Bad number with Linux variable value comparison operator condition

The name of the pictureThe name of the pictureThe name of the pictureClash Royale CLAN TAG#URR8PPP

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down vote


I'm trying to test some logic on an Antminer S9 where I get the output of a command and then from that output I grab a specific integer value so I can put then put this value into a variable and put that into some conditional logic to do some checks and such.

I'm still learning Linux shell and bash scripting so I'm far from an expert so I may be overlooking something simple but I cannot get the variable value of 14167.25 to be checked whether or not it is greater than 1 as a simple example and I think it's because this value is set as a string type and it needs to be an int and I cannot easily figure it out so I thought I'd ask others for help.


cool=$(/usr/bin/bmminer-api stats | grep -o 'GHS 5s].*' | cut -f2 -d'>')

Note: This seems to echo the correct value as expected 14167.25 however I get an error on the conditional logic to compare that number with another.

My trouble starts here I think...

Conditional Command

if [ $cool -gt 1 ]; then echo it is greater than 1; fi

The Error: This gives me an error of sh: 14167.25: bad number.

Other things I tried

I've tried doubling the [[ $cool -gt 1 ]] and also using $($cool) and "$cool" and probably a few other variations for the variable within both double and single square bracket of the if statement and nothing seems to give me the expected result; rookie mistake perhaps!!

I also read over these posts and tried various unsuccessful things I probably shouldn't list:

  • Shell script programming : “bad number” error

  • How to convert string to integer in UNIX

    • I thought piping over to bc would be the way to go here but I fell short with my testing results

  • Error message during the expr command execution: expr: non-integer argument

Other Details

uname -sr
Linux 3.14.0-xilinx-ge8a2f71-dirty

"bmminer-api stats" Command Output

Reply was 'STATUS=S,When=1012053,Code=70,Msg=BMMiner stats,Description=bmminer 1.0.0|BMMiner=2.0.0,Miner=,CompileTime=Mon Nov 6 17:17:48 CST 2017,Type=Antminer S9|STATS=0,ID=EE50,Elapsed=964517,Calls=0,Wait=0.000000,Max=0.000000,Min=99999999.000000,GHS 5s=14167.25,GHS av=14115.38,miner_count=3,frequency=662,fan_num=2,fan1=0,fan2=0,fan3=5640,fan4=0,fan5=0,fan6=6120,fan7=0,fan8=0,temp_num=3,temp1=0,temp2=0,temp3=0,temp4=0,temp5=0,temp6=64,temp7=61,temp8=65,temp9=0,temp10=0,temp11=0,temp12=0,temp13=0,temp14=0,temp15=0,temp16=0,temp2_1=0,temp2_2=0,temp2_3=0,temp2_4=0,temp2_5=0,temp2_6=74,temp2_7=72,temp2_8=76,temp2_9=0,temp2_10=0,temp2_11=0,temp2_12=0,temp2_13=0,temp2_14=0,temp2_15=0,temp2_16=0,temp3_1=0,temp3_2=0,temp3_3=0,temp3_4=0,temp3_5=0,temp3_6=0,temp3_7=0,temp3_8=0,temp3_9=0,temp3_10=0,temp3_11=0,temp3_12=0,temp3_13=0,temp3_14=0,temp3_15=0,temp3_16=0,freq_avg1=0.00,freq_avg2=0.00,freq_avg3=0.00,freq_avg4=0.00,freq_avg5=0.00,freq_avg6=656.22,freq_avg7=650.38,freq_avg8=656.88,freq_avg9=0.00,freq_avg10=0.00,freq_avg11=0.00,freq_avg12=0.00,freq_avg13=0.00,freq_avg14=0.00,freq_avg15=0.00,freq_avg16=0.00,total_rateideal=14001.40,total_freqavg=654.49,total_acn=189,total_rate=14167.24,chain_rateideal1=0.00,chain_rateideal2=0.00,chain_rateideal3=0.00,chain_rateideal4=0.00,chain_rateideal5=0.00,chain_rateideal6=4666.72,chain_rateideal7=4667.13,chain_rateideal8=4667.54,chain_rateideal9=0.00,chain_rateideal10=0.00,chain_rateideal11=0.00,chain_rateideal12=0.00,chain_rateideal13=0.00,chain_rateideal14=0.00,chain_rateideal15=0.00,chain_rateideal16=0.00,temp_max=65,Device Hardware%=0.0000,no_matching_work=502,chain_acn1=0,chain_acn2=0,chain_acn3=0,chain_acn4=0,chain_acn5=0,chain_acn6=63,chain_acn7=63,chain_acn8=63,chain_acn9=0,chain_acn10=0,chain_acn11=0,chain_acn12=0,chain_acn13=0,chain_acn14=0,chain_acn15=0,chain_acn16=0,chain_acs1=,chain_acs2=,chain_acs3=,chain_acs4=,chain_acs5=,chain_acs6= oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo ooooooo,chain_acs7= oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo ooooooo,chain_acs8= oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo ooooooo,chain_acs9=,chain_acs10=,chain_acs11=,chain_acs12=,chain_acs13=,chain_acs14=,chain_acs15=,chain_acs16=,chain_hw1=0,chain_hw2=0,chain_hw3=0,chain_hw4=0,chain_hw5=0,chain_hw6=192,chain_hw7=152,chain_hw8=155,chain_hw9=0,chain_hw10=0,chain_hw11=0,chain_hw12=0,chain_hw13=0,chain_hw14=0,chain_hw15=0,chain_hw16=0,chain_rate1=,chain_rate2=,chain_rate3=,chain_rate4=,chain_rate5=,chain_rate6=4750.90,chain_rate7=4729.46,chain_rate8=4686.88,chain_rate9=,chain_rate10=,chain_rate11=,chain_rate12=,chain_rate13=,chain_rate14=,chain_rate15=,chain_rate16=,chain_xtime6=X15=1,X37=1,X48=4,X56=1,X57=1,chain_xtime7=,chain_xtime8=X16=4,X38=11,chain_offside_6=0,chain_offside_7=0,chain_offside_8=0,chain_opencore_6=1,chain_opencore_7=1,chain_opencore_8=0,miner_version=,miner_id=999c7401123b999c|'
[When] => 1012053
[Code] => 70
[Msg] => BMMiner stats
[Description] => bmminer 1.0.0
[BMMiner2.0.0] =>
[BMMiner] => 2.0.0
[Miner] =>
[CompileTime] => Mon Nov 6 17:17:48 CST 2017
[Type] => Antminer S9
[STATS0] =>
[STATS] => 0
[ID] => EE50
[Elapsed] => 964517
[Calls] => 0
[Wait] => 0.000000
[Max] => 0.000000
[Min] => 99999999.000000
[GHS 5s] => 14167.25
[GHS av] => 14115.38
[miner_count] => 3
[frequency] => 662
[fan_num] => 2
[fan1] => 0
[fan2] => 0
[fan3] => 5640
[fan4] => 0
[fan5] => 0
[fan6] => 6120
[fan7] => 0
[fan8] => 0
[temp_num] => 3
[temp1] => 0
[temp2] => 0
[temp3] => 0
[temp4] => 0
[temp5] => 0
[temp6] => 64
[temp7] => 61
[temp8] => 65
[temp9] => 0
[temp10] => 0
[temp11] => 0
[temp12] => 0
[temp13] => 0
[temp14] => 0
[temp15] => 0
[temp16] => 0
[temp2_1] => 0
[temp2_2] => 0
[temp2_3] => 0
[temp2_4] => 0
[temp2_5] => 0
[temp2_6] => 74
[temp2_7] => 72
[temp2_8] => 76
[temp2_9] => 0
[temp2_10] => 0
[temp2_11] => 0
[temp2_12] => 0
[temp2_13] => 0
[temp2_14] => 0
[temp2_15] => 0
[temp2_16] => 0
[temp3_1] => 0
[temp3_2] => 0
[temp3_3] => 0
[temp3_4] => 0
[temp3_5] => 0
[temp3_6] => 0
[temp3_7] => 0
[temp3_8] => 0
[temp3_9] => 0
[temp3_10] => 0
[temp3_11] => 0
[temp3_12] => 0
[temp3_13] => 0
[temp3_14] => 0
[temp3_15] => 0
[temp3_16] => 0
[freq_avg1] => 0.00
[freq_avg2] => 0.00
[freq_avg3] => 0.00
[freq_avg4] => 0.00
[freq_avg5] => 0.00
[freq_avg6] => 656.22
[freq_avg7] => 650.38
[freq_avg8] => 656.88
[freq_avg9] => 0.00
[freq_avg10] => 0.00
[freq_avg11] => 0.00
[freq_avg12] => 0.00
[freq_avg13] => 0.00
[freq_avg14] => 0.00
[freq_avg15] => 0.00
[freq_avg16] => 0.00
[total_rateideal] => 14001.40
[total_freqavg] => 654.49
[total_acn] => 189
[total_rate] => 14167.24
[chain_rateideal1] => 0.00
[chain_rateideal2] => 0.00
[chain_rateideal3] => 0.00
[chain_rateideal4] => 0.00
[chain_rateideal5] => 0.00
[chain_rateideal6] => 4666.72
[chain_rateideal7] => 4667.13
[chain_rateideal8] => 4667.54
[chain_rateideal9] => 0.00
[chain_rateideal10] => 0.00
[chain_rateideal11] => 0.00
[chain_rateideal12] => 0.00
[chain_rateideal13] => 0.00
[chain_rateideal14] => 0.00
[chain_rateideal15] => 0.00
[chain_rateideal16] => 0.00
[temp_max] => 65
[Device Hardware%] => 0.0000
[no_matching_work] => 502
[chain_acn1] => 0
[chain_acn2] => 0
[chain_acn3] => 0
[chain_acn4] => 0
[chain_acn5] => 0
[chain_acn6] => 63
[chain_acn7] => 63
[chain_acn8] => 63
[chain_acn9] => 0
[chain_acn10] => 0
[chain_acn11] => 0
[chain_acn12] => 0
[chain_acn13] => 0
[chain_acn14] => 0
[chain_acn15] => 0
[chain_acn16] => 0
[chain_acs1] =>
[chain_acs2] =>
[chain_acs3] =>
[chain_acs4] =>
[chain_acs5] =>
[chain_acs6] => oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo ooooooo
[chain_acs7] => oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo ooooooo
[chain_acs8] => oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo ooooooo
[chain_acs9] =>
[chain_acs10] =>
[chain_acs11] =>
[chain_acs12] =>
[chain_acs13] =>
[chain_acs14] =>
[chain_acs15] =>
[chain_acs16] =>
[chain_hw1] => 0
[chain_hw2] => 0
[chain_hw3] => 0
[chain_hw4] => 0
[chain_hw5] => 0
[chain_hw6] => 192
[chain_hw7] => 152
[chain_hw8] => 155
[chain_hw9] => 0
[chain_hw10] => 0
[chain_hw11] => 0
[chain_hw12] => 0
[chain_hw13] => 0
[chain_hw14] => 0
[chain_hw15] => 0
[chain_hw16] => 0
[chain_rate1] =>
[chain_rate2] =>
[chain_rate3] =>
[chain_rate4] =>
[chain_rate5] =>
[chain_rate6] => 4750.90
[chain_rate7] => 4729.46
[chain_rate8] => 4686.88
[chain_rate9] =>
[chain_rate10] =>
[chain_rate11] =>
[chain_rate12] =>
[chain_rate13] =>
[chain_rate14] =>
[chain_rate15] =>
[chain_rate16] =>
[chain_xtime6] => X15=1
[X37] => 1
[X48] => 4
[X56] => 1
[X57] => 1
[chain_xtime7] =>
[chain_xtime8] => X16=4
[X38] => 11
[chain_offside_6] => 0
[chain_offside_7] => 0
[chain_offside_8] => 0
[chain_opencore_6] => 1
[chain_opencore_7] => 1
[chain_opencore_8] => 0
[miner_version] =>
[miner_id] => 999c7401123b999c

share|improve this question

    up vote
    down vote


    I'm trying to test some logic on an Antminer S9 where I get the output of a command and then from that output I grab a specific integer value so I can put then put this value into a variable and put that into some conditional logic to do some checks and such.

    I'm still learning Linux shell and bash scripting so I'm far from an expert so I may be overlooking something simple but I cannot get the variable value of 14167.25 to be checked whether or not it is greater than 1 as a simple example and I think it's because this value is set as a string type and it needs to be an int and I cannot easily figure it out so I thought I'd ask others for help.


    cool=$(/usr/bin/bmminer-api stats | grep -o 'GHS 5s].*' | cut -f2 -d'>')

    Note: This seems to echo the correct value as expected 14167.25 however I get an error on the conditional logic to compare that number with another.

    My trouble starts here I think...

    Conditional Command

    if [ $cool -gt 1 ]; then echo it is greater than 1; fi

    The Error: This gives me an error of sh: 14167.25: bad number.

    Other things I tried

    I've tried doubling the [[ $cool -gt 1 ]] and also using $($cool) and "$cool" and probably a few other variations for the variable within both double and single square bracket of the if statement and nothing seems to give me the expected result; rookie mistake perhaps!!

    I also read over these posts and tried various unsuccessful things I probably shouldn't list:

    • Shell script programming : “bad number” error

    • How to convert string to integer in UNIX

      • I thought piping over to bc would be the way to go here but I fell short with my testing results

    • Error message during the expr command execution: expr: non-integer argument

    Other Details

    uname -sr
    Linux 3.14.0-xilinx-ge8a2f71-dirty

    "bmminer-api stats" Command Output

    Reply was 'STATUS=S,When=1012053,Code=70,Msg=BMMiner stats,Description=bmminer 1.0.0|BMMiner=2.0.0,Miner=,CompileTime=Mon Nov 6 17:17:48 CST 2017,Type=Antminer S9|STATS=0,ID=EE50,Elapsed=964517,Calls=0,Wait=0.000000,Max=0.000000,Min=99999999.000000,GHS 5s=14167.25,GHS av=14115.38,miner_count=3,frequency=662,fan_num=2,fan1=0,fan2=0,fan3=5640,fan4=0,fan5=0,fan6=6120,fan7=0,fan8=0,temp_num=3,temp1=0,temp2=0,temp3=0,temp4=0,temp5=0,temp6=64,temp7=61,temp8=65,temp9=0,temp10=0,temp11=0,temp12=0,temp13=0,temp14=0,temp15=0,temp16=0,temp2_1=0,temp2_2=0,temp2_3=0,temp2_4=0,temp2_5=0,temp2_6=74,temp2_7=72,temp2_8=76,temp2_9=0,temp2_10=0,temp2_11=0,temp2_12=0,temp2_13=0,temp2_14=0,temp2_15=0,temp2_16=0,temp3_1=0,temp3_2=0,temp3_3=0,temp3_4=0,temp3_5=0,temp3_6=0,temp3_7=0,temp3_8=0,temp3_9=0,temp3_10=0,temp3_11=0,temp3_12=0,temp3_13=0,temp3_14=0,temp3_15=0,temp3_16=0,freq_avg1=0.00,freq_avg2=0.00,freq_avg3=0.00,freq_avg4=0.00,freq_avg5=0.00,freq_avg6=656.22,freq_avg7=650.38,freq_avg8=656.88,freq_avg9=0.00,freq_avg10=0.00,freq_avg11=0.00,freq_avg12=0.00,freq_avg13=0.00,freq_avg14=0.00,freq_avg15=0.00,freq_avg16=0.00,total_rateideal=14001.40,total_freqavg=654.49,total_acn=189,total_rate=14167.24,chain_rateideal1=0.00,chain_rateideal2=0.00,chain_rateideal3=0.00,chain_rateideal4=0.00,chain_rateideal5=0.00,chain_rateideal6=4666.72,chain_rateideal7=4667.13,chain_rateideal8=4667.54,chain_rateideal9=0.00,chain_rateideal10=0.00,chain_rateideal11=0.00,chain_rateideal12=0.00,chain_rateideal13=0.00,chain_rateideal14=0.00,chain_rateideal15=0.00,chain_rateideal16=0.00,temp_max=65,Device Hardware%=0.0000,no_matching_work=502,chain_acn1=0,chain_acn2=0,chain_acn3=0,chain_acn4=0,chain_acn5=0,chain_acn6=63,chain_acn7=63,chain_acn8=63,chain_acn9=0,chain_acn10=0,chain_acn11=0,chain_acn12=0,chain_acn13=0,chain_acn14=0,chain_acn15=0,chain_acn16=0,chain_acs1=,chain_acs2=,chain_acs3=,chain_acs4=,chain_acs5=,chain_acs6= oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo ooooooo,chain_acs7= oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo ooooooo,chain_acs8= oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo ooooooo,chain_acs9=,chain_acs10=,chain_acs11=,chain_acs12=,chain_acs13=,chain_acs14=,chain_acs15=,chain_acs16=,chain_hw1=0,chain_hw2=0,chain_hw3=0,chain_hw4=0,chain_hw5=0,chain_hw6=192,chain_hw7=152,chain_hw8=155,chain_hw9=0,chain_hw10=0,chain_hw11=0,chain_hw12=0,chain_hw13=0,chain_hw14=0,chain_hw15=0,chain_hw16=0,chain_rate1=,chain_rate2=,chain_rate3=,chain_rate4=,chain_rate5=,chain_rate6=4750.90,chain_rate7=4729.46,chain_rate8=4686.88,chain_rate9=,chain_rate10=,chain_rate11=,chain_rate12=,chain_rate13=,chain_rate14=,chain_rate15=,chain_rate16=,chain_xtime6=X15=1,X37=1,X48=4,X56=1,X57=1,chain_xtime7=,chain_xtime8=X16=4,X38=11,chain_offside_6=0,chain_offside_7=0,chain_offside_8=0,chain_opencore_6=1,chain_opencore_7=1,chain_opencore_8=0,miner_version=,miner_id=999c7401123b999c|'
    [STATUS] =>
    [STATUS] => S
    [When] => 1012053
    [Code] => 70
    [Msg] => BMMiner stats
    [Description] => bmminer 1.0.0
    [BMMiner2.0.0] =>
    [BMMiner] => 2.0.0
    [Miner] =>
    [CompileTime] => Mon Nov 6 17:17:48 CST 2017
    [Type] => Antminer S9
    [STATS0] =>
    [STATS] => 0
    [ID] => EE50
    [Elapsed] => 964517
    [Calls] => 0
    [Wait] => 0.000000
    [Max] => 0.000000
    [Min] => 99999999.000000
    [GHS 5s] => 14167.25
    [GHS av] => 14115.38
    [miner_count] => 3
    [frequency] => 662
    [fan_num] => 2
    [fan1] => 0
    [fan2] => 0
    [fan3] => 5640
    [fan4] => 0
    [fan5] => 0
    [fan6] => 6120
    [fan7] => 0
    [fan8] => 0
    [temp_num] => 3
    [temp1] => 0
    [temp2] => 0
    [temp3] => 0
    [temp4] => 0
    [temp5] => 0
    [temp6] => 64
    [temp7] => 61
    [temp8] => 65
    [temp9] => 0
    [temp10] => 0
    [temp11] => 0
    [temp12] => 0
    [temp13] => 0
    [temp14] => 0
    [temp15] => 0
    [temp16] => 0
    [temp2_1] => 0
    [temp2_2] => 0
    [temp2_3] => 0
    [temp2_4] => 0
    [temp2_5] => 0
    [temp2_6] => 74
    [temp2_7] => 72
    [temp2_8] => 76
    [temp2_9] => 0
    [temp2_10] => 0
    [temp2_11] => 0
    [temp2_12] => 0
    [temp2_13] => 0
    [temp2_14] => 0
    [temp2_15] => 0
    [temp2_16] => 0
    [temp3_1] => 0
    [temp3_2] => 0
    [temp3_3] => 0
    [temp3_4] => 0
    [temp3_5] => 0
    [temp3_6] => 0
    [temp3_7] => 0
    [temp3_8] => 0
    [temp3_9] => 0
    [temp3_10] => 0
    [temp3_11] => 0
    [temp3_12] => 0
    [temp3_13] => 0
    [temp3_14] => 0
    [temp3_15] => 0
    [temp3_16] => 0
    [freq_avg1] => 0.00
    [freq_avg2] => 0.00
    [freq_avg3] => 0.00
    [freq_avg4] => 0.00
    [freq_avg5] => 0.00
    [freq_avg6] => 656.22
    [freq_avg7] => 650.38
    [freq_avg8] => 656.88
    [freq_avg9] => 0.00
    [freq_avg10] => 0.00
    [freq_avg11] => 0.00
    [freq_avg12] => 0.00
    [freq_avg13] => 0.00
    [freq_avg14] => 0.00
    [freq_avg15] => 0.00
    [freq_avg16] => 0.00
    [total_rateideal] => 14001.40
    [total_freqavg] => 654.49
    [total_acn] => 189
    [total_rate] => 14167.24
    [chain_rateideal1] => 0.00
    [chain_rateideal2] => 0.00
    [chain_rateideal3] => 0.00
    [chain_rateideal4] => 0.00
    [chain_rateideal5] => 0.00
    [chain_rateideal6] => 4666.72
    [chain_rateideal7] => 4667.13
    [chain_rateideal8] => 4667.54
    [chain_rateideal9] => 0.00
    [chain_rateideal10] => 0.00
    [chain_rateideal11] => 0.00
    [chain_rateideal12] => 0.00
    [chain_rateideal13] => 0.00
    [chain_rateideal14] => 0.00
    [chain_rateideal15] => 0.00
    [chain_rateideal16] => 0.00
    [temp_max] => 65
    [Device Hardware%] => 0.0000
    [no_matching_work] => 502
    [chain_acn1] => 0
    [chain_acn2] => 0
    [chain_acn3] => 0
    [chain_acn4] => 0
    [chain_acn5] => 0
    [chain_acn6] => 63
    [chain_acn7] => 63
    [chain_acn8] => 63
    [chain_acn9] => 0
    [chain_acn10] => 0
    [chain_acn11] => 0
    [chain_acn12] => 0
    [chain_acn13] => 0
    [chain_acn14] => 0
    [chain_acn15] => 0
    [chain_acn16] => 0
    [chain_acs1] =>
    [chain_acs2] =>
    [chain_acs3] =>
    [chain_acs4] =>
    [chain_acs5] =>
    [chain_acs6] => oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo ooooooo
    [chain_acs7] => oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo ooooooo
    [chain_acs8] => oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo ooooooo
    [chain_acs9] =>
    [chain_acs10] =>
    [chain_acs11] =>
    [chain_acs12] =>
    [chain_acs13] =>
    [chain_acs14] =>
    [chain_acs15] =>
    [chain_acs16] =>
    [chain_hw1] => 0
    [chain_hw2] => 0
    [chain_hw3] => 0
    [chain_hw4] => 0
    [chain_hw5] => 0
    [chain_hw6] => 192
    [chain_hw7] => 152
    [chain_hw8] => 155
    [chain_hw9] => 0
    [chain_hw10] => 0
    [chain_hw11] => 0
    [chain_hw12] => 0
    [chain_hw13] => 0
    [chain_hw14] => 0
    [chain_hw15] => 0
    [chain_hw16] => 0
    [chain_rate1] =>
    [chain_rate2] =>
    [chain_rate3] =>
    [chain_rate4] =>
    [chain_rate5] =>
    [chain_rate6] => 4750.90
    [chain_rate7] => 4729.46
    [chain_rate8] => 4686.88
    [chain_rate9] =>
    [chain_rate10] =>
    [chain_rate11] =>
    [chain_rate12] =>
    [chain_rate13] =>
    [chain_rate14] =>
    [chain_rate15] =>
    [chain_rate16] =>
    [chain_xtime6] => X15=1
    [X37] => 1
    [X48] => 4
    [X56] => 1
    [X57] => 1
    [chain_xtime7] =>
    [chain_xtime8] => X16=4
    [X38] => 11
    [chain_offside_6] => 0
    [chain_offside_7] => 0
    [chain_offside_8] => 0
    [chain_opencore_6] => 1
    [chain_opencore_7] => 1
    [chain_opencore_8] => 0
    [miner_version] =>
    [miner_id] => 999c7401123b999c

    share|improve this question

      up vote
      down vote


      up vote
      down vote


      I'm trying to test some logic on an Antminer S9 where I get the output of a command and then from that output I grab a specific integer value so I can put then put this value into a variable and put that into some conditional logic to do some checks and such.

      I'm still learning Linux shell and bash scripting so I'm far from an expert so I may be overlooking something simple but I cannot get the variable value of 14167.25 to be checked whether or not it is greater than 1 as a simple example and I think it's because this value is set as a string type and it needs to be an int and I cannot easily figure it out so I thought I'd ask others for help.


      cool=$(/usr/bin/bmminer-api stats | grep -o 'GHS 5s].*' | cut -f2 -d'>')

      Note: This seems to echo the correct value as expected 14167.25 however I get an error on the conditional logic to compare that number with another.

      My trouble starts here I think...

      Conditional Command

      if [ $cool -gt 1 ]; then echo it is greater than 1; fi

      The Error: This gives me an error of sh: 14167.25: bad number.

      Other things I tried

      I've tried doubling the [[ $cool -gt 1 ]] and also using $($cool) and "$cool" and probably a few other variations for the variable within both double and single square bracket of the if statement and nothing seems to give me the expected result; rookie mistake perhaps!!

      I also read over these posts and tried various unsuccessful things I probably shouldn't list:

      • Shell script programming : “bad number” error

      • How to convert string to integer in UNIX

        • I thought piping over to bc would be the way to go here but I fell short with my testing results

      • Error message during the expr command execution: expr: non-integer argument

      Other Details

      uname -sr
      Linux 3.14.0-xilinx-ge8a2f71-dirty

      "bmminer-api stats" Command Output

      Reply was 'STATUS=S,When=1012053,Code=70,Msg=BMMiner stats,Description=bmminer 1.0.0|BMMiner=2.0.0,Miner=,CompileTime=Mon Nov 6 17:17:48 CST 2017,Type=Antminer S9|STATS=0,ID=EE50,Elapsed=964517,Calls=0,Wait=0.000000,Max=0.000000,Min=99999999.000000,GHS 5s=14167.25,GHS av=14115.38,miner_count=3,frequency=662,fan_num=2,fan1=0,fan2=0,fan3=5640,fan4=0,fan5=0,fan6=6120,fan7=0,fan8=0,temp_num=3,temp1=0,temp2=0,temp3=0,temp4=0,temp5=0,temp6=64,temp7=61,temp8=65,temp9=0,temp10=0,temp11=0,temp12=0,temp13=0,temp14=0,temp15=0,temp16=0,temp2_1=0,temp2_2=0,temp2_3=0,temp2_4=0,temp2_5=0,temp2_6=74,temp2_7=72,temp2_8=76,temp2_9=0,temp2_10=0,temp2_11=0,temp2_12=0,temp2_13=0,temp2_14=0,temp2_15=0,temp2_16=0,temp3_1=0,temp3_2=0,temp3_3=0,temp3_4=0,temp3_5=0,temp3_6=0,temp3_7=0,temp3_8=0,temp3_9=0,temp3_10=0,temp3_11=0,temp3_12=0,temp3_13=0,temp3_14=0,temp3_15=0,temp3_16=0,freq_avg1=0.00,freq_avg2=0.00,freq_avg3=0.00,freq_avg4=0.00,freq_avg5=0.00,freq_avg6=656.22,freq_avg7=650.38,freq_avg8=656.88,freq_avg9=0.00,freq_avg10=0.00,freq_avg11=0.00,freq_avg12=0.00,freq_avg13=0.00,freq_avg14=0.00,freq_avg15=0.00,freq_avg16=0.00,total_rateideal=14001.40,total_freqavg=654.49,total_acn=189,total_rate=14167.24,chain_rateideal1=0.00,chain_rateideal2=0.00,chain_rateideal3=0.00,chain_rateideal4=0.00,chain_rateideal5=0.00,chain_rateideal6=4666.72,chain_rateideal7=4667.13,chain_rateideal8=4667.54,chain_rateideal9=0.00,chain_rateideal10=0.00,chain_rateideal11=0.00,chain_rateideal12=0.00,chain_rateideal13=0.00,chain_rateideal14=0.00,chain_rateideal15=0.00,chain_rateideal16=0.00,temp_max=65,Device Hardware%=0.0000,no_matching_work=502,chain_acn1=0,chain_acn2=0,chain_acn3=0,chain_acn4=0,chain_acn5=0,chain_acn6=63,chain_acn7=63,chain_acn8=63,chain_acn9=0,chain_acn10=0,chain_acn11=0,chain_acn12=0,chain_acn13=0,chain_acn14=0,chain_acn15=0,chain_acn16=0,chain_acs1=,chain_acs2=,chain_acs3=,chain_acs4=,chain_acs5=,chain_acs6= oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo ooooooo,chain_acs7= oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo ooooooo,chain_acs8= oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo ooooooo,chain_acs9=,chain_acs10=,chain_acs11=,chain_acs12=,chain_acs13=,chain_acs14=,chain_acs15=,chain_acs16=,chain_hw1=0,chain_hw2=0,chain_hw3=0,chain_hw4=0,chain_hw5=0,chain_hw6=192,chain_hw7=152,chain_hw8=155,chain_hw9=0,chain_hw10=0,chain_hw11=0,chain_hw12=0,chain_hw13=0,chain_hw14=0,chain_hw15=0,chain_hw16=0,chain_rate1=,chain_rate2=,chain_rate3=,chain_rate4=,chain_rate5=,chain_rate6=4750.90,chain_rate7=4729.46,chain_rate8=4686.88,chain_rate9=,chain_rate10=,chain_rate11=,chain_rate12=,chain_rate13=,chain_rate14=,chain_rate15=,chain_rate16=,chain_xtime6=X15=1,X37=1,X48=4,X56=1,X57=1,chain_xtime7=,chain_xtime8=X16=4,X38=11,chain_offside_6=0,chain_offside_7=0,chain_offside_8=0,chain_opencore_6=1,chain_opencore_7=1,chain_opencore_8=0,miner_version=,miner_id=999c7401123b999c|'
      [STATUS] =>
      [STATUS] => S
      [When] => 1012053
      [Code] => 70
      [Msg] => BMMiner stats
      [Description] => bmminer 1.0.0
      [BMMiner2.0.0] =>
      [BMMiner] => 2.0.0
      [Miner] =>
      [CompileTime] => Mon Nov 6 17:17:48 CST 2017
      [Type] => Antminer S9
      [STATS0] =>
      [STATS] => 0
      [ID] => EE50
      [Elapsed] => 964517
      [Calls] => 0
      [Wait] => 0.000000
      [Max] => 0.000000
      [Min] => 99999999.000000
      [GHS 5s] => 14167.25
      [GHS av] => 14115.38
      [miner_count] => 3
      [frequency] => 662
      [fan_num] => 2
      [fan1] => 0
      [fan2] => 0
      [fan3] => 5640
      [fan4] => 0
      [fan5] => 0
      [fan6] => 6120
      [fan7] => 0
      [fan8] => 0
      [temp_num] => 3
      [temp1] => 0
      [temp2] => 0
      [temp3] => 0
      [temp4] => 0
      [temp5] => 0
      [temp6] => 64
      [temp7] => 61
      [temp8] => 65
      [temp9] => 0
      [temp10] => 0
      [temp11] => 0
      [temp12] => 0
      [temp13] => 0
      [temp14] => 0
      [temp15] => 0
      [temp16] => 0
      [temp2_1] => 0
      [temp2_2] => 0
      [temp2_3] => 0
      [temp2_4] => 0
      [temp2_5] => 0
      [temp2_6] => 74
      [temp2_7] => 72
      [temp2_8] => 76
      [temp2_9] => 0
      [temp2_10] => 0
      [temp2_11] => 0
      [temp2_12] => 0
      [temp2_13] => 0
      [temp2_14] => 0
      [temp2_15] => 0
      [temp2_16] => 0
      [temp3_1] => 0
      [temp3_2] => 0
      [temp3_3] => 0
      [temp3_4] => 0
      [temp3_5] => 0
      [temp3_6] => 0
      [temp3_7] => 0
      [temp3_8] => 0
      [temp3_9] => 0
      [temp3_10] => 0
      [temp3_11] => 0
      [temp3_12] => 0
      [temp3_13] => 0
      [temp3_14] => 0
      [temp3_15] => 0
      [temp3_16] => 0
      [freq_avg1] => 0.00
      [freq_avg2] => 0.00
      [freq_avg3] => 0.00
      [freq_avg4] => 0.00
      [freq_avg5] => 0.00
      [freq_avg6] => 656.22
      [freq_avg7] => 650.38
      [freq_avg8] => 656.88
      [freq_avg9] => 0.00
      [freq_avg10] => 0.00
      [freq_avg11] => 0.00
      [freq_avg12] => 0.00
      [freq_avg13] => 0.00
      [freq_avg14] => 0.00
      [freq_avg15] => 0.00
      [freq_avg16] => 0.00
      [total_rateideal] => 14001.40
      [total_freqavg] => 654.49
      [total_acn] => 189
      [total_rate] => 14167.24
      [chain_rateideal1] => 0.00
      [chain_rateideal2] => 0.00
      [chain_rateideal3] => 0.00
      [chain_rateideal4] => 0.00
      [chain_rateideal5] => 0.00
      [chain_rateideal6] => 4666.72
      [chain_rateideal7] => 4667.13
      [chain_rateideal8] => 4667.54
      [chain_rateideal9] => 0.00
      [chain_rateideal10] => 0.00
      [chain_rateideal11] => 0.00
      [chain_rateideal12] => 0.00
      [chain_rateideal13] => 0.00
      [chain_rateideal14] => 0.00
      [chain_rateideal15] => 0.00
      [chain_rateideal16] => 0.00
      [temp_max] => 65
      [Device Hardware%] => 0.0000
      [no_matching_work] => 502
      [chain_acn1] => 0
      [chain_acn2] => 0
      [chain_acn3] => 0
      [chain_acn4] => 0
      [chain_acn5] => 0
      [chain_acn6] => 63
      [chain_acn7] => 63
      [chain_acn8] => 63
      [chain_acn9] => 0
      [chain_acn10] => 0
      [chain_acn11] => 0
      [chain_acn12] => 0
      [chain_acn13] => 0
      [chain_acn14] => 0
      [chain_acn15] => 0
      [chain_acn16] => 0
      [chain_acs1] =>
      [chain_acs2] =>
      [chain_acs3] =>
      [chain_acs4] =>
      [chain_acs5] =>
      [chain_acs6] => oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo ooooooo
      [chain_acs7] => oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo ooooooo
      [chain_acs8] => oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo ooooooo
      [chain_acs9] =>
      [chain_acs10] =>
      [chain_acs11] =>
      [chain_acs12] =>
      [chain_acs13] =>
      [chain_acs14] =>
      [chain_acs15] =>
      [chain_acs16] =>
      [chain_hw1] => 0
      [chain_hw2] => 0
      [chain_hw3] => 0
      [chain_hw4] => 0
      [chain_hw5] => 0
      [chain_hw6] => 192
      [chain_hw7] => 152
      [chain_hw8] => 155
      [chain_hw9] => 0
      [chain_hw10] => 0
      [chain_hw11] => 0
      [chain_hw12] => 0
      [chain_hw13] => 0
      [chain_hw14] => 0
      [chain_hw15] => 0
      [chain_hw16] => 0
      [chain_rate1] =>
      [chain_rate2] =>
      [chain_rate3] =>
      [chain_rate4] =>
      [chain_rate5] =>
      [chain_rate6] => 4750.90
      [chain_rate7] => 4729.46
      [chain_rate8] => 4686.88
      [chain_rate9] =>
      [chain_rate10] =>
      [chain_rate11] =>
      [chain_rate12] =>
      [chain_rate13] =>
      [chain_rate14] =>
      [chain_rate15] =>
      [chain_rate16] =>
      [chain_xtime6] => X15=1
      [X37] => 1
      [X48] => 4
      [X56] => 1
      [X57] => 1
      [chain_xtime7] =>
      [chain_xtime8] => X16=4
      [X38] => 11
      [chain_offside_6] => 0
      [chain_offside_7] => 0
      [chain_offside_8] => 0
      [chain_opencore_6] => 1
      [chain_opencore_7] => 1
      [chain_opencore_8] => 0
      [miner_version] =>
      [miner_id] => 999c7401123b999c

      share|improve this question

      I'm trying to test some logic on an Antminer S9 where I get the output of a command and then from that output I grab a specific integer value so I can put then put this value into a variable and put that into some conditional logic to do some checks and such.

      I'm still learning Linux shell and bash scripting so I'm far from an expert so I may be overlooking something simple but I cannot get the variable value of 14167.25 to be checked whether or not it is greater than 1 as a simple example and I think it's because this value is set as a string type and it needs to be an int and I cannot easily figure it out so I thought I'd ask others for help.


      cool=$(/usr/bin/bmminer-api stats | grep -o 'GHS 5s].*' | cut -f2 -d'>')

      Note: This seems to echo the correct value as expected 14167.25 however I get an error on the conditional logic to compare that number with another.

      My trouble starts here I think...

      Conditional Command

      if [ $cool -gt 1 ]; then echo it is greater than 1; fi

      The Error: This gives me an error of sh: 14167.25: bad number.

      Other things I tried

      I've tried doubling the [[ $cool -gt 1 ]] and also using $($cool) and "$cool" and probably a few other variations for the variable within both double and single square bracket of the if statement and nothing seems to give me the expected result; rookie mistake perhaps!!

      I also read over these posts and tried various unsuccessful things I probably shouldn't list:

      • Shell script programming : “bad number” error

      • How to convert string to integer in UNIX

        • I thought piping over to bc would be the way to go here but I fell short with my testing results

      • Error message during the expr command execution: expr: non-integer argument

      Other Details

      uname -sr
      Linux 3.14.0-xilinx-ge8a2f71-dirty

      "bmminer-api stats" Command Output

      Reply was 'STATUS=S,When=1012053,Code=70,Msg=BMMiner stats,Description=bmminer 1.0.0|BMMiner=2.0.0,Miner=,CompileTime=Mon Nov 6 17:17:48 CST 2017,Type=Antminer S9|STATS=0,ID=EE50,Elapsed=964517,Calls=0,Wait=0.000000,Max=0.000000,Min=99999999.000000,GHS 5s=14167.25,GHS av=14115.38,miner_count=3,frequency=662,fan_num=2,fan1=0,fan2=0,fan3=5640,fan4=0,fan5=0,fan6=6120,fan7=0,fan8=0,temp_num=3,temp1=0,temp2=0,temp3=0,temp4=0,temp5=0,temp6=64,temp7=61,temp8=65,temp9=0,temp10=0,temp11=0,temp12=0,temp13=0,temp14=0,temp15=0,temp16=0,temp2_1=0,temp2_2=0,temp2_3=0,temp2_4=0,temp2_5=0,temp2_6=74,temp2_7=72,temp2_8=76,temp2_9=0,temp2_10=0,temp2_11=0,temp2_12=0,temp2_13=0,temp2_14=0,temp2_15=0,temp2_16=0,temp3_1=0,temp3_2=0,temp3_3=0,temp3_4=0,temp3_5=0,temp3_6=0,temp3_7=0,temp3_8=0,temp3_9=0,temp3_10=0,temp3_11=0,temp3_12=0,temp3_13=0,temp3_14=0,temp3_15=0,temp3_16=0,freq_avg1=0.00,freq_avg2=0.00,freq_avg3=0.00,freq_avg4=0.00,freq_avg5=0.00,freq_avg6=656.22,freq_avg7=650.38,freq_avg8=656.88,freq_avg9=0.00,freq_avg10=0.00,freq_avg11=0.00,freq_avg12=0.00,freq_avg13=0.00,freq_avg14=0.00,freq_avg15=0.00,freq_avg16=0.00,total_rateideal=14001.40,total_freqavg=654.49,total_acn=189,total_rate=14167.24,chain_rateideal1=0.00,chain_rateideal2=0.00,chain_rateideal3=0.00,chain_rateideal4=0.00,chain_rateideal5=0.00,chain_rateideal6=4666.72,chain_rateideal7=4667.13,chain_rateideal8=4667.54,chain_rateideal9=0.00,chain_rateideal10=0.00,chain_rateideal11=0.00,chain_rateideal12=0.00,chain_rateideal13=0.00,chain_rateideal14=0.00,chain_rateideal15=0.00,chain_rateideal16=0.00,temp_max=65,Device Hardware%=0.0000,no_matching_work=502,chain_acn1=0,chain_acn2=0,chain_acn3=0,chain_acn4=0,chain_acn5=0,chain_acn6=63,chain_acn7=63,chain_acn8=63,chain_acn9=0,chain_acn10=0,chain_acn11=0,chain_acn12=0,chain_acn13=0,chain_acn14=0,chain_acn15=0,chain_acn16=0,chain_acs1=,chain_acs2=,chain_acs3=,chain_acs4=,chain_acs5=,chain_acs6= oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo ooooooo,chain_acs7= oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo ooooooo,chain_acs8= oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo ooooooo,chain_acs9=,chain_acs10=,chain_acs11=,chain_acs12=,chain_acs13=,chain_acs14=,chain_acs15=,chain_acs16=,chain_hw1=0,chain_hw2=0,chain_hw3=0,chain_hw4=0,chain_hw5=0,chain_hw6=192,chain_hw7=152,chain_hw8=155,chain_hw9=0,chain_hw10=0,chain_hw11=0,chain_hw12=0,chain_hw13=0,chain_hw14=0,chain_hw15=0,chain_hw16=0,chain_rate1=,chain_rate2=,chain_rate3=,chain_rate4=,chain_rate5=,chain_rate6=4750.90,chain_rate7=4729.46,chain_rate8=4686.88,chain_rate9=,chain_rate10=,chain_rate11=,chain_rate12=,chain_rate13=,chain_rate14=,chain_rate15=,chain_rate16=,chain_xtime6=X15=1,X37=1,X48=4,X56=1,X57=1,chain_xtime7=,chain_xtime8=X16=4,X38=11,chain_offside_6=0,chain_offside_7=0,chain_offside_8=0,chain_opencore_6=1,chain_opencore_7=1,chain_opencore_8=0,miner_version=,miner_id=999c7401123b999c|'
      [STATUS] =>
      [STATUS] => S
      [When] => 1012053
      [Code] => 70
      [Msg] => BMMiner stats
      [Description] => bmminer 1.0.0
      [BMMiner2.0.0] =>
      [BMMiner] => 2.0.0
      [Miner] =>
      [CompileTime] => Mon Nov 6 17:17:48 CST 2017
      [Type] => Antminer S9
      [STATS0] =>
      [STATS] => 0
      [ID] => EE50
      [Elapsed] => 964517
      [Calls] => 0
      [Wait] => 0.000000
      [Max] => 0.000000
      [Min] => 99999999.000000
      [GHS 5s] => 14167.25
      [GHS av] => 14115.38
      [miner_count] => 3
      [frequency] => 662
      [fan_num] => 2
      [fan1] => 0
      [fan2] => 0
      [fan3] => 5640
      [fan4] => 0
      [fan5] => 0
      [fan6] => 6120
      [fan7] => 0
      [fan8] => 0
      [temp_num] => 3
      [temp1] => 0
      [temp2] => 0
      [temp3] => 0
      [temp4] => 0
      [temp5] => 0
      [temp6] => 64
      [temp7] => 61
      [temp8] => 65
      [temp9] => 0
      [temp10] => 0
      [temp11] => 0
      [temp12] => 0
      [temp13] => 0
      [temp14] => 0
      [temp15] => 0
      [temp16] => 0
      [temp2_1] => 0
      [temp2_2] => 0
      [temp2_3] => 0
      [temp2_4] => 0
      [temp2_5] => 0
      [temp2_6] => 74
      [temp2_7] => 72
      [temp2_8] => 76
      [temp2_9] => 0
      [temp2_10] => 0
      [temp2_11] => 0
      [temp2_12] => 0
      [temp2_13] => 0
      [temp2_14] => 0
      [temp2_15] => 0
      [temp2_16] => 0
      [temp3_1] => 0
      [temp3_2] => 0
      [temp3_3] => 0
      [temp3_4] => 0
      [temp3_5] => 0
      [temp3_6] => 0
      [temp3_7] => 0
      [temp3_8] => 0
      [temp3_9] => 0
      [temp3_10] => 0
      [temp3_11] => 0
      [temp3_12] => 0
      [temp3_13] => 0
      [temp3_14] => 0
      [temp3_15] => 0
      [temp3_16] => 0
      [freq_avg1] => 0.00
      [freq_avg2] => 0.00
      [freq_avg3] => 0.00
      [freq_avg4] => 0.00
      [freq_avg5] => 0.00
      [freq_avg6] => 656.22
      [freq_avg7] => 650.38
      [freq_avg8] => 656.88
      [freq_avg9] => 0.00
      [freq_avg10] => 0.00
      [freq_avg11] => 0.00
      [freq_avg12] => 0.00
      [freq_avg13] => 0.00
      [freq_avg14] => 0.00
      [freq_avg15] => 0.00
      [freq_avg16] => 0.00
      [total_rateideal] => 14001.40
      [total_freqavg] => 654.49
      [total_acn] => 189
      [total_rate] => 14167.24
      [chain_rateideal1] => 0.00
      [chain_rateideal2] => 0.00
      [chain_rateideal3] => 0.00
      [chain_rateideal4] => 0.00
      [chain_rateideal5] => 0.00
      [chain_rateideal6] => 4666.72
      [chain_rateideal7] => 4667.13
      [chain_rateideal8] => 4667.54
      [chain_rateideal9] => 0.00
      [chain_rateideal10] => 0.00
      [chain_rateideal11] => 0.00
      [chain_rateideal12] => 0.00
      [chain_rateideal13] => 0.00
      [chain_rateideal14] => 0.00
      [chain_rateideal15] => 0.00
      [chain_rateideal16] => 0.00
      [temp_max] => 65
      [Device Hardware%] => 0.0000
      [no_matching_work] => 502
      [chain_acn1] => 0
      [chain_acn2] => 0
      [chain_acn3] => 0
      [chain_acn4] => 0
      [chain_acn5] => 0
      [chain_acn6] => 63
      [chain_acn7] => 63
      [chain_acn8] => 63
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      [chain_acs5] =>
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      [chain_acs7] => oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo ooooooo
      [chain_acs8] => oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo oooooooo ooooooo
      [chain_acs9] =>
      [chain_acs10] =>
      [chain_acs11] =>
      [chain_acs12] =>
      [chain_acs13] =>
      [chain_acs14] =>
      [chain_acs15] =>
      [chain_acs16] =>
      [chain_hw1] => 0
      [chain_hw2] => 0
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      [chain_hw4] => 0
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      [chain_hw6] => 192
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      [chain_hw11] => 0
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      [chain_hw15] => 0
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      [chain_rate1] =>
      [chain_rate2] =>
      [chain_rate3] =>
      [chain_rate4] =>
      [chain_rate5] =>
      [chain_rate6] => 4750.90
      [chain_rate7] => 4729.46
      [chain_rate8] => 4686.88
      [chain_rate9] =>
      [chain_rate10] =>
      [chain_rate11] =>
      [chain_rate12] =>
      [chain_rate13] =>
      [chain_rate14] =>
      [chain_rate15] =>
      [chain_rate16] =>
      [chain_xtime6] => X15=1
      [X37] => 1
      [X48] => 4
      [X56] => 1
      [X57] => 1
      [chain_xtime7] =>
      [chain_xtime8] => X16=4
      [X38] => 11
      [chain_offside_6] => 0
      [chain_offside_7] => 0
      [chain_offside_8] => 0
      [chain_opencore_6] => 1
      [chain_opencore_7] => 1
      [chain_opencore_8] => 0
      [miner_version] =>
      [miner_id] => 999c7401123b999c

      linux command-line sh

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      edited 3 hours ago

      asked 4 hours ago

      Pimp Juice IT



          1 Answer




          up vote
          down vote


          As specified in the "How can I calculate with floating point numbers instead of just integers?" post, the main point is that "BASH's builtin arithmetic uses integers only" and you are working with a float data type which BASH cannot perform comparison operations against.


          As a workaround such as talked about in the "Floating Point Comparison in Shell Script" post, you can use bc to perform the comparison operations of the float data types. You can evaluation it's result of true or false and have the conditional logic process accordingly based on its result.

          Example Logic

          if [ "$(echo "$cool > 1" | bc)" -eq 1 ]
          echo "$cool is greater than 1"

          share|improve this answer

          • This seems to be what I needed and the thing I was totally overlooking. Of course I'm using a float data type for this operation. This got me going in the right direction for sure.
            – Pimp Juice IT
            3 hours ago

          • Is using the [ "$(echo "$cool > 1" | bc)" -eq 1 ] over the [ $(bc <<<"$cool > 1") -eq 1 ] syntax purely personal preference that you know of or does the other way have some sort of gotcha or something?
            – Pimp Juice IT
            3 hours ago

          • 2

            <<< is a bashism; my change makes it POSIX compliant. The question mentions Bash but not the tags, so I thought it was better to be on the safe side.
            – l0b0
            3 hours ago

          • Thank you!!!!!!
            – Pimp Juice IT
            3 hours ago

          Your Answer

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          1 Answer




          1 Answer










          up vote
          down vote


          As specified in the "How can I calculate with floating point numbers instead of just integers?" post, the main point is that "BASH's builtin arithmetic uses integers only" and you are working with a float data type which BASH cannot perform comparison operations against.


          As a workaround such as talked about in the "Floating Point Comparison in Shell Script" post, you can use bc to perform the comparison operations of the float data types. You can evaluation it's result of true or false and have the conditional logic process accordingly based on its result.

          Example Logic

          if [ "$(echo "$cool > 1" | bc)" -eq 1 ]
          echo "$cool is greater than 1"

          share|improve this answer

          • This seems to be what I needed and the thing I was totally overlooking. Of course I'm using a float data type for this operation. This got me going in the right direction for sure.
            – Pimp Juice IT
            3 hours ago

          • Is using the [ "$(echo "$cool > 1" | bc)" -eq 1 ] over the [ $(bc <<<"$cool > 1") -eq 1 ] syntax purely personal preference that you know of or does the other way have some sort of gotcha or something?
            – Pimp Juice IT
            3 hours ago

          • 2

            <<< is a bashism; my change makes it POSIX compliant. The question mentions Bash but not the tags, so I thought it was better to be on the safe side.
            – l0b0
            3 hours ago

          • Thank you!!!!!!
            – Pimp Juice IT
            3 hours ago

          up vote
          down vote


          As specified in the "How can I calculate with floating point numbers instead of just integers?" post, the main point is that "BASH's builtin arithmetic uses integers only" and you are working with a float data type which BASH cannot perform comparison operations against.


          As a workaround such as talked about in the "Floating Point Comparison in Shell Script" post, you can use bc to perform the comparison operations of the float data types. You can evaluation it's result of true or false and have the conditional logic process accordingly based on its result.

          Example Logic

          if [ "$(echo "$cool > 1" | bc)" -eq 1 ]
          echo "$cool is greater than 1"

          share|improve this answer

          • This seems to be what I needed and the thing I was totally overlooking. Of course I'm using a float data type for this operation. This got me going in the right direction for sure.
            – Pimp Juice IT
            3 hours ago

          • Is using the [ "$(echo "$cool > 1" | bc)" -eq 1 ] over the [ $(bc <<<"$cool > 1") -eq 1 ] syntax purely personal preference that you know of or does the other way have some sort of gotcha or something?
            – Pimp Juice IT
            3 hours ago

          • 2

            <<< is a bashism; my change makes it POSIX compliant. The question mentions Bash but not the tags, so I thought it was better to be on the safe side.
            – l0b0
            3 hours ago

          • Thank you!!!!!!
            – Pimp Juice IT
            3 hours ago

          up vote
          down vote


          up vote
          down vote


          As specified in the "How can I calculate with floating point numbers instead of just integers?" post, the main point is that "BASH's builtin arithmetic uses integers only" and you are working with a float data type which BASH cannot perform comparison operations against.


          As a workaround such as talked about in the "Floating Point Comparison in Shell Script" post, you can use bc to perform the comparison operations of the float data types. You can evaluation it's result of true or false and have the conditional logic process accordingly based on its result.

          Example Logic

          if [ "$(echo "$cool > 1" | bc)" -eq 1 ]
          echo "$cool is greater than 1"

          share|improve this answer

          As specified in the "How can I calculate with floating point numbers instead of just integers?" post, the main point is that "BASH's builtin arithmetic uses integers only" and you are working with a float data type which BASH cannot perform comparison operations against.


          As a workaround such as talked about in the "Floating Point Comparison in Shell Script" post, you can use bc to perform the comparison operations of the float data types. You can evaluation it's result of true or false and have the conditional logic process accordingly based on its result.

          Example Logic

          if [ "$(echo "$cool > 1" | bc)" -eq 1 ]
          echo "$cool is greater than 1"

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          edited 3 hours ago

          answered 4 hours ago




          • This seems to be what I needed and the thing I was totally overlooking. Of course I'm using a float data type for this operation. This got me going in the right direction for sure.
            – Pimp Juice IT
            3 hours ago

          • Is using the [ "$(echo "$cool > 1" | bc)" -eq 1 ] over the [ $(bc <<<"$cool > 1") -eq 1 ] syntax purely personal preference that you know of or does the other way have some sort of gotcha or something?
            – Pimp Juice IT
            3 hours ago

          • 2

            <<< is a bashism; my change makes it POSIX compliant. The question mentions Bash but not the tags, so I thought it was better to be on the safe side.
            – l0b0
            3 hours ago

          • Thank you!!!!!!
            – Pimp Juice IT
            3 hours ago

          • This seems to be what I needed and the thing I was totally overlooking. Of course I'm using a float data type for this operation. This got me going in the right direction for sure.
            – Pimp Juice IT
            3 hours ago

          • Is using the [ "$(echo "$cool > 1" | bc)" -eq 1 ] over the [ $(bc <<<"$cool > 1") -eq 1 ] syntax purely personal preference that you know of or does the other way have some sort of gotcha or something?
            – Pimp Juice IT
            3 hours ago

          • 2

            <<< is a bashism; my change makes it POSIX compliant. The question mentions Bash but not the tags, so I thought it was better to be on the safe side.
            – l0b0
            3 hours ago

          • Thank you!!!!!!
            – Pimp Juice IT
            3 hours ago

          This seems to be what I needed and the thing I was totally overlooking. Of course I'm using a float data type for this operation. This got me going in the right direction for sure.
          – Pimp Juice IT
          3 hours ago

          This seems to be what I needed and the thing I was totally overlooking. Of course I'm using a float data type for this operation. This got me going in the right direction for sure.
          – Pimp Juice IT
          3 hours ago

          Is using the [ "$(echo "$cool > 1" | bc)" -eq 1 ] over the [ $(bc <<<"$cool > 1") -eq 1 ] syntax purely personal preference that you know of or does the other way have some sort of gotcha or something?
          – Pimp Juice IT
          3 hours ago

          Is using the [ "$(echo "$cool > 1" | bc)" -eq 1 ] over the [ $(bc <<<"$cool > 1") -eq 1 ] syntax purely personal preference that you know of or does the other way have some sort of gotcha or something?
          – Pimp Juice IT
          3 hours ago



          <<< is a bashism; my change makes it POSIX compliant. The question mentions Bash but not the tags, so I thought it was better to be on the safe side.
          – l0b0
          3 hours ago

          <<< is a bashism; my change makes it POSIX compliant. The question mentions Bash but not the tags, so I thought it was better to be on the safe side.
          – l0b0
          3 hours ago

          Thank you!!!!!!
          – Pimp Juice IT
          3 hours ago

          Thank you!!!!!!
          – Pimp Juice IT
          3 hours ago


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          StackExchange.openid.initPostLogin('.new-post-login', '', 'question_page');


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