certificate error while Adding Hosts in Icinga monitoring tool
I am getting certificate error while Adding Hosts in Icinga ! I am not able to figure out the error but I have received proper keys and certificates from client !
sh -x /tmp/icinga-certsign.sh
+ cd /etc/icinga2
+ mkdir -p pki
+ chown icinga:icinga /etc/icinga2/pki
++ cat /etc/bashrc
++ grep -i '&& PS1'
++ cut -d@ -f2
++ awk 'print $1'
+ fqdn=xyz-host
++ icinga2 pki ticket --cn ''''xyz-host'''' --salt xxxx-xxx
+ ticket1=xxx-xxxx
+ icinga2 pki new-cert --cn xyz-host --key /etc/icinga2/pki/xyz-host.key --cert /etc/icinga2/pki/xyz-host.crt
information/base: Writing private key to '/etc/icinga2/pki/xyz-host.key'.
information/base: Writing X509 certificate to '/etc/icinga2/pki/xyz-host.crt'.
+ icinga2 pki save-cert --key /etc/icinga2/pki/xyz-host.key --cert /etc/icinga2/pki/xyz-host.crt --trustedcert /etc/icinga2/pki/trusted-master.crt --host icinga-master
information/cli: Writing trusted certificate to file '/etc/icinga2/pki/trusted-master.crt'.
+ icinga2 pki request --host icinga-master --port 5665 --ticket XXX_XXXX --key /etc/icinga2/pki/xyz-host.key --cert /etc/icinga2/pki/xyz-host.crt --trustedcert /etc/icinga2/pki/trusted-master.crt --ca /etc/icinga2/pki/ca.crt
critical/cli: Could not fetch valid response. Please check the master log (notice or debug).
+ chown icinga:icinga ca.crt
chown: cannot access `ca.crt': No such file or directory
+ icinga2 node setup --ticket XXXX_XXX --endpoint icinga-master --zone xyz-host --master_host icinga-master --trustedcert /etc/icinga2/pki/trusted-master.crt --cn xyz-host --accept-commands --accept-config
information/cli: Verifying ticket 'XXXX-XXX'.
information/cli: Verifying master host connection information: host 'icinga-master', port '5665'.
information/cli: Verifying trusted certificate from file '/etc/icinga2/pki/trusted-master.crt'.
information/cli: Using the following CN (defaults to FQDN): 'xyz-host'.
warning/cli: Backup file '/etc/icinga2/pki/xyz-host.key.orig' already exists. Skipping backup.
warning/cli: Backup file '/etc/icinga2/pki/xyz-host.crt.orig' already exists. Skipping backup.
information/base: Writing private key to '/etc/icinga2/pki/xyz-host.key'.
information/base: Writing X509 certificate to '/etc/icinga2/pki/xyz-host.crt'.
critical/cli: chown() failed with error code 2, "No such file or directory"
warning/cli: Cannot set ownership for user 'icinga' group 'icinga' on file '/etc/icinga2/pki/ca.crt'. Verify it yourself!
information/cli: Requesting a signed certificate from the master.
critical/cli: Could not fetch valid response. Please check the master log (notice or debug).
critical/cli: Failed to request certificate from Icinga 2 master.
Here is the script :
cat /tmp/icinga-certsign.sh
cd /etc/icinga2; mkdir -p pki ;chown icinga:icinga /etc/icinga2/pki
fqdn=$(cat /etc/bashrc | grep -i "&& PS1"| cut -d@ -f2| awk 'print $1')
ticket1=$(icinga2 pki ticket --cn '$fqdn' --salt xxx-xxxx)
icinga2 pki new-cert --cn $fqdn --key /etc/icinga2/pki/$fqdn.key --cert /etc/icinga2/pki/$fqdn.crt
icinga2 pki save-cert --key /etc/icinga2/pki/$fqdn.key --cert /etc/icinga2/pki/$fqdn.crt --trustedcert /etc/icinga2/pki/trusted-master.crt --host icinga-master
icinga2 pki request --host icinga-master --port 5665 --ticket $ticket1 --key /etc/icinga2/pki/$fqdn.key --cert /etc/icinga2/pki/$fqdn.crt --trustedcert /etc/icinga2/pki/trusted-master.crt --ca /etc/icinga2/pki/ca.crt
chown icinga:icinga ca.crt
icinga2 node setup --ticket $ticket1 --endpoint icinga-master --zone $fqdn --master_host icinga-master --trustedcert /etc/icinga2/pki/trusted-master.crt --cn $fqdn --accept-commands --accept-config
shell-script monitoring certificates
add a comment |
I am getting certificate error while Adding Hosts in Icinga ! I am not able to figure out the error but I have received proper keys and certificates from client !
sh -x /tmp/icinga-certsign.sh
+ cd /etc/icinga2
+ mkdir -p pki
+ chown icinga:icinga /etc/icinga2/pki
++ cat /etc/bashrc
++ grep -i '&& PS1'
++ cut -d@ -f2
++ awk 'print $1'
+ fqdn=xyz-host
++ icinga2 pki ticket --cn ''''xyz-host'''' --salt xxxx-xxx
+ ticket1=xxx-xxxx
+ icinga2 pki new-cert --cn xyz-host --key /etc/icinga2/pki/xyz-host.key --cert /etc/icinga2/pki/xyz-host.crt
information/base: Writing private key to '/etc/icinga2/pki/xyz-host.key'.
information/base: Writing X509 certificate to '/etc/icinga2/pki/xyz-host.crt'.
+ icinga2 pki save-cert --key /etc/icinga2/pki/xyz-host.key --cert /etc/icinga2/pki/xyz-host.crt --trustedcert /etc/icinga2/pki/trusted-master.crt --host icinga-master
information/cli: Writing trusted certificate to file '/etc/icinga2/pki/trusted-master.crt'.
+ icinga2 pki request --host icinga-master --port 5665 --ticket XXX_XXXX --key /etc/icinga2/pki/xyz-host.key --cert /etc/icinga2/pki/xyz-host.crt --trustedcert /etc/icinga2/pki/trusted-master.crt --ca /etc/icinga2/pki/ca.crt
critical/cli: Could not fetch valid response. Please check the master log (notice or debug).
+ chown icinga:icinga ca.crt
chown: cannot access `ca.crt': No such file or directory
+ icinga2 node setup --ticket XXXX_XXX --endpoint icinga-master --zone xyz-host --master_host icinga-master --trustedcert /etc/icinga2/pki/trusted-master.crt --cn xyz-host --accept-commands --accept-config
information/cli: Verifying ticket 'XXXX-XXX'.
information/cli: Verifying master host connection information: host 'icinga-master', port '5665'.
information/cli: Verifying trusted certificate from file '/etc/icinga2/pki/trusted-master.crt'.
information/cli: Using the following CN (defaults to FQDN): 'xyz-host'.
warning/cli: Backup file '/etc/icinga2/pki/xyz-host.key.orig' already exists. Skipping backup.
warning/cli: Backup file '/etc/icinga2/pki/xyz-host.crt.orig' already exists. Skipping backup.
information/base: Writing private key to '/etc/icinga2/pki/xyz-host.key'.
information/base: Writing X509 certificate to '/etc/icinga2/pki/xyz-host.crt'.
critical/cli: chown() failed with error code 2, "No such file or directory"
warning/cli: Cannot set ownership for user 'icinga' group 'icinga' on file '/etc/icinga2/pki/ca.crt'. Verify it yourself!
information/cli: Requesting a signed certificate from the master.
critical/cli: Could not fetch valid response. Please check the master log (notice or debug).
critical/cli: Failed to request certificate from Icinga 2 master.
Here is the script :
cat /tmp/icinga-certsign.sh
cd /etc/icinga2; mkdir -p pki ;chown icinga:icinga /etc/icinga2/pki
fqdn=$(cat /etc/bashrc | grep -i "&& PS1"| cut -d@ -f2| awk 'print $1')
ticket1=$(icinga2 pki ticket --cn '$fqdn' --salt xxx-xxxx)
icinga2 pki new-cert --cn $fqdn --key /etc/icinga2/pki/$fqdn.key --cert /etc/icinga2/pki/$fqdn.crt
icinga2 pki save-cert --key /etc/icinga2/pki/$fqdn.key --cert /etc/icinga2/pki/$fqdn.crt --trustedcert /etc/icinga2/pki/trusted-master.crt --host icinga-master
icinga2 pki request --host icinga-master --port 5665 --ticket $ticket1 --key /etc/icinga2/pki/$fqdn.key --cert /etc/icinga2/pki/$fqdn.crt --trustedcert /etc/icinga2/pki/trusted-master.crt --ca /etc/icinga2/pki/ca.crt
chown icinga:icinga ca.crt
icinga2 node setup --ticket $ticket1 --endpoint icinga-master --zone $fqdn --master_host icinga-master --trustedcert /etc/icinga2/pki/trusted-master.crt --cn $fqdn --accept-commands --accept-config
shell-script monitoring certificates
` Please check the master log (notice or debug)` Anything in master Icinga2 log file?
– 7171u
Dec 14 '15 at 14:50
I checked tailf /var/log/icinga2/icinga2.log there is no request from my ip also error.log is empty
– Ashish Karpe
Dec 14 '15 at 17:03
critical/cli: Failed to request certificate from Icinga 2 master.
– Ashish Karpe
Dec 14 '15 at 17:04
How do I confirm whether client and master are communicating something like check_nrpe -H nagios-server-ip
– Ashish Karpe
Dec 15 '15 at 10:29
Connection to master is not possible until the client has the certificate signed by CA. Try this: docs.icinga.org/icinga2/latest/doc/module/icinga2/toc#!/icinga2/…
– 7171u
Dec 15 '15 at 11:15
add a comment |
I am getting certificate error while Adding Hosts in Icinga ! I am not able to figure out the error but I have received proper keys and certificates from client !
sh -x /tmp/icinga-certsign.sh
+ cd /etc/icinga2
+ mkdir -p pki
+ chown icinga:icinga /etc/icinga2/pki
++ cat /etc/bashrc
++ grep -i '&& PS1'
++ cut -d@ -f2
++ awk 'print $1'
+ fqdn=xyz-host
++ icinga2 pki ticket --cn ''''xyz-host'''' --salt xxxx-xxx
+ ticket1=xxx-xxxx
+ icinga2 pki new-cert --cn xyz-host --key /etc/icinga2/pki/xyz-host.key --cert /etc/icinga2/pki/xyz-host.crt
information/base: Writing private key to '/etc/icinga2/pki/xyz-host.key'.
information/base: Writing X509 certificate to '/etc/icinga2/pki/xyz-host.crt'.
+ icinga2 pki save-cert --key /etc/icinga2/pki/xyz-host.key --cert /etc/icinga2/pki/xyz-host.crt --trustedcert /etc/icinga2/pki/trusted-master.crt --host icinga-master
information/cli: Writing trusted certificate to file '/etc/icinga2/pki/trusted-master.crt'.
+ icinga2 pki request --host icinga-master --port 5665 --ticket XXX_XXXX --key /etc/icinga2/pki/xyz-host.key --cert /etc/icinga2/pki/xyz-host.crt --trustedcert /etc/icinga2/pki/trusted-master.crt --ca /etc/icinga2/pki/ca.crt
critical/cli: Could not fetch valid response. Please check the master log (notice or debug).
+ chown icinga:icinga ca.crt
chown: cannot access `ca.crt': No such file or directory
+ icinga2 node setup --ticket XXXX_XXX --endpoint icinga-master --zone xyz-host --master_host icinga-master --trustedcert /etc/icinga2/pki/trusted-master.crt --cn xyz-host --accept-commands --accept-config
information/cli: Verifying ticket 'XXXX-XXX'.
information/cli: Verifying master host connection information: host 'icinga-master', port '5665'.
information/cli: Verifying trusted certificate from file '/etc/icinga2/pki/trusted-master.crt'.
information/cli: Using the following CN (defaults to FQDN): 'xyz-host'.
warning/cli: Backup file '/etc/icinga2/pki/xyz-host.key.orig' already exists. Skipping backup.
warning/cli: Backup file '/etc/icinga2/pki/xyz-host.crt.orig' already exists. Skipping backup.
information/base: Writing private key to '/etc/icinga2/pki/xyz-host.key'.
information/base: Writing X509 certificate to '/etc/icinga2/pki/xyz-host.crt'.
critical/cli: chown() failed with error code 2, "No such file or directory"
warning/cli: Cannot set ownership for user 'icinga' group 'icinga' on file '/etc/icinga2/pki/ca.crt'. Verify it yourself!
information/cli: Requesting a signed certificate from the master.
critical/cli: Could not fetch valid response. Please check the master log (notice or debug).
critical/cli: Failed to request certificate from Icinga 2 master.
Here is the script :
cat /tmp/icinga-certsign.sh
cd /etc/icinga2; mkdir -p pki ;chown icinga:icinga /etc/icinga2/pki
fqdn=$(cat /etc/bashrc | grep -i "&& PS1"| cut -d@ -f2| awk 'print $1')
ticket1=$(icinga2 pki ticket --cn '$fqdn' --salt xxx-xxxx)
icinga2 pki new-cert --cn $fqdn --key /etc/icinga2/pki/$fqdn.key --cert /etc/icinga2/pki/$fqdn.crt
icinga2 pki save-cert --key /etc/icinga2/pki/$fqdn.key --cert /etc/icinga2/pki/$fqdn.crt --trustedcert /etc/icinga2/pki/trusted-master.crt --host icinga-master
icinga2 pki request --host icinga-master --port 5665 --ticket $ticket1 --key /etc/icinga2/pki/$fqdn.key --cert /etc/icinga2/pki/$fqdn.crt --trustedcert /etc/icinga2/pki/trusted-master.crt --ca /etc/icinga2/pki/ca.crt
chown icinga:icinga ca.crt
icinga2 node setup --ticket $ticket1 --endpoint icinga-master --zone $fqdn --master_host icinga-master --trustedcert /etc/icinga2/pki/trusted-master.crt --cn $fqdn --accept-commands --accept-config
shell-script monitoring certificates
I am getting certificate error while Adding Hosts in Icinga ! I am not able to figure out the error but I have received proper keys and certificates from client !
sh -x /tmp/icinga-certsign.sh
+ cd /etc/icinga2
+ mkdir -p pki
+ chown icinga:icinga /etc/icinga2/pki
++ cat /etc/bashrc
++ grep -i '&& PS1'
++ cut -d@ -f2
++ awk 'print $1'
+ fqdn=xyz-host
++ icinga2 pki ticket --cn ''''xyz-host'''' --salt xxxx-xxx
+ ticket1=xxx-xxxx
+ icinga2 pki new-cert --cn xyz-host --key /etc/icinga2/pki/xyz-host.key --cert /etc/icinga2/pki/xyz-host.crt
information/base: Writing private key to '/etc/icinga2/pki/xyz-host.key'.
information/base: Writing X509 certificate to '/etc/icinga2/pki/xyz-host.crt'.
+ icinga2 pki save-cert --key /etc/icinga2/pki/xyz-host.key --cert /etc/icinga2/pki/xyz-host.crt --trustedcert /etc/icinga2/pki/trusted-master.crt --host icinga-master
information/cli: Writing trusted certificate to file '/etc/icinga2/pki/trusted-master.crt'.
+ icinga2 pki request --host icinga-master --port 5665 --ticket XXX_XXXX --key /etc/icinga2/pki/xyz-host.key --cert /etc/icinga2/pki/xyz-host.crt --trustedcert /etc/icinga2/pki/trusted-master.crt --ca /etc/icinga2/pki/ca.crt
critical/cli: Could not fetch valid response. Please check the master log (notice or debug).
+ chown icinga:icinga ca.crt
chown: cannot access `ca.crt': No such file or directory
+ icinga2 node setup --ticket XXXX_XXX --endpoint icinga-master --zone xyz-host --master_host icinga-master --trustedcert /etc/icinga2/pki/trusted-master.crt --cn xyz-host --accept-commands --accept-config
information/cli: Verifying ticket 'XXXX-XXX'.
information/cli: Verifying master host connection information: host 'icinga-master', port '5665'.
information/cli: Verifying trusted certificate from file '/etc/icinga2/pki/trusted-master.crt'.
information/cli: Using the following CN (defaults to FQDN): 'xyz-host'.
warning/cli: Backup file '/etc/icinga2/pki/xyz-host.key.orig' already exists. Skipping backup.
warning/cli: Backup file '/etc/icinga2/pki/xyz-host.crt.orig' already exists. Skipping backup.
information/base: Writing private key to '/etc/icinga2/pki/xyz-host.key'.
information/base: Writing X509 certificate to '/etc/icinga2/pki/xyz-host.crt'.
critical/cli: chown() failed with error code 2, "No such file or directory"
warning/cli: Cannot set ownership for user 'icinga' group 'icinga' on file '/etc/icinga2/pki/ca.crt'. Verify it yourself!
information/cli: Requesting a signed certificate from the master.
critical/cli: Could not fetch valid response. Please check the master log (notice or debug).
critical/cli: Failed to request certificate from Icinga 2 master.
Here is the script :
cat /tmp/icinga-certsign.sh
cd /etc/icinga2; mkdir -p pki ;chown icinga:icinga /etc/icinga2/pki
fqdn=$(cat /etc/bashrc | grep -i "&& PS1"| cut -d@ -f2| awk 'print $1')
ticket1=$(icinga2 pki ticket --cn '$fqdn' --salt xxx-xxxx)
icinga2 pki new-cert --cn $fqdn --key /etc/icinga2/pki/$fqdn.key --cert /etc/icinga2/pki/$fqdn.crt
icinga2 pki save-cert --key /etc/icinga2/pki/$fqdn.key --cert /etc/icinga2/pki/$fqdn.crt --trustedcert /etc/icinga2/pki/trusted-master.crt --host icinga-master
icinga2 pki request --host icinga-master --port 5665 --ticket $ticket1 --key /etc/icinga2/pki/$fqdn.key --cert /etc/icinga2/pki/$fqdn.crt --trustedcert /etc/icinga2/pki/trusted-master.crt --ca /etc/icinga2/pki/ca.crt
chown icinga:icinga ca.crt
icinga2 node setup --ticket $ticket1 --endpoint icinga-master --zone $fqdn --master_host icinga-master --trustedcert /etc/icinga2/pki/trusted-master.crt --cn $fqdn --accept-commands --accept-config
shell-script monitoring certificates
shell-script monitoring certificates
edited Jan 6 at 21:43
Rui F Ribeiro
asked Dec 14 '15 at 14:32


Ashish KarpeAshish Karpe
` Please check the master log (notice or debug)` Anything in master Icinga2 log file?
– 7171u
Dec 14 '15 at 14:50
I checked tailf /var/log/icinga2/icinga2.log there is no request from my ip also error.log is empty
– Ashish Karpe
Dec 14 '15 at 17:03
critical/cli: Failed to request certificate from Icinga 2 master.
– Ashish Karpe
Dec 14 '15 at 17:04
How do I confirm whether client and master are communicating something like check_nrpe -H nagios-server-ip
– Ashish Karpe
Dec 15 '15 at 10:29
Connection to master is not possible until the client has the certificate signed by CA. Try this: docs.icinga.org/icinga2/latest/doc/module/icinga2/toc#!/icinga2/…
– 7171u
Dec 15 '15 at 11:15
add a comment |
` Please check the master log (notice or debug)` Anything in master Icinga2 log file?
– 7171u
Dec 14 '15 at 14:50
I checked tailf /var/log/icinga2/icinga2.log there is no request from my ip also error.log is empty
– Ashish Karpe
Dec 14 '15 at 17:03
critical/cli: Failed to request certificate from Icinga 2 master.
– Ashish Karpe
Dec 14 '15 at 17:04
How do I confirm whether client and master are communicating something like check_nrpe -H nagios-server-ip
– Ashish Karpe
Dec 15 '15 at 10:29
Connection to master is not possible until the client has the certificate signed by CA. Try this: docs.icinga.org/icinga2/latest/doc/module/icinga2/toc#!/icinga2/…
– 7171u
Dec 15 '15 at 11:15
` Please check the master log (notice or debug)` Anything in master Icinga2 log file?
– 7171u
Dec 14 '15 at 14:50
` Please check the master log (notice or debug)` Anything in master Icinga2 log file?
– 7171u
Dec 14 '15 at 14:50
I checked tailf /var/log/icinga2/icinga2.log there is no request from my ip also error.log is empty
– Ashish Karpe
Dec 14 '15 at 17:03
I checked tailf /var/log/icinga2/icinga2.log there is no request from my ip also error.log is empty
– Ashish Karpe
Dec 14 '15 at 17:03
critical/cli: Failed to request certificate from Icinga 2 master.
– Ashish Karpe
Dec 14 '15 at 17:04
critical/cli: Failed to request certificate from Icinga 2 master.
– Ashish Karpe
Dec 14 '15 at 17:04
How do I confirm whether client and master are communicating something like check_nrpe -H nagios-server-ip
– Ashish Karpe
Dec 15 '15 at 10:29
How do I confirm whether client and master are communicating something like check_nrpe -H nagios-server-ip
– Ashish Karpe
Dec 15 '15 at 10:29
Connection to master is not possible until the client has the certificate signed by CA. Try this: docs.icinga.org/icinga2/latest/doc/module/icinga2/toc#!/icinga2/…
– 7171u
Dec 15 '15 at 11:15
Connection to master is not possible until the client has the certificate signed by CA. Try this: docs.icinga.org/icinga2/latest/doc/module/icinga2/toc#!/icinga2/…
– 7171u
Dec 15 '15 at 11:15
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` Please check the master log (notice or debug)` Anything in master Icinga2 log file?
– 7171u
Dec 14 '15 at 14:50
I checked tailf /var/log/icinga2/icinga2.log there is no request from my ip also error.log is empty
– Ashish Karpe
Dec 14 '15 at 17:03
critical/cli: Failed to request certificate from Icinga 2 master.
– Ashish Karpe
Dec 14 '15 at 17:04
How do I confirm whether client and master are communicating something like check_nrpe -H nagios-server-ip
– Ashish Karpe
Dec 15 '15 at 10:29
Connection to master is not possible until the client has the certificate signed by CA. Try this: docs.icinga.org/icinga2/latest/doc/module/icinga2/toc#!/icinga2/…
– 7171u
Dec 15 '15 at 11:15