];
    p3 = ListPlot[data3, Joined -> True,
    PlotStyle -> Black, Thickness[0.004], AxesStyle -> Black,
    PlotRange -> All];

    p4 = Graphics[Text[Style["[EmptyUpTriangle]", 25], #] & /@ mark1];
    p5 = Graphics[Text[Style["[EmptyCircle]", 25], #] & /@ mark2];
    p6 = Graphics[Text[Style["[EmptySquare]", 25], #] & /@ mark3];
    p7 = Graphics[Text[Style["[EmptyUpTriangle]", 25], #] & /@ mark4];
    p8 = Graphics[Text[Style["[EmptyCircle]", 25], #] & /@ mark5];
    p9 = Graphics[Text[Style["[EmptySquare]", 25], #] & /@ mark6];

    L = 1;
    beta1 = 4.7300, 7.8532, 10.9956, 14.1372;
    modefunction = ((Cos[b*x2] -
    Cosh[b*x2]) - (((Cos[b*L] - Cosh[b*L])/(Sin[b*L] -
    Sinh[b*L]))*(Sin[b*x2] - Sinh[b*x2])));
    m3 = modefunction /. b -> beta1[[2]];
    m4 = modefunction /. b -> beta1[[3]];
    m5 = modefunction /. b -> beta1[[4]];
    p10 = Plot[m3, x2, 0, L,
    PlotStyle -> Black, Thickness[0.004], Dashing[Tiny],
    AxesStyle -> Black, PlotRange -> All];
    p11 = Plot[m4, x2, 0, L,
    PlotStyle -> Black, Thickness[0.004], Dashing[Large],
    AxesStyle -> Black, PlotRange -> All];
    p12 = Plot[m5, x2, 0, L, PlotStyle -> Black, Thickness[0.004],
    AxesStyle -> Black, PlotRange -> All];
    fig = Show[p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9, p10, p11, p12,
    PlotRange -> All, AxesStyle -> Black,
    Frame -> True, True, True, False,
    FrameLabel -> "Beam Length", "Non-dimensional [Beta]", ,
    "Mode Shapes", PlotLabel -> None,
    LabelStyle -> FontFamily -> "Arial", 40, GrayLevel[0]];
    fig = Style[fig, GraphicsBoxOptions -> ImageSize -> 1000]

    share|improve this question






      Question 1
      I have a plot which consists of six curves, and I wanted to differentiate these line without using any color. I the only option that I left with is to use different line style. After looking at the documentation I only come up with these three, but I have six curves? how to do this?

      Question 2
      Out of these six plots, bottom three curves I have to name as mode shapes, the upper three curves as non-dimensional frequency. And there is a no horizontal line crossing at y=0; how to fix this?

      s1 = 4.76592, 4.80264, 4.84021, 4.87866, 4.91803, 4.95834, 4.99961,
      5.04189, 5.08519, 5.12956, 5.17503, 5.22163, 5.26941, 5.31839,
      5.36862, 5.42013, 5.47298, 5.52719, 5.58282, 5.63992, 5.69852,
      5.75867, 5.82042, 5.88383, 5.94893, 6.01577, 6.08441, 6.15488,
      6.22724, 6.30151, 6.37773, 6.45593, 6.53613, 6.61831, 6.70246,
      6.78854, 6.87645, 6.96606, 7.05715, 7.14942, 7.24241, 7.33546,
      7.42764, 7.51761, 7.60347, 7.6826, 7.7515, 7.80584, 7.84099,
      7.8532, 7.84099, 7.80584, 7.7515, 7.6826, 7.60347, 7.51761,
      7.42764, 7.33546, 7.24241, 7.14942, 7.05715, 6.96606, 6.87645,
      6.78854, 6.70246, 6.61831, 6.53613, 6.45593, 6.37773, 6.30151,
      6.22724, 6.15488, 6.08441, 6.01577, 5.94893, 5.88383, 5.82042,
      5.75867, 5.69852, 5.63992, 5.58282, 5.52719, 5.47298, 5.42013,
      5.36862, 5.31839, 5.26941, 5.22163, 5.17503, 5.12956, 5.08519,
      5.04189, 4.99961, 4.95834, 4.91803, 4.87866, 4.84021, 4.80264,

      s2 = 7.91294, 7.97447, 8.03787, 8.10242, 8.17017, 8.23608, 8.30852,
      8.38107, 8.45563, 8.53225, 8.61098, 8.69187, 8.77496, 8.8603,
      8.94792, 9.03787, 9.13018, 9.22488, 9.32199, 9.42152, 9.52347,
      9.62782, 9.7345, 9.84343, 9.95447, 10.0674, 10.1818, 10.2973,
      10.4131, 10.528, 10.6403, 10.7472, 10.8444, 10.9251, 10.9794,
      10.995, 10.9619, 10.8794, 10.7575, 10.6107, 10.4515, 10.2891,
      10.1298, 9.97812, 9.83806, 9.71347, 9.60863, 9.52835, 9.47753,
      9.46008, 9.47753, 9.52835, 9.60863, 9.71347, 9.83806, 9.97812,
      10.1298, 10.2891, 10.4515, 10.6107, 10.7575, 10.8794, 10.9619,
      10.995, 10.9794, 10.9251, 10.8444, 10.7472, 10.6403, 10.528,
      10.4131, 10.2973, 10.1818, 10.0674, 9.95447, 9.84343, 9.7345,
      9.62782, 9.52347, 9.42152, 9.32199, 9.22488, 9.13018, 9.03787,
      8.94792, 8.8603, 8.77496, 8.69187, 8.61098, 8.53225, 8.45563,
      8.38107, 8.30852, 8.23794, 8.17017, 8.10242, 8.03741, 7.97447,

      s3 = 11.0794, 11.1662, 11.2555, 11.3489, 11.4432, 11.5415, 11.6428,
      11.7471, 11.8545, 11.965, 12.0786, 12.1953, 12.3151, 12.4381,
      12.5641, 12.6931, 12.825, 12.9595, 13.0965, 13.2354, 13.3757,
      13.5164, 13.6558, 13.7914, 13.9186, 14.0295, 14.11, 14.1365,
      14.0811, 13.9338, 13.7184, 13.4721, 13.2245, 12.9965, 12.8054,
      12.6674, 12.5945, 12.5884, 12.6394, 12.7332, 12.8573, 13.0026,
      13.1625, 13.3323, 13.5074, 13.6822, 13.8488, 13.9943, 14.0984,
      14.1372, 14.0984, 13.9943, 13.8488, 13.6822, 13.5074, 13.3323,
      13.1625, 13.0026, 12.8573, 12.7332, 12.6394, 12.5884, 12.5945,
      12.6674, 12.8054, 12.9965, 13.2245, 13.4721, 13.7184, 13.9338,
      14.0811, 14.1365, 14.11, 14.0295, 13.9186, 13.7914, 13.6558,
      13.5164, 13.3757, 13.2354, 13.0965, 12.9595, 12.825, 12.6931,
      12.5641, 12.4381, 12.3151, 12.1953, 12.0786, 11.965, 11.8545,
      11.7471, 11.6428, 11.5415, 11.4432, 11.348, 11.2555, 11.1667,

      z1 = Table[i, i, 0.01, 0.99, 0.01];
      data1 = Transpose[z1, s1];
      data2 = Transpose[z1, s2];
      data3 = Transpose[z1, s3];
      peaks1 = FindPeaks[s1];
      peaks2 = FindPeaks[s2];
      peaks3 = FindPeaks[s3];
      mark1 = 0.50, 7.8532;
      mark2 = 0.36, 10.995, 0.64, 10.995;
      mark3 = 0.28, 14.1365, 0.50, 14.1372, 0.72, 14.1365;

      mark4 = 0.50, 0;
      mark5 = 0.36, 0, 0.64, 0;
      mark6 = 0.28, 0, 0.50, 0, 0.72, 0;
      p1 = ListPlot[data1, Joined -> True,
      PlotStyle -> Black, Thickness[0.004], Dashing[Tiny],
      AxesStyle -> Black, PlotRange -> All];
      p2 = ListPlot[data2, Joined -> True,
      PlotStyle -> Black, Thickness[0.004], Dashing[Large],
      AxesStyle -> Black, PlotRange -> All];
      p3 = ListPlot[data3, Joined -> True,
      PlotStyle -> Black, Thickness[0.004], AxesStyle -> Black,
      PlotRange -> All];

      p4 = Graphics[Text[Style["[EmptyUpTriangle]", 25], #] & /@ mark1];
      p5 = Graphics[Text[Style["[EmptyCircle]", 25], #] & /@ mark2];
      p6 = Graphics[Text[Style["[EmptySquare]", 25], #] & /@ mark3];
      p7 = Graphics[Text[Style["[EmptyUpTriangle]", 25], #] & /@ mark4];
      p8 = Graphics[Text[Style["[EmptyCircle]", 25], #] & /@ mark5];
      p9 = Graphics[Text[Style["[EmptySquare]", 25], #] & /@ mark6];

      L = 1;
      beta1 = 4.7300, 7.8532, 10.9956, 14.1372;
      modefunction = ((Cos[b*x2] -
      Cosh[b*x2]) - (((Cos[b*L] - Cosh[b*L])/(Sin[b*L] -
      Sinh[b*L]))*(Sin[b*x2] - Sinh[b*x2])));
      m3 = modefunction /. b -> beta1[[2]];
      m4 = modefunction /. b -> beta1[[3]];
      m5 = modefunction /. b -> beta1[[4]];
      p10 = Plot[m3, x2, 0, L,
      PlotStyle -> Black, Thickness[0.004], Dashing[Tiny],
      AxesStyle -> Black, PlotRange -> All];
      p11 = Plot[m4, x2, 0, L,
      PlotStyle -> Black, Thickness[0.004], Dashing[Large],
      AxesStyle -> Black, PlotRange -> All];
      p12 = Plot[m5, x2, 0, L, PlotStyle -> Black, Thickness[0.004],
      AxesStyle -> Black, PlotRange -> All];
      fig = Show[p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9, p10, p11, p12,
      PlotRange -> All, AxesStyle -> Black,
      Frame -> True, True, True, False,
      FrameLabel -> "Beam Length", "Non-dimensional [Beta]", ,
      "Mode Shapes", PlotLabel -> None,
      LabelStyle -> FontFamily -> "Arial", 40, GrayLevel[0]];
      fig = Style[fig, GraphicsBoxOptions -> ImageSize -> 1000]

      share|improve this question


      Question 1
      I have a plot which consists of six curves, and I wanted to differentiate these line without using any color. I the only option that I left with is to use different line style. After looking at the documentation I only come up with these three, but I have six curves? how to do this?

      Question 2
      Out of these six plots, bottom three curves I have to name as mode shapes, the upper three curves as non-dimensional frequency. And there is a no horizontal line crossing at y=0; how to fix this?

      s1 = 4.76592, 4.80264, 4.84021, 4.87866, 4.91803, 4.95834, 4.99961,
      5.04189, 5.08519, 5.12956, 5.17503, 5.22163, 5.26941, 5.31839,
      5.36862, 5.42013, 5.47298, 5.52719, 5.58282, 5.63992, 5.69852,
      5.75867, 5.82042, 5.88383, 5.94893, 6.01577, 6.08441, 6.15488,
      6.22724, 6.30151, 6.37773, 6.45593, 6.53613, 6.61831, 6.70246,
      6.78854, 6.87645, 6.96606, 7.05715, 7.14942, 7.24241, 7.33546,
      7.42764, 7.51761, 7.60347, 7.6826, 7.7515, 7.80584, 7.84099,
      7.8532, 7.84099, 7.80584, 7.7515, 7.6826, 7.60347, 7.51761,
      7.42764, 7.33546, 7.24241, 7.14942, 7.05715, 6.96606, 6.87645,
      6.78854, 6.70246, 6.61831, 6.53613, 6.45593, 6.37773, 6.30151,
      6.22724, 6.15488, 6.08441, 6.01577, 5.94893, 5.88383, 5.82042,
      5.75867, 5.69852, 5.63992, 5.58282, 5.52719, 5.47298, 5.42013,
      5.36862, 5.31839, 5.26941, 5.22163, 5.17503, 5.12956, 5.08519,
      5.04189, 4.99961, 4.95834, 4.91803, 4.87866, 4.84021, 4.80264,

      s2 = 7.91294, 7.97447, 8.03787, 8.10242, 8.17017, 8.23608, 8.30852,
      8.38107, 8.45563, 8.53225, 8.61098, 8.69187, 8.77496, 8.8603,
      8.94792, 9.03787, 9.13018, 9.22488, 9.32199, 9.42152, 9.52347,
      9.62782, 9.7345, 9.84343, 9.95447, 10.0674, 10.1818, 10.2973,
      10.4131, 10.528, 10.6403, 10.7472, 10.8444, 10.9251, 10.9794,
      10.995, 10.9619, 10.8794, 10.7575, 10.6107, 10.4515, 10.2891,
      10.1298, 9.97812, 9.83806, 9.71347, 9.60863, 9.52835, 9.47753,
      9.46008, 9.47753, 9.52835, 9.60863, 9.71347, 9.83806, 9.97812,
      10.1298, 10.2891, 10.4515, 10.6107, 10.7575, 10.8794, 10.9619,
      10.995, 10.9794, 10.9251, 10.8444, 10.7472, 10.6403, 10.528,
      10.4131, 10.2973, 10.1818, 10.0674, 9.95447, 9.84343, 9.7345,
      9.62782, 9.52347, 9.42152, 9.32199, 9.22488, 9.13018, 9.03787,
      8.94792, 8.8603, 8.77496, 8.69187, 8.61098, 8.53225, 8.45563,
      8.38107, 8.30852, 8.23794, 8.17017, 8.10242, 8.03741, 7.97447,

      s3 = 11.0794, 11.1662, 11.2555, 11.3489, 11.4432, 11.5415, 11.6428,
      11.7471, 11.8545, 11.965, 12.0786, 12.1953, 12.3151, 12.4381,
      12.5641, 12.6931, 12.825, 12.9595, 13.0965, 13.2354, 13.3757,
      13.5164, 13.6558, 13.7914, 13.9186, 14.0295, 14.11, 14.1365,
      14.0811, 13.9338, 13.7184, 13.4721, 13.2245, 12.9965, 12.8054,
      12.6674, 12.5945, 12.5884, 12.6394, 12.7332, 12.8573, 13.0026,
      13.1625, 13.3323, 13.5074, 13.6822, 13.8488, 13.9943, 14.0984,
      14.1372, 14.0984, 13.9943, 13.8488, 13.6822, 13.5074, 13.3323,
      13.1625, 13.0026, 12.8573, 12.7332, 12.6394, 12.5884, 12.5945,
      12.6674, 12.8054, 12.9965, 13.2245, 13.4721, 13.7184, 13.9338,
      14.0811, 14.1365, 14.11, 14.0295, 13.9186, 13.7914, 13.6558,
      13.5164, 13.3757, 13.2354, 13.0965, 12.9595, 12.825, 12.6931,
      12.5641, 12.4381, 12.3151, 12.1953, 12.0786, 11.965, 11.8545,
      11.7471, 11.6428, 11.5415, 11.4432, 11.348, 11.2555, 11.1667,

      z1 = Table[i, i, 0.01, 0.99, 0.01];
      data1 = Transpose[z1, s1];
      data2 = Transpose[z1, s2];
      data3 = Transpose[z1, s3];
      peaks1 = FindPeaks[s1];
      peaks2 = FindPeaks[s2];
      peaks3 = FindPeaks[s3];
      mark1 = 0.50, 7.8532;
      mark2 = 0.36, 10.995, 0.64, 10.995;
      mark3 = 0.28, 14.1365, 0.50, 14.1372, 0.72, 14.1365;

      mark4 = 0.50, 0;
      mark5 = 0.36, 0, 0.64, 0;
      mark6 = 0.28, 0, 0.50, 0, 0.72, 0;
      p1 = ListPlot[data1, Joined -> True,
      PlotStyle -> Black, Thickness[0.004], Dashing[Tiny],
      AxesStyle -> Black, PlotRange -> All];
      p2 = ListPlot[data2, Joined -> True,
      PlotStyle -> Black, Thickness[0.004], Dashing[Large],
      AxesStyle -> Black, PlotRange -> All];
      p3 = ListPlot[data3, Joined -> True,
      PlotStyle -> Black, Thickness[0.004], AxesStyle -> Black,
      PlotRange -> All];

      p4 = Graphics[Text[Style["[EmptyUpTriangle]", 25], #] & /@ mark1];
      p5 = Graphics[Text[Style["[EmptyCircle]", 25], #] & /@ mark2];
      p6 = Graphics[Text[Style["[EmptySquare]", 25], #] & /@ mark3];
      p7 = Graphics[Text[Style["[EmptyUpTriangle]", 25], #] & /@ mark4];
      p8 = Graphics[Text[Style["[EmptyCircle]", 25], #] & /@ mark5];
      p9 = Graphics[Text[Style["[EmptySquare]", 25], #] & /@ mark6];

      L = 1;
      beta1 = 4.7300, 7.8532, 10.9956, 14.1372;
      modefunction = ((Cos[b*x2] -
      Cosh[b*x2]) - (((Cos[b*L] - Cosh[b*L])/(Sin[b*L] -
      Sinh[b*L]))*(Sin[b*x2] - Sinh[b*x2])));
      m3 = modefunction /. b -> beta1[[2]];
      m4 = modefunction /. b -> beta1[[3]];
      m5 = modefunction /. b -> beta1[[4]];
      p10 = Plot[m3, x2, 0, L,
      PlotStyle -> Black, Thickness[0.004], Dashing[Tiny],
      AxesStyle -> Black, PlotRange -> All];
      p11 = Plot[m4, x2, 0, L,
      PlotStyle -> Black, Thickness[0.004], Dashing[Large],
      AxesStyle -> Black, PlotRange -> All];
      p12 = Plot[m5, x2, 0, L, PlotStyle -> Black, Thickness[0.004],
      AxesStyle -> Black, PlotRange -> All];
      fig = Show[p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9, p10, p11, p12,
      PlotRange -> All, AxesStyle -> Black,
      Frame -> True, True, True, False,
      FrameLabel -> "Beam Length", "Non-dimensional [Beta]", ,
      "Mode Shapes", PlotLabel -> None,
      LabelStyle -> FontFamily -> "Arial", 40, GrayLevel[0]];
      fig = Style[fig, GraphicsBoxOptions -> ImageSize -> 1000]

      plotting legending style

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      asked Feb 6 at 6:03




          1 Answer






          You can use PlotTheme -> "Monochrome" as follows:

          if1, if2, if3 = Interpolation /@ data1, data2, data3; 

          Quiet@Plot[ m3, m4, m5, if1[x2], if2[x2], if3[x2], x2, 0, L,
          PlotTheme -> "Monochrome", AxesStyle -> Black, PlotRange -> All,
          PlotLegends -> LineLegend["m3", "m4", "m5", "data1", "data2", "data3"],
          ImageSize -> Large, Frame -> True, Axes -> False,
          GridLines -> None, 0, 5,
          GridLinesStyle -> Directive[Gray, Dashing[]],
          FrameLabel -> StringPadLeft["Non-dimensional β", 60],
          StringPadRight[ "Mode shapes", 70], "Beam Length", None,
          Epilog -> ListPlot[data1, data2, data3, MaxPlotPoints -> 30,
          PlotStyle -> Black, PlotTheme -> "OpenMarkers"][[1]]]

          enter image description here

          Use Epilog -> (First /@ p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9) to get

          enter image description here

          share|improve this answer


          • $begingroup$
            actually, I have marked some maximum points in my OP, where I have used the triangle, circle, and squares. Now the thing is even we have a limited number of markers right. How to mark these point differentely
            – acoustics
            Feb 6 at 7:30

          • $begingroup$
            I used your code, But I am getting some unnecessary horizontal line near 5. How to avoid this
            – acoustics
            Feb 6 at 7:38

          • 1

            @acoustics, use Epilog -> (First /@ p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9) to add your markers, and use GridLines -> None, 0 to remove the horizontal line at 5.
            – kglr
            Feb 6 at 7:50

          • 1

            @acoustics, try PlotLegends -> Placed[LineLegend["m3", "m4", "m5", "data1", "data2", "data3", LegendLayout -> "Row", 1], Top]
            – kglr
            Feb 6 at 9:38

          • 1

            @acoustics, replace Top with Scaled[.5, 1.] and add the option PlotRangeClipping->False.
            – kglr
            Feb 6 at 9:55

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          1 Answer




          1 Answer












          You can use PlotTheme -> "Monochrome" as follows:

          if1, if2, if3 = Interpolation /@ data1, data2, data3; 

          Quiet@Plot[ m3, m4, m5, if1[x2], if2[x2], if3[x2], x2, 0, L,
          PlotTheme -> "Monochrome", AxesStyle -> Black, PlotRange -> All,
          PlotLegends -> LineLegend["m3", "m4", "m5", "data1", "data2", "data3"],
          ImageSize -> Large, Frame -> True, Axes -> False,
          GridLines -> None, 0, 5,
          GridLinesStyle -> Directive[Gray, Dashing[]],
          FrameLabel -> StringPadLeft["Non-dimensional β", 60],
          StringPadRight[ "Mode shapes", 70], "Beam Length", None,
          Epilog -> ListPlot[data1, data2, data3, MaxPlotPoints -> 30,
          PlotStyle -> Black, PlotTheme -> "OpenMarkers"][[1]]]

          enter image description here

          Use Epilog -> (First /@ p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9) to get

          enter image description here

          share|improve this answer


          • $begingroup$
            actually, I have marked some maximum points in my OP, where I have used the triangle, circle, and squares. Now the thing is even we have a limited number of markers right. How to mark these point differentely
            – acoustics
            Feb 6 at 7:30

          • $begingroup$
            I used your code, But I am getting some unnecessary horizontal line near 5. How to avoid this
            – acoustics
            Feb 6 at 7:38

          • 1

            @acoustics, use Epilog -> (First /@ p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9) to add your markers, and use GridLines -> None, 0 to remove the horizontal line at 5.
            – kglr
            Feb 6 at 7:50

          • 1

            @acoustics, try PlotLegends -> Placed[LineLegend["m3", "m4", "m5", "data1", "data2", "data3", LegendLayout -> "Row", 1], Top]
            – kglr
            Feb 6 at 9:38

          • 1

            @acoustics, replace Top with Scaled[.5, 1.] and add the option PlotRangeClipping->False.
            – kglr
            Feb 6 at 9:55



          You can use PlotTheme -> "Monochrome" as follows:

          if1, if2, if3 = Interpolation /@ data1, data2, data3; 

          Quiet@Plot[ m3, m4, m5, if1[x2], if2[x2], if3[x2], x2, 0, L,
          PlotTheme -> "Monochrome", AxesStyle -> Black, PlotRange -> All,
          PlotLegends -> LineLegend["m3", "m4", "m5", "data1", "data2", "data3"],
          ImageSize -> Large, Frame -> True, Axes -> False,
          GridLines -> None, 0, 5,
          GridLinesStyle -> Directive[Gray, Dashing[]],
          FrameLabel -> StringPadLeft["Non-dimensional β", 60],
          StringPadRight[ "Mode shapes", 70], "Beam Length", None,
          Epilog -> ListPlot[data1, data2, data3, MaxPlotPoints -> 30,
          PlotStyle -> Black, PlotTheme -> "OpenMarkers"][[1]]]

          enter image description here

          Use Epilog -> (First /@ p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9) to get

          enter image description here

          share|improve this answer


          • $begingroup$
            actually, I have marked some maximum points in my OP, where I have used the triangle, circle, and squares. Now the thing is even we have a limited number of markers right. How to mark these point differentely
            – acoustics
            Feb 6 at 7:30

          • $begingroup$
            I used your code, But I am getting some unnecessary horizontal line near 5. How to avoid this
            – acoustics
            Feb 6 at 7:38

          • 1

            @acoustics, use Epilog -> (First /@ p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9) to add your markers, and use GridLines -> None, 0 to remove the horizontal line at 5.
            – kglr
            Feb 6 at 7:50

          • 1

            @acoustics, try PlotLegends -> Placed[LineLegend["m3", "m4", "m5", "data1", "data2", "data3", LegendLayout -> "Row", 1], Top]
            – kglr
            Feb 6 at 9:38

          • 1

            @acoustics, replace Top with Scaled[.5, 1.] and add the option PlotRangeClipping->False.
            – kglr
            Feb 6 at 9:55





          You can use PlotTheme -> "Monochrome" as follows:

          if1, if2, if3 = Interpolation /@ data1, data2, data3; 

          Quiet@Plot[ m3, m4, m5, if1[x2], if2[x2], if3[x2], x2, 0, L,
          PlotTheme -> "Monochrome", AxesStyle -> Black, PlotRange -> All,
          PlotLegends -> LineLegend["m3", "m4", "m5", "data1", "data2", "data3"],
          ImageSize -> Large, Frame -> True, Axes -> False,
          GridLines -> None, 0, 5,
          GridLinesStyle -> Directive[Gray, Dashing[]],
          FrameLabel -> StringPadLeft["Non-dimensional β", 60],
          StringPadRight[ "Mode shapes", 70], "Beam Length", None,
          Epilog -> ListPlot[data1, data2, data3, MaxPlotPoints -> 30,
          PlotStyle -> Black, PlotTheme -> "OpenMarkers"][[1]]]

          enter image description here

          Use Epilog -> (First /@ p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9) to get

          enter image description here

          share|improve this answer


          You can use PlotTheme -> "Monochrome" as follows:

          if1, if2, if3 = Interpolation /@ data1, data2, data3; 

          Quiet@Plot[ m3, m4, m5, if1[x2], if2[x2], if3[x2], x2, 0, L,
          PlotTheme -> "Monochrome", AxesStyle -> Black, PlotRange -> All,
          PlotLegends -> LineLegend["m3", "m4", "m5", "data1", "data2", "data3"],
          ImageSize -> Large, Frame -> True, Axes -> False,
          GridLines -> None, 0, 5,
          GridLinesStyle -> Directive[Gray, Dashing[]],
          FrameLabel -> StringPadLeft["Non-dimensional β", 60],
          StringPadRight[ "Mode shapes", 70], "Beam Length", None,
          Epilog -> ListPlot[data1, data2, data3, MaxPlotPoints -> 30,
          PlotStyle -> Black, PlotTheme -> "OpenMarkers"][[1]]]

          enter image description here

          Use Epilog -> (First /@ p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9) to get

          enter image description here

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          edited Feb 6 at 7:48

          answered Feb 6 at 7:09




          • $begingroup$
            actually, I have marked some maximum points in my OP, where I have used the triangle, circle, and squares. Now the thing is even we have a limited number of markers right. How to mark these point differentely
            – acoustics
            Feb 6 at 7:30

          • $begingroup$
            I used your code, But I am getting some unnecessary horizontal line near 5. How to avoid this
            – acoustics
            Feb 6 at 7:38

          • 1

            @acoustics, use Epilog -> (First /@ p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9) to add your markers, and use GridLines -> None, 0 to remove the horizontal line at 5.
            – kglr
            Feb 6 at 7:50

          • 1

            @acoustics, try PlotLegends -> Placed[LineLegend["m3", "m4", "m5", "data1", "data2", "data3", LegendLayout -> "Row", 1], Top]
            – kglr
            Feb 6 at 9:38

          • 1

            @acoustics, replace Top with Scaled[.5, 1.] and add the option PlotRangeClipping->False.
            – kglr
            Feb 6 at 9:55

          • $begingroup$
            actually, I have marked some maximum points in my OP, where I have used the triangle, circle, and squares. Now the thing is even we have a limited number of markers right. How to mark these point differentely
            – acoustics
            Feb 6 at 7:30

          • $begingroup$
            I used your code, But I am getting some unnecessary horizontal line near 5. How to avoid this
            – acoustics
            Feb 6 at 7:38

          • 1

            @acoustics, use Epilog -> (First /@ p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9) to add your markers, and use GridLines -> None, 0 to remove the horizontal line at 5.
            – kglr
            Feb 6 at 7:50

          • 1

            @acoustics, try PlotLegends -> Placed[LineLegend["m3", "m4", "m5", "data1", "data2", "data3", LegendLayout -> "Row", 1], Top]
            – kglr
            Feb 6 at 9:38

          • 1

            @acoustics, replace Top with Scaled[.5, 1.] and add the option PlotRangeClipping->False.
            – kglr
            Feb 6 at 9:55

          actually, I have marked some maximum points in my OP, where I have used the triangle, circle, and squares. Now the thing is even we have a limited number of markers right. How to mark these point differentely
          – acoustics
          Feb 6 at 7:30

          actually, I have marked some maximum points in my OP, where I have used the triangle, circle, and squares. Now the thing is even we have a limited number of markers right. How to mark these point differentely
          – acoustics
          Feb 6 at 7:30

          I used your code, But I am getting some unnecessary horizontal line near 5. How to avoid this
          – acoustics
          Feb 6 at 7:38

          I used your code, But I am getting some unnecessary horizontal line near 5. How to avoid this
          – acoustics
          Feb 6 at 7:38



          @acoustics, use Epilog -> (First /@ p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9) to add your markers, and use GridLines -> None, 0 to remove the horizontal line at 5.
          – kglr
          Feb 6 at 7:50

          @acoustics, use Epilog -> (First /@ p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9) to add your markers, and use GridLines -> None, 0 to remove the horizontal line at 5.
          – kglr
          Feb 6 at 7:50



          @acoustics, try PlotLegends -> Placed[LineLegend["m3", "m4", "m5", "data1", "data2", "data3", LegendLayout -> "Row", 1], Top]
          – kglr
          Feb 6 at 9:38

          @acoustics, try PlotLegends -> Placed[LineLegend["m3", "m4", "m5", "data1", "data2", "data3", LegendLayout -> "Row", 1], Top]
          – kglr
          Feb 6 at 9:38



          @acoustics, replace Top with Scaled[.5, 1.] and add the option PlotRangeClipping->False.
          – kglr
          Feb 6 at 9:55

          @acoustics, replace Top with Scaled[.5, 1.] and add the option PlotRangeClipping->False.
          – kglr
          Feb 6 at 9:55

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